Politics and Religion

It's Trump's fault. Right?
bigguy30186 reads

This thread is hilarious and thanks for the joke!

-- Modified on 2/27/2017 5:23:59 PM

My question is why did it take you so long to figure this shit out.

bigguy30170 reads

I know what Trump and his cult followers listen too.

Posted By: hpygolky
My question is why did it take you so long to figure this shit out.

I realize you might feel like Spanky and the goons are ganging up on you but helpless golfer was talking about President Trump, not you... ROFL
 P.S   I don't partake in Alec Jones, but I do believe President Trump is awesome.
      How'd that happen?  :-D

Posted By: bigguy30
I know what Trump and his cult followers listen too.
Posted By: hpygolky
My question is why did it take you so long to figure this shit out.

...quad it can't be easy being you, you are intelligent enough to learn a very difficult second language (Russian) yet you choose to ignore all Trumps lies & distortions that come out every time he speaks or tweets & then to use Alex Jones as a venue to get his message out, he just destroys what little credibility he ever had. I believe you really are pushed into a corner with Trump, I know you believe in Trumps goals but anyone with any level of intelligence has to cringe at his methods of presentation & want to hide your head every time picks a stupid twitter fight with something like the Oscar screw-up. Trump's consistently foolish behavior is indefensible & I don't understand why any truly intelligent individual would even try.

Zero is close..he has a mind of a petulant 3 year old..

Posted By: mrhuck
...quad it can't be easy being you, you are intelligent enough to learn a very difficult second language (Russian) yet you choose to ignore all Trumps lies & distortions that come out every time he speaks or tweets & then to use Alex Jones as a venue to get his message out, he just destroys what little credibility he ever had. I believe you really are pushed into a corner with Trump, I know you believe in Trumps goals but anyone with any level of intelligence has to cringe at his methods of presentation & want to hide your head every time picks a stupid twitter fight with something like the Oscar screw-up. Trump's consistently foolish behavior is indefensible & I don't understand why any truly intelligent individual would even try.

I attempted to learn  Korean fluently and failed miserably even though I had a Korean GF
   at the time.
    Russian was  actually very easy to learn compared to my Korean language failure.
    Probably helped a lot I learned Russian when I was much younger and continued to study.
  One thing I learned really quick, the vast majority of  Korean guys are kind and polite around women, so it's close to impossible to smooth talk a Korean Gal with only a Gentleman's  way.  
  They usually make me work extremely  hard to earn their affection.
 Russian Gals on the other hand are usually easily impressed with a Gentleman persona since  many Russian men are abusive and demanding with their women.  
  I wouldn't use Alec Jones as a source if I was facing the Nation.  

I have no authority or desire to advise President Trump of my opinion, Alec Jones exaggerates and twists the truth as  bad as CNN, although from a completely different direction.
  If I had the opportunity  to take over President Trump's twitter page I believe I could improve his presentation drastically.
   I'm surely not bringing that suggestion up around anyone with a line to the top, since I do enjoy my job.  
  I seriously doubt he would enjoy hearing  constructive criticism from me. :-D

 My pay increased dramatically when I earned my first  pay check on President Trump's campaign, and it's been  going up in quick order ever since that day .  
   I never expected my life to change so dramatically when I first started campaigning for  
  free for President Trump's election.
  Even though I don't have the degree that's required  to become an Ambassador in a foreign land, I believe I would do a good job if I was given the  chance.
    I imagine President Trump could do a  work around on my degree if he wanted to.  
  I'm not bringing it up with my Boss because she knows I speak fluent Russian and I'd be wary  
  she might suggest I become American Ambassador in Moscow.
  Although it would be thrilling to kidnap Snowden and bring him back alive, to D.C.  
   South  Korea would be an awesome place to be an Ambassador but I'd be out of luck if President Trump decided to open relations with  North Korea and sent me there.  
       Kim Jong-un  would probably eat my dogs as soon as my plane landed.  
    My Gf is very tall, if she came with me to North Korea Kim might kill me with anti aircraft weapons and make her his novelty comfort woman.  I'll forget about the Ambassador job.  
    I'm just going with the flow, trying to excel at my assignments while avoiding undertow  
  or making waves and see where I land.  
                 I always try to look at the bright side of everything.  
  If my World was  fucked up beyond recognition with no resemblance to sanity, Laffy  
  would be President and I'd be working for him.    ROFL

Get your priorities right. Your adulation over this "guy" is getting creepy.."President Trump is awesome", "President Trump is my Hero"....I dunno about ya.

Mom was my Ultimate Hero, she died when I was in my twenties.

My Dad was also a Hero to me, a great guy and very close fisherman friend.  
 We went on hundreds of deep sea fishing trips together, often for days  
 at a time out in the wide open Ocean.  Invigorating. :-D
  Unfortunately he was killed by a drunk driver years ago.  

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