Politics and Religion

Is the crime rate going up or down?...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 67 reads

Fear mongering at the RNC made it seem as if crime is rampant.   Chicken Little Trump said: "Our crime rate is going up" only because it comports with his vow to "Make America Safe Once Again."

OTOH, Biden says violent crime is near a 50-year low.  Either Biden or Trump is a fucking liar.  Gee, I wonder which one is a FUCKiNG LIAR, lol.
But that won't stop Walking Dead righties from believing Republican scare tactic bullshit.  

The FBI publishes extensive crime data, collected from every police department in the country. One useful way of looking at things is to look at the overall violent crime rate. Violent crimes consist of murder, rape, arson, assaults, robberies and a few other things I can't remember. It's worth noting the more serious the crime, the less likely it happens. There's like 1000 times more assaults than murders. Regardless, it's a pretty good way to look at the over all crime rate.  

What is remarkable is that the early 90's saw an astonishingly high crime rate. One of the few good things Joe Biden ever did was get that crime bill passed, and we saw a continual drop in violent crime up until 2014. Now the cause of that drop isn't entirely known. The crime bill helped. Better policing practices helped. Getting lead out of gasoline surely helped. But other things probably played a role too. Like online porn. Like video games. And who knows what else.  

But beginning in 2014, crime began going up again. Notice this was when BLM started getting more active. Then Covid happened in 2020 and crime sky rocketed. I'm guessing even this spike was wildly under reported because police were scared to do their jobs and a lot of crimes went unpunished and uninvestigated. Since that spike in 2020 crime has gone back down, but it hasn't yet reached pre-Covid levels.  

But big picture, even this elevated rate of crime, still is lower than the high it was in the early 90's.  

Here's a screen shot from the FBI database of the total number of violent crimes committed in the USA per year. Below is also a link, but fair warning it's not very mobile friendly.  


filthy maga traitor vermin scum convicted felon criminal rapist traitor trump started campaigning.  

Filthy maga traitor hoard of delusional sycophants wants to blame BLM or ANTIFA.  

Get a clue.

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