Politics and Religion

Is Joe Biden Going To Be The Democrat Nominee?
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 108 reads

I’m beginning to see more and more rumblings about Biden stepping aside.

I go back and forth on just how much Obama is pulling Joe Joes strings behind the scenes. I’m betting as time has progressed and the realization that Joe Joe has one foot in a hole in the ground and the other on a banana peel, with kackles gleefully rubbing her claws in the back ground…

But my thoughts are angry ole Joe does NOT want to step down and that leaves the Dems in an especially tight spot.

Posted By: cks175
Re: The Chorus From Democrats Calling On Him To Step Aside Seem To Grow Louder eom
Especially with the Dems realizing their lawfare has made Trump even more powerful.

The first debate is in less than two weeks. If Biden's drug cocktail fails the calls to remove him will increase. If, however, he makes it through the debate without totally collapsing, it will be even less likely they will be able to get him to withdraw.  

My prediction is that the drugs they give him will carry him through, though at the expense of making him stay in a constant state of anger. This apparently helps him remain focused.  So expect him to be shouting a lot and shaking his fists, etc during the debate.

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