Politics and Religion

Is it time to enforce survival of the fitest?
pwilley 59 Reviews 1329 reads

I've come to the conclusion that some people don't deserve to live.  Some countries don't deserve to exist.  Maybe, just maybe, we are approaching a point where it's time to just revert to the age old proverb, Survival of the Fitest.

After seeing the link that I included on this post, I've decided it's time to try out a few of our nukes.  I'd begin with an immediate withdrawal of all US personnel from Afghanistan and drop a nuke on every city.  I'd then tell Iran that at the next occurence of their involvement of terrorism, they will receive the same treatment.  And, I'd have a number of beer conferences with the Chinese and the Ruskies.  My pitch to them would be simple.  The US is no longer going to badger them about human rights or internal affairs.  I'd stress upon them the common enemy that the US, China, and Russia all face..... muslim terrorism.  I'd enlist their cooperation in a new three party treaty wherein all three declare that an act of muslim terrorism against any one us is considered an attack against all.  I'd put the world on notice that muslim terrorism will no longer be tolerated and those countries who condone it or otherwise fail to do everything in their power to erradicate it, will become immediate targets with extreme prejudice.  Yes, enough is enough.  Muslims can join civilization or they can be eliminated from it, their choice.

We cry about bullies in this country.

-- Modified on 10/18/2012 4:56:12 PM

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