Politics and Religion

Pssssst Here’s What Mitt Won’t Tell You: President Obama Is Winning........teeth_smile
salonpas 1792 reads

This Romney momentum thingy is all false bravado.

Mitt Romney says he’s “winning.” So did Charlie Sheen. It’s an old Karl Rove strategy. But it just isn't true. In this morning’s Politico Playbook, Mike Allen points out the facts: A cold shower for the GOP: Most polling shows Romney trailing in Ohio, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Hampshire and Iowa—by MORE than Obama trails in North Carolina.

The fact is that if the president wins in Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa or Nevada, he wins. He is up in all of these states, especially in polls that include people who only have cell phones.

Why not ignore orders and do the right thing?

My boss said no, so I can't help you, WEAK!

Posted By: ChowderICantHearYou
Breaking news!!!!


Laser on mortar team.....Barack, where's my C-130?

ChowderICantHearYou217 reads

Our boys give their own lives to pull comrades from the battlefield.

BigO would'nt even cancel a trip to Vegas and sure as hell did'nt wanna run a gunship over Benghazi.

THAT"S who you're puttin in the white house.

...do you mean to say that you expected President Obama to fly to Libya and shoot the bad guys himself?

ChowderICantHearYou178 reads

I do expect him to green light a C130 when it's begged for to save americans instead of thinking of his own political aspirations.

ChowderICantHearYou131 reads

I expect NBC, ABC, CBS et al to NOT carry the story AT ALL.

Harry Reid's fender bender was important though.

extremist hate and your bullshit candidates who lied consistently and systemically.  You elect the people you deserve because of your ignorance, failure to read, and blind alegiance to shit companies like Fox who exist to advertise for right wing whackjobs.

Persist in this behavior and you end up doing the only thing you can--embalming your idiot candidates.  The good news is although bigoted children don't deserve it, is that your president is one of the best and brightes. Keep on imitating the clown  Trump who has lost the respect of anyone on the political landscape but not the right wingnuts who have the learning capacity of the stars of "Deliverance."

It's astro lube.....she has her head deep up Mitt's asssss!!!!


Snowman39227 reads

Ignore Huffington Post and Fox...

Most accurate polling is

#1 Rasmussen
#2 Gallup

All the other polls come in a distant third.

Here is the problem, when you look at those two polls, Obama and Romney are basically almost tied in several key states. Here is the problem though, undecided always break 2/1 in favor of the challenger. Has always been this way, not just wishful thinking. Also, no president with an approval rating below 50% has ever been re-elected. These are just HARD FACTS!!

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