Politics and Religion

What JD Vance just said about Trump...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 72 reads

"Trump makes people I care about afraid - immigrants, Muslims, etc.  Because of this, I find him reprehensible.  God wants better of us."

Oh, excuse me, Vance said it October 9, 2016.  I guess Vance knows Trump better now and he doesn't think Trump makes immigrants afraid anymore.

…with immigrants being afraid?

And, in fact, almost all of the Haitians in Springfield are legally there. They were granted refugee status then invited to come to Springfield by the town to fill job openings that Americans were too lazy to fill. And they pay taxes.
So, actually, millions of immigrants are helping pay Wanker's salary.
Wanker is a shameless leech.

…then the last thing they would want to do is vote.  If they’re so afraid, there’s not a chance in Hell they would risk being deported by voting illegally.  But righties keep perpetuating the lie that MILLIONS of immigrant, legal and illegal, are voting.

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