Politics and Religion

Has Anyone Been Following The Whole P Diddy Scandal?
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 139 reads

This story is shaping up to be both hilarious and disturbing, which is quite the combo.

Most involve baby oil and/or Diddy getting ass-raped into oblivion.

Too many celebs will be compromised by association. They'll figure out a way to have him disappear -- with extreme prejudice.

Does Fester also believe Neil Armstrong's Moon landing was faked?
Did Hillary really have a space alien baby?

Diddy was tape recording celebrities having sex. So there may be some serious incentives to Epstein him.

They have a little talent and hit the big money too fast.  They can't spend it as fast as it's coming in, so they turn to drugs and sex for a bigger high.  Success doesn't seem to be enough for these kinds of guys.

I have a relative in that business and know first hand the people in it are crazier than your average successful person. Way crazier.

So Lara Trump isn't really an outlier!

Posted By: inicky46
Re: But don't forget, this is the music business.
I have a relative in that business and know first hand the people in it are crazier than your average successful person. Way crazier.
What … Is … Lara Trump’s Music Career?
[Parody version of Lara's "I Won't Back Down" cover.
"Party's Falling Down."
Audio: http://soundcloud.com/floyda-486739206/partys-fallin-down-2/s-sKIMqFkR3Zr?si=72cc063e773b473a8e2323430761e1ae&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
(no youtube version yet)

Diddy apparently had every room in his mansion bugged with cameras. Preachers, royalty, politicians and musicians were reported recorded. Diddy was also reportedly an FBI agent. This coming from Diddy’s former body guard.

Epstein was convicted of trafficking underage sex workers to clients.  None of those clients have been publicly identified or prosecuted. The swamp protects their own. Diddy's life expectancy has to be measured in hours.

Sam Bankman-Fried. He's even more hated than Diddy. But Diddy could still be collateral damage.

are usually housed alone, especially pre-trial, due to the propensity of other inmates with SO's or children trying to dispatch them in general population.

They are housed in a dormitory situation so there are a few other guys in there. But they're segregated from the rest of the population.

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