Politics and Religion

End of GOP Hold in San Diego
Californian 18008 reads

San Diego has been a solid Republican stronghold ... today, I learned that as of now, for the first time in a long time, the number of registered Democrats, exceeded the number of Republicans.  Furthermore, I live on the Northern border of San Diego, on the seaside, a little city called Del Mar.  In Del Mar also, the number of registered Democrats has exceeded Republicans.

Mind you, Del Mar, is not the microcosm of the U.S.  It is entirely white, upper middle class  professionals, and used to be a Republican Bedrock.  I registered as a Democrat a few months ago.

If this is any indication, there is a sea change, and in November, the election will not even be close.

2sense16218 reads

Wonder if this also has anything to do with the much larger hispanic populations in California?

Already, the monolithic GOP block in Orange County has been broken by Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. There certainly has been an overturning of the ethnic voting blocks in South Central LA, with hispanics as the new "majority" minority group.

On the other hand, maybe higher Democratic registration reflects the unifying ability of George W. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.

-- Modified on 4/22/2004 10:48:24 PM

StartThinking!13064 reads

Certainly, it is not just hype about the huge and growing impact that the Latino vote will have in the future.

A bunch of elitist snobs who want to preserve the "community".

Del Mar town motto: "Welcome to Del Mar, leave your money and get out!"

2sense16907 reads

I would be more charitable to Del Mar. They really don't want your money. If they did, they'd have more parking spaces.

We still have to do the footwork, get to the polling booths.


It's not entirely surprising, since there are plenty in politics who follow the power, and the power in California politics has, since Gray Davis' first election, been with the Democrats.  The Governator may well be a fluke, a function of celebrity.

And the California GOP made some big mistakes on immigration and immigrant policy in the 1990s, allowing Dems to demonize positions.  Of course, wanting to control our borders is obviously racists, because these poor people entering the nation illegally are simply seeking better lives, and aren't a threat ....


I wouldn't read too much into it, however.  To be sure, Democrat hatred of GWB has been unifying ... for Democrats.  But while they've been slandering Bush and all who support him, he has been wining the war on terrorism and making the world a safer place.

That's a nice fantasy - too bad there's no actual evidence of this.  If it were true, I might actually vote for the guy.

StartThinking!16280 reads

I agree.  Republicans will be kicking themselves for a long time over that one.

My point isn't that Prop 187 was a political blunder, or that it was wrongheaded policy.  To the contrary, it was neither.

The problem was (and still is, frequently) Republicans who too frequently lack the testicular fortitude to defend their positions, and allow Democrats to demonize them with specious arguments.

I was under the impression that (POSW - piece of shit Wilson) Wilson not only supported prop 187 but basically ran his whole re-election campaign on it ?  

I do admit that James86 is correct on the threat of those damned Mexicans - terrorizing the US by poisoning fat-ass pinche gringos with heart burn administered by tacos with ancient Aztec peppers smuggled accross the border (viva Montezuma !!!).

StartThinking!16430 reads

use as cheap labor.  What some people wanted to do was use their labor but treat them as less-than-human.

-- Modified on 4/27/2004 6:58:28 PM

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