Politics and Religion

Be afraid, Wanker. Be very afraid. Your Lord and Master has just
inicky46 61 Reviews 44 reads

backed setting up a government efficiency commission which will recommend "drastic reforms" to cut waste. And it will be headed by Elon Musk. So if Trump wins, Wanker's no-show job will be toast.

loyalty is one of the most prized attributes subordinates of Trump can have, so if Willy will point the witchfinders in the direction of the deep state traitors, he can come out of this with a promotion.

There is an insane amount of government waste that goes on. As Elon pointed out, the amount of unaccounted for money in the budget could buy us and 2nd Navy. That’s how bad it is. Meanwhile in my office we have to make sure we don’t accidentally leave a paper clip in our pockets because that would be considered stealing. We have to make due with computers from the stone age and one of the departments in my building had to keep cussing at building management because the roof was leaking.  

There’s a ton of waste in the government, but so much of it is at DOD, State and HHS. The DOD stories are a thing of legend. A friend of mine worked for a DOD contractor and their company was not some massive outfit like Lockheed, but one of these rather small companies that supplied a few extra odds and ends. They were all rather mission specific so they needed a small specialized company to supply the DOD. One of the many various things they supplied were old school projector units. You know, the kind your math teacher used back in 10th grade with the dry erase markers and all. Well the company had a contract to supply these projectors every year to the DOD, despite that long ago they became obsolete. And yet the company was getting millions a year to supply these things that the DOD wasn’t even using.  

My friend and I had an ongoing gag that we know government waste will always be something that’s ignored by everyone in charge so long as that contract still exists. Finally after years of snickering about this, the contract finally ended. This happened in Trump’s first year in office.

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