Politics and Religion

I thought the parents were being particularly stupid here. eom
joleneineugene 1387 reads


What's going on here?
What's is this story all about?
Ok, before be where modern humans and that goes for the rest of the animals too, how do they know what they are... and do they have to be told?
Do the parents and taking that chance that the child might turn homosexual and then it would be ok forhim/her to choose? I think that's what it is. Unless he / she was born with both male and female genitalia and it's up to him/her to decide what he/she is.
I'm too dumb for this type of thing. So smarter people here, please weigh in.





Do you think people are going to be convinced to become gay by listening to music?  Do you think gay porn will turn someone gay?  They are either gay to begin with or they're not. You can't "make" someone gay or "cure" them of it.  Any suggestion to the contrary is foolish.  I could care less what other people do in their sex lives unless they hurt someone.
PS:  I always loved the Kinks' "Lola."  It ddin't make me gay.

Only when I hit "respond" did the other links appear.  By then, you'd lost me.

-- Modified on 5/27/2011 11:47:11 AM

Jeff Spiccoli599 reads

i dont get it.

tell us WTF you mean.

then nuff said.

how ya like that meaty choda?

BlameBush694 reads

"Do you think people are going to be convinced to become gay by listening to music?"

 Music doesn't make people homosexual.
If a guy enjoys musicals he usually has the homosexual gene.
Gay means happy. How did homosexuals steal that word?

... unique niche market for himself in the porn business. Everybody wants to earn a living.

This might give you some perspective:


But Tini, what the heck does Buck Angel have to do with politics or religion?

Just_A_Friend1399 reads

A nice little experiment except for the fact it's being performed on human beings. I'm all in favor of parental rights but this is downright creepy.

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