Politics and Religion

I missed tampon tim's speech did he mention this
followme 102 reads

Just one of many lies and no doubt more to be told and discovered  



Note fidel castro style hat Tiananmen tim is wearing in the mug shot

Apparently he couldn't officially be a coach because of his criminal history.  

Apparently he has a MASSIVE relationship with the CCCP

Why Walz saying with pride that none of his students ever went off to Yale was a mystery even to the CNN commentator. The CNN guy couldn't figure out what point Walz was trying to make.  Both Clintons went to Yale Law School and Obama went to Harvard Law School.

followme17 reads

Admitted he was a shitty teacher  

2024 = Trump270+

One interpretation is that Walz is a commie and really does belief that elites that get into Yale should be first ones against the wall, and if that includes Clintons and Obama, so be it.

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