Politics and Religion

There will be NO Fiscal cliff deal until after Jan 3rd...............confused_smile
salonpas 1599 reads

It's all a political charade! If Speaker Boenner allows a bill to pass with majority Democrat support before January the 3rd his days as speaker will be numbered. So he will wait, get reelected on January 3rd, and make a deal with majority Democrat support.

The morning after bill.

This is the funniest post you've made on this board! LOL!

Posted By: bigvern
The morning after bill.

while they cut safety nets. Obscene nebishes who diserve to get their asses repeatedly handed to the and we're happy to do just that.

Snowman39213 reads

But he is right about this.  EVERY POLITICIAN has one thing in common, self-preservation.

had stayed working in his daddy's bar sweeping floors and emptying spitoons.
He's an empty suite and a cheaply bought tool.

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