Politics and Religion

I have survived Hell, Purgatory, the Grim Reaper and Xiaoming...
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1784 reads

... so I figured I would swoop past my old haunting grounds and wave as I go by.

That's a friendly wave to my old friends and respected adversaries, and a full-fledged fickle finger of fate directed at the haters.

May you all get what you deserve!

A Blast from the Past courtesy of

Doctor Gonzo

though the posts here, masquerading as discussion, is not much to dwell over!  ;)

However, Happy New Year back at ya!

to see that you are back from Hell and Purgatory, that you beat the Grim Reaper and you out-lasted Xiaoming.

I have been concerned about your well being over the past many months. It seems my concerns weren't unfounded but I'm certainly glad you appear to be on the upside.

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