Politics and Religion

Have a happy weekendred_smile
Robertini 4 Reviews 1563 reads

Let's have this party started


Hey North Korea stop teasing already

Let's hasten the coming of the Lord


If you book a flight there, let me know when the action starts. I'm going to begin some serious praying and repenting!  ;)

-- Modified on 5/4/2013 12:46:20 PM

Link from Dr. Wayne Dyer on War, Hate and Being in Balance.  Very timely for me, with all that is going on with Syria and Israel.  And even our war at home.

I was actually going to take someone to church today, but the rain deterred me as I would have been soaked helping the disabled person...that desperately needs to make some amends with his church.

I have linked a Wayne Dyer video that is well worth watching the 15 minutes, and resonates my thoughts of that I didn't sign up to come here to hate and be a part of war.

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