Politics and Religion

Poll : Akin still leads Mccaskill by 1% after "legit. rape comment"
Priapus53 2554 reads

Doesn't say much for the MO. moronic inbred White Conservative Christian voters ( keep in mind that Missouri is the beginning of the Ozarks-Bible belt ) Their hatred of a Black POTUS & Obamacare SO intense, that they'd vote for Tim Mcveigh if he were running against Mccaskill.

Fascinating race IF Akin stays in ( with GOP estab. & funds cut off, I still think he'll drop out ) Sounds like the atavistic Mo. "pro-life GOP white porch monkeys" will rally to his defense to keep him in the race. GOP damned if they do & damned if they don't. If they don't fund media spots against him, Mccaskill will probably win ( a distinct possibility since she wanted to run against this guy & because she polled better against him than rest of GOP candidates ), particularly after she has debates with Aiken. IF GOP reverses course & decides to fund Aiken, will further exacerbate "GOP war on women/gender gap" & probably deliver election to BHO.

Keep in mind that Mccains' '08 victory over BHO in Missouri was razor thin & it took over a week for final results to come in. Mo. is considered a "swing state" & IF Aiken stays in, possibility
that BHO could win there.

Lastly, Hannity urged Aikin to drop out; haven't heard anything from his cohort ( & along w/ Norquist, one of the 2 defacto heads of the GOP ) "Rushbo".

-- Modified on 8/21/2012 5:36:56 AM

And you were predicting PriPissPussy that Akin would resign. Maybe he will.  But RNC only threatens to cut his funding. If they had more balls like Rove, it would have been cut yesterday.

Akin is still a threat to McCaskill which could cost the Dems the Senate.

And polls are a snapshot in time.  In some polls they're tied. She'll have her hands full  because conservatives don't give a fuck about the implications of forcible rape. Bugfuck just showed how stupid he was by not understanding that both  Paul Ryan and Akin (no "i" in Akin PriaPissPussy)
originally authored HB 3 with the term "FORCIBLE RAPE."

The other significance is that Paul Ryan, VP Candidate, used the term "forcible rape" in his original draft of HB3.  It points up that the Romney campaign glossed over this fact if they even knew it.  The print media isn't misssing this for a change.

Bugfucky jumped up and down pasting a bill Akin and Ryan wrote after the public went ballistic at the term "FORCIBLE RAPE" THAT RYAN USED IN THE  ORIGINAL BILL.


Earlier today, Missouri U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) claimed that “legitimate rape” does not often lead to pregnancy because “the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” This is not the first time the biologically challenged senate candidate tried to minimize the impact of rape. Last year, Akin joined with GOP vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as two of the original co-sponsors of the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” a bill which, among other things, introduced the country to the bizarre term “forcible rape.”

Federal law prevents federal Medicaid funds and similar programs from paying for abortions. Yet the law also contains an exception for women who are raped. The bill Akin and Ryan cosponsored would have narrowed this exception, providing that only pregnancies arising from “forcible rape” may be terminated. Because the primary target of Akin and Ryan’s effort are Medicaid recipients — patients who are unlikely to be able to afford an abortion absent Medicaid funding — the likely impact of this bill would have been forcing many rape survivors to carry their rapist’s baby to term. Michelle Goldberg explains who Akin and Ryan would likely target:

Under H.R. 3, only victims of “forcible rape” would qualify for federally funded abortions. Victims of statutory rape—say, a 13-year-old girl impregnated by a 30-year-old man—would be on their own. So would victims of incest if they’re over 18. And while “forcible rape” isn’t defined in the criminal code, the addition of the adjective seems certain to exclude acts of rape that don’t involve overt violence—say, cases where a woman is drugged or has a limited mental capacity. “It’s basically putting more restrictions on what was defined historically as rape,” says Keenan.

Although a version of this bill passed the GOP-controlled House, the “forcible rape” language was eventually removed due to widespread public outcry. Paul Ryan, however, believes that the “forcible rape” language does not actually go far enough to force women to carry their rapist’s baby. Ryan believes that abortion should be illegal in all cases except for “cases in which a doctor deems an abortion necessary to save the mother’s life.” So rape survivors are out of luck.

And, of course, as we learned today, Akin isn’t even sure that “legitimate” rape survivors can get pregnant in the first place.

The Romney-Ryan campaign just released a statement distancing itself from the Akin-Ryan position on abortion in the case of rape: “Gov. Romney and Cong. Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin’s statement, and a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape.”

-- Modified on 8/21/2012 8:37:15 AM

the spell police aren't you?  You rushed to edit when I pointed out  you couldn't spell  Akin. I wouldn't even give a shit but you jacked off jumping up and down yesterday because I had a typo so get back to your  post and stop spelling one guy's name Todd Akin's 3 fucking different ways in your fucking post. Get consistent with your spelling Mr. Perfection or the Spell Police might kick you out  of their organization.

Priapus53187 reads

As indicated in below link.

If you read my OP, I intimated GOP Senate race now "up for grabs"; didn't say MCcaskill had it in the bag.

Willy isn't a self-aggrandizing Narcissistic Borderline spell cop like you've become.



2 different people PrePissPussy. Try checking the links you put up and reading.  Again that's not my post you  linked to. LOL :D

followme207 reads

You are coming unglued, looks like you cannot take it, and you lose again.

When you fuck up it is simply a typo, but when someone else does it they are, in your feeble little childish mind, uneducated or some such thing. You could not be more infantile.

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

How is this for a hiatus?

And yes I'm still laughing at you

Priapus53229 reads

Why does the follow pic come to mind ?

-- Modified on 8/21/2012 6:24:56 AM

followme136 reads

That just once more proves that you are a worthless loser and are falling apart.

Got any more threats that can be ignored and laughed at?

You're welcome
2012 = Drug FRee GOP

As you can see I'm still posting because you are all talk, nothing else.

followme126 reads

Spoken like a true loser, and failure.

The proof is that I’m still posting.

You have no honor, no integrity, and are not respected.

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

GaGambler227 reads

From a legal perspective, and that's what lawmakers care about, not all rape is "forceable"

Now you two can go back to your squabbling over stupid spelling mistakes.

This board just gets dumber and dumber. Pri is actually looking like one of the "reasonable" people around here.

BTW Akin or however the fuck you spell his name, is indefensible. Yesterday was one of the few times I have listened to Sean Hannity as I usually have this overpowering urge to puke when listening to him, but Hannity absolutely right on one thing, This tard needs to drop the fuck out, Dems are going to use him to paint the entire Repulican party with the same brush, Mainstream GOP candidates need to move as far away from this nut job as they can.

GaGambler221 reads

but ok I'm used to that.

As for Pri, it's a given that he wastes a lot of band width on who he considers to be "crazed loons' but in all fairness, he at least will try to find some common ground with the likes of me, DNCPhil, St Croix, even ND and OC on occassion. and does not try to claim that all righties are evil incarnate and that the Dems have all the answers.

You OTOH NEVER try to find common ground, it's either ALL your way or nothing, that's why I have chosen NOT to have many discussions with you, while you can be quite reasonable in person, you are the farthest thing from reasonable once you get a keyboard in front of you.  You seem to suffer from a form of "internet tough guy syndrome" and it's become quite tedious, even to some of your fellow lefties.

Come on, I dare you. Once, just once, try to break with the Democratic Party and post something that disagrees with them, If you can't that means you really aren't capable of independent thought, because with as many issues that are out there NEITHER party can be all right, and NEITHER party can be all wrong. Even Daffy, who I loathe more than any other poster in memory will occasionally break ranks with the DNC and prove his thoughts are at least his own. Surely you are as capable of independent thought as Daffy, Aren't you?

and for the record not all rape is "forcible" let's see if just once you can admit to being wrong as well.

salonpas182 reads

The Republican party establishment has no other choice but to support this crazy ass loony. They desperately want control of the Senate.

Plus the  GOP base loves Akin and they don't give a shit about the implications to women of "forcible rape." I'll bet that Akin's contributions soar during the next week.

All the  GOPsters here get out your checkbooks. This race could mean who controls the Senate right? You want to be able to repeal Obamacare and pass all your other whacky shit into law right?
Whoops but the President named Obama would veto all that whacky shit anyway. :D

Priapus53179 reads

considering the makeup of Mo.GOP; but RNC will cut funding to him, else public relations nightmare that will lose the White House for them.

salonpas196 reads

Here comes the tie in with Paul Ryan abortion views: Aiken agrees with Paul Ryan that abortion should be illegal in all cases, even when a woman is raped and becomes pregnant.

Paul Ryan wrote the original HB 3 explicitly showcasing the term "forcible rape" and let's be real.

So Ryan embraced the exact same warped thinking and callous disregard for women on a lot of levels and now has the nerve to "tut tut" Akin.  Rape is traumatic enough for women to start granulating when they could abort the baby that is the result of that rape, and I do appreciate the sentiment for preserving the baby's life but under those circumstances, and others, a woman has the right to make her choice under Roe v. Wade and the  case law progeny that chip away at it but still preserve it.

Everyone makes mistakes; typos, spelling or decisions that can affect our lives.  But if you're a politician you're  under a particular microscope. It's one thing possibly to drink too much Mogen  David and jump naked into the sea of Galilee like Kansas Rep. Yoder, although to some Christians and Jews that might be offensive. But if you're a Republican House Leader like Paul Ryan and an up and coming "rock star" to your party anyway, and you're writing a major abortion bill, you're toucing on a very sensitive issue for this country and how the hell do you come up with the term "forcible rape" and all that it implies?


"Under H.R. 3, only victims of “forcible rape” would qualify for federally funded abortions. Victims of statutory rape—say, a 13-year-old girl impregnated by a 30-year-old man—would be on their own. So would victims of incest if they’re over 18. And while “forcible rape” isn’t defined in the criminal code, the addition of the adjective seems certain to exclude acts of rape that don’t involve overt violence—say, cases where a woman is drugged or has a limited mental capacity. “It’s basically putting more restrictions on what was defined historically as rape,” says Keenan.

Although a version of this bill passed the GOP-controlled House, the “forcible rape” language was eventually removed due to widespread public outcry. Paul Ryan, however, believes that the “forcible rape” language does not actually go far enough to force women to carry their rapist’s baby. Ryan believes that abortion should be illegal in all cases except for “cases in which a doctor deems an abortion necessary to save the mother’s life.” So rape survivors are out of luck.

salonpas177 reads

The Republican Party is once again set to enshrine into its official platform support for 'a human life amendment' to the Constitution that would outlaw abortion without making explicit exemptions for rape or incest.

Priapus53192 reads

-- Modified on 8/21/2012 8:30:18 AM

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