Politics and Religion

I for one fail to see a problem with Mr. Obama's caution.
BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 268 reads

He has shown himself to be the adult in the room, as of course in direct contrast to Mr. Trump's impatience. I keep waiting for Trump to act presidential, as he said he would on numerous occasions, and for some reason, that day never arrives. Heaven help us when he is actually in charge of our military. I hope his handlers have better luck with keeping him away from the nuclear codes than they do keeping him from his twitter account.

What Their Reactions to Monday's Attacks Reveal About Trump and Obama
Two sets of statements tell radically different stories about who was being attacked, and why.


brooks5198 reads

Obama is a pussy

do you have a point?

He has shown himself to be the adult in the room, as of course in direct contrast to Mr. Trump's impatience. I keep waiting for Trump to act presidential, as he said he would on numerous occasions, and for some reason, that day never arrives. Heaven help us when he is actually in charge of our military. I hope his handlers have better luck with keeping him away from the nuclear codes than they do keeping him from his twitter account.

brooks5162 reads


a lot of chopped off heads, 400,000 killed in Syria, immolated and crucified childred

all from the "adult in the room"

GaGambler195 reads

It's just that the author seems to think that Obama being a pussy is a "good thing" and that Trump calling out radical Islam for what they are is a "bad thing" How the fuck can we fight something if we are too chicken shit to even call it what it is?

I know TB didn't mean to point out what a pussy Obama has been and still is, but that's exactly what his linked article said.

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