Politics and Religion

I boycott Chic-Fil-Ateeth_smile
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 1448 reads

not because of the queers and jesus freaks, but because they took the walnuts out of the brownies.  Have a light Tuesday.  ~ Madison

is the only fast food I eat anymore, gave up all the other fast foods and processed foods.  But I could have jusitified a shake for the dairy and fruit, hate I missed it.  Sounds yum!

GaGambler147 reads

That actually tastes like it came from a real chicken.

Even so, I can't stomach the fact that even a single dollar of mine would end up in the pocket of Cathy and be used to further his hateful "Christian" agenda. i would rather donate to Akin''s campaign fund.

I don't like fast food in general, so skipping the occasional chicken sandwich at Chick fil A isn't much of a sacrifice for principle.

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