Politics and Religion

Hugo Chavez says, ""If I were American, I'd vote for Obama."

He knows exactly how this would play in the USA. He knows it would harm Obama.

So why would he say it? Because he knows that Latin America would be freer to go their own way with another Republican don't-know-nothing-about-foreign-policy dunce in office. Not so much with Obama.

Anyone remember what happened in Honduras early in the Obama administration? That was the US sending Latin America a message that the United States of old is back, and you must again tow the US corporate line, or else.

salonpas146 reads

Romney and Bush II are both: Don't-know-nothing-about-foreign-policy dunces!

I'm not in favor of turning Latin America into a something corporate America is free to plunder. The Democrats and Republicans are. The Democrats are the only ones who are good at it.

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