Politics and Religion

How the GOP can win in 2016.......teeth_smile
salonpas 1531 reads

According to Marc Ambinder:

"The ideal Republican strategy is not terribly convoluted. Find and nominate the most acceptable conservative. Find the swing states where demographic composition of the electorate has been volatile and where there is room among those demographic groups to grow the GOP's share. Put the two together."  

"I would add: If I were Machiavellian, I would urge Republicans to do everything they can to suppress the Democratic vote. I am not Machiavellian, and plenty of Republicans are already doing this."

For starters, they need to STOP pandering to the racist base. Find something to be for, not just against. Embrace science, math and the rights of women, gays and minorities. IOW, they have ZERO chance in hell of doing what's necessary to win.

salonpas390 reads

..........how about winning the same way every other President has been elected in recent history, move to the middle to pick up the moderate vote, have a legislative agenda that is in line with the national mood rather than completely opposing it, and finally getting things done for the everyday voter

GaGambler322 reads

What you are talking about are "special rights" and that I oppose, even though I am a minority myself. All I want is an equal playing field and  I already have that and am doing just fine for myself TYVM.

I will agree about moving to the middle to win the GE, I can't believe that Romney made the same mistake as McCain, AFTER watching how Palin  and him moving even further to the rightsunk any chance he had of winning, Romney did exactly the same thing, instead of moving to the center like every politician before McCain has done for generations, some idiot talked him into trying to prove that he was a "real" conservative and blowing it with the moderates and independents,

Are you not suppressing the vote of the other side, when you vote for your guy?

That is the premise of an democratic election.

Obviously, the act of voting doesn't "suppress" anybody.  It that's the case, why bother with democracy?  Voter suppression is the act of keeping others from voting to begin with and the Republicans have made an art of it.

up to certain point, beyond that point it becomes an insane comment. :-D

if I vote for Fidiot to win the SPOTY, that would suppress my vote for Dungy to win.  

Don't over think this one. lo

with every mouth breathing, Bible thumping opponent of science promising a "Small Government" whilst dictating what every citizen can or cannot do with their own genitals.

I'll be slack-jawed if Chris Christie isn't ultimately the GOP choice for the General election. But seeing that he publically and voluntarily made physical contact with a non-white the rabid hater base may stay home or simply cast write-in votes for Rush Limbaugh and Tom Metzger as his VP.

Stock up on popcorn, set the DVR; it’s going to be The Gong Show 2.0

How do you not pander to sixth grade educated religious blow hards?  

How do you rationally explain global warming, LGBT to bible thumping ignoramuses?

How do you explain science to people with sixth grade education?

The real problem Republicans are facing is they cannot do both. Chrisitie Republicans don’t exist in the Rand Paul, Rubio and Cruz Repubs doesn’t exist in the north.

No win situation.  

Marc Ambinder and whomever can pontificate all they want.

GaGambler459 reads

I might argue that what they need to do is get better at their lies, and use Obama as a template to follow. Obama tells bald faced lie after bald faced lie, and the libs still remain in lockstep behind him. Not to mention that the Dems are the masters at pandering, NO ONE does it better than them.

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