Politics and Religion

How many years?
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 2187 reads

Question to all the so called conservative crowd always arguing for taxes and government aided robbery by corporate barons.

How many years would it take for you (I don’t know what is good for me) conservative morons to make the same money as the highest paid CEO.

1,407 years for me or about 19+ lifetime’s

Chew on it

want to steal from the working to give it your corporate crooks.

Answer the question idiot instead of the stupid talking points you imbibed from another moron like you

86H13LTP464 reads

you key his car when they go into the restaurant .  

Always being the last one picked at the sandlot has haunted you your entire life annoy. You're as bad as Hadji

GaGambler645 reads

That's a good one.

Damn, we must both be old to remember that one.

As for Fungus, most libs are jealous of people who are successful

86H13LTP443 reads

chicks you meet up on trails like the AT .  

Right now Hadji is comparing Alabama blonde notes with that bandwagon jumper who thinks Crawford is a world class goaltender .

AwGoFuckYourself501 reads

I'm not a Lib or you're not successful! Which one is it, wiseass? LMAO!

GaGambler389 reads

and yes, you were jealous of me last week when I was in CR and you were not. Tell me I'm wrong, fucker. lmao

Irrelevant since neither you nor I am qualified to do the job.  For what it's worth, Chenaire aside, the compensation of the CEO is generally pretty low compared to the revenues or even profits of the corporations.

1. 800,000 jobs lost per month from 1/5/2008 thru 12/31/2009.
2. $1.8 trillion gone from 401(k) accounts
3. $1.2 trillion gone from pension funds
4. DOW down to 7800, down almost 61% that wiped out almost half of mutual funds

In 2013 Senate Banking Committee hearing, Senator Elizabeth Warren asked a SEC official giving testimony:

"So, how many Wall Street CEOs did you prosecute and send to jail".  ?
Answer: None.
"Are you aware that the same CEOs got their $million bonuses" ?
Answer:  Yes, but it was in their contract!

I am of Indian origin and my extended family has ties with the then Citicorp CEO who migrated from India.   I don't feel sorry for him, when he quit in 2012 he received $417 million package

It would take about the same time as it would take to make as much money as all the liberal billionaires who don't give away their money. Oprah Kazenburg, Spielberg, Gates, Steyer, too long to list.

Also, there is this thinking that the GOP is the party of the rich.  That was true in 1935, but it has long since passed.

The DEMS are the party of the rich. Google the 10 richest zip codes in the U.S. and see who they elect.

Beverly Hills, Menlo Park, Napa, Upper East Side.  In every city and every state, the richest districts are solid Dem.

Of course, when my rich cousin in Bel Aire sends her kids to schools they are immune from the political decisions made by the LAUSD because her kids are in private schools.  How many Google kids go to public school in SF.

If you want to play greed and income inequality, look to the Dems

Ignorance on parade.  

The best you can come up with liberal jealousy and gorgeous girl on the arms. You can’t get any more ignorant that.

86H13LTP529 reads

you don't know how to use flash on your IPad  .  

Oh , and that your jealous of the QB

I think it's safe to say that anyone would rather be a successful CEO than a bitter, angry manchild.

Posted By: anonymousfun
Question to all the so called conservative crowd always arguing for taxes and government aided robbery by corporate barons.  
 How many years would it take for you (I don’t know what is good for me) conservative morons to make the same money as the highest paid CEO.  
 1,407 years for me or about 19+ lifetime’s  
 Chew on it

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