Politics and Religion

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mattradd 40 Reviews 1785 reads

now that Bloomberg is out of office, that he will run for president. If so, what party will he run with, or will he be a independent or 3rd party candidate, and what are his chances. He seems to be a very competent administrator. His big-gulp miscue, stop and frisk, and snooping on private citizens could cost him with a lot of more Liberian leaning voters, right leaning Republicans, and minorities who are democrats. However, mainstream Republicans and Democrats, and many independents like good pragmatic administrators who keep things safe and running smoothly.

Carson Bloomberg 2016 :-D


Posted By: mattradd
now that Bloomberg is out of office, that he will run for president. If so, what party will he run with, or will he be a independent or 3rd party candidate, and what are his chances. He seems to be a very competent administrator. His big-gulp miscue, stop and frisk, and snooping on private citizens could cost him with a lot of more Liberian leaning voters, right leaning Republicans, and minorities who are democrats. However, mainstream Republicans and Democrats, and many independents like good pragmatic administrators who keep things safe and running smoothly.

GaGambler274 reads

but it would be interesting if he were to throw his hat into the ring. He couldn't do much worse than Rudy, who found he really wasn't anywhere near ready for the "big stage"

Back_In_Black226 reads

For a businessman he has patience , if you research why businessmen don't get elected to office its that they want quick results , a stereotype . Know bloomberg actually did well for the first 8 years , he won the people , wasn't arrogant ,  didn't come off like trump or others like him . He is a good model for the future as I believe these professional politicians are nothing more than a circus act , the right guy with bloombergs ways would be a great president that this country needs . 1 the fucking news media has to stop giving air time to mlrons and second we need to see who is out there that may want the job . The sad thing about bloomie is the good he did was done in the first 8 years , he should have stepped aside for the next guy and the guy who won know wouldn't have even been considered ! Funny how things then out ! This guy ripped the cops , NYC is fucked !  

Posted By: GaGambler
but it would be interesting if he were to throw his hat into the ring. He couldn't do much worse than Rudy, who found he really wasn't anywhere near ready for the "big stage"

Back_In_Black272 reads

Over Jewish ( and yes I will explain ) no big favoritism , hell he never went to isreal until a few years ago. Donates money to good causes , just gave a top hospital outside nyc 100 million dollars ! he did some weed , partied during the 70s a bit in the 80s , picked ray Kelly to be top cop , actually another good guy , cool cop , kellys son serves in the military although Kelly has money know. So these guys don't give it away .  

One downfall , didn't create middle class jobs , for the average guy . Everything is education , thats the market he lost . But overall , a good guy for a rich dude .

Posted By: GaGambler
but it would be interesting if he were to throw his hat into the ring. He couldn't do much worse than Rudy, who found he really wasn't anywhere near ready for the "big stage"

Back_In_Black221 reads

Will not be second place to anyone ! So a billionaire v.p. ? Common , give the guy some credit !  

Posted By: mattradd
now that Bloomberg is out of office, that he will run for president. If so, what party will he run with, or will he be a independent or 3rd party candidate, and what are his chances. He seems to be a very competent administrator. His big-gulp miscue, stop and frisk, and snooping on private citizens could cost him with a lot of more Liberian leaning voters, right leaning Republicans, and minorities who are democrats. However, mainstream Republicans and Democrats, and many independents like good pragmatic administrators who keep things safe and running smoothly.

There goes Republican gun vote.  He funds PAC for gun control.

No, he will not run or become a VP candidate.

elitist, Bill of Rights blasphemer/U.S. Constitution shredder who should go back to his billionaire mansion and mind his own FUCK'N business!
  Any shit-hole who commonly goes to All-you-can-eat functions with open bars and chocolate fountains while surrounded by “armed” bodyguards has got a lot of goddamn nerve telling me I can’t have a gun and can only buy refreshments in sizes of 32oz or less.  

  Why can't these obscenely rich fucktards simply die in tragic accidental drownings in the French Riviera as nature intended

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