Politics and Religion

How many poor children will die, now that the Clinton Global Initiative has announced it's closing?
ed2000 31 Reviews 2888 reads

The link you are presumably looking at is the official Department of Labor "Pink Slip" for the employees of the Clinton Global Initiative, that was just sent as required by law.

As the foreign contributions began to dry up after HRC's recent loss, it signaled a global recognition of her almost total loss of political capital and inability to provide any return on their investment.  

Or maybe the pink slip was just a signal for the paper shredders and Bleach Bit to be fired up.

bigguy30178 reads

The Clinton Foundation did a lot of good work helping poor people with healthcare etc.
Also since saving lives for twenty million plus is not important to the GOP.

I think of one word that comes to mind with this thread!

Posted By: CENZO1

These incoherent blurts of yours are coming earlier every day.  Should we be more concerned than normal?  Please keep your helmet on dumb,ass30.

bigguy30174 reads

You come on here trying to cover up your personal failures as a man?
Just remember this is a fuck site and you need to make some money for provider dates.
I am sure your mother loves the fact, you keep asking her for money dumbass. Lol

Posted By: ROMMEL
These incoherent blurts of yours are coming earlier every day.  Should we be more concerned than normal?  Please keep your helmet on dumb,ass30.

Trump and/or the GOP are not "preventing" any donations to the Clinton Foundation. Even though a number of entities have been helped, it now has become apparent that there was an expected quid pro quo for the donors if Hillary had become President. Accept the fact that the Clinton foundation (like so many others) was politically motivated and had no purely altruistic motives.

It has plenty of motives....to make Slick Willy, Hillary Rotten Clinton and ugly ass Chelsea RICH.

Posted By: CENZO1
Trump and/or the GOP are not "preventing" any donations to the Clinton Foundation. Even though a number of entities have been helped, it now has become apparent that there was an expected quid pro quo for the donors if Hillary had become President. Accept the fact that the Clinton foundation (like so many others) was politically motivated and had no purely altruistic motives.

The Clinton Foundation also did a lot of helping out ugly ass Chelsea get a great venue for her wedding instead of the local fire hall. It also helped pay for her private jet rides to different venues to help campaign for her e-mail destroying pay to play lost the election mother.

Posted By: bigguy30
The Clinton Foundation did a lot of good work helping poor people with healthcare etc.  
 Also since saving lives for twenty million plus is not important to the GOP.  
 I think of one word that comes to mind with this thread!
Posted By: CENZO1

...Over a year ago, you posted that your son's 'Obummercare' was cancelled for 2016.  You were crying and moaning about deductibles, out of pocket costs, Doc in the Box, hospitals and trauma centers.  Boo fucking hoo.  Instead of whining about not getting a handout from the gubmint, which you righties detest, why didn't you help your son get private health insurance?  You're supposedly "richer than most."  Oh, but you can't even afford your own health insurance - you said your employer "helps" to supply you with insurance.

First of all, I wouldn't let any child of mine get government health insurance.  I would get them the best policy money could buy, regardless of their age, if they couldn't afford it.  But I guess you don't care about your son's health...even though you're "richer than most."  Keep your chins up - I'm sure your party's leader will take good care of your son's health needs...maybe even as good as you're taking care of him

Tell me how the Clinton Foundation has even the slightest relationship to Obamacare. Maybe next you can inform the rest of us how much you contributed to the CF since you're so well off, LOL

BTW, calling Obamacare "government health insurance" among the rest of your drivel shows how very little you actually understand almost everything. Additionally, I never once said my son was without perfectly good health insurance for year 2016. Further proof you only talk based on speculation and innuendo.

...It's what a parent is SUPPOSED to do.

You said your son's health insurance was cancelled for 2016.  You never once said your son was WITH perfectly good health insurance for year 2016.

And coming from a hateful and ignorant dolt like you, that constantly tells people here "all" cops are bad, YOU should be the LAST person here to criticize anyone's parental skills.

Epic, epic, epic fail BP. As usual.

...Boy, it takes a tag team of you two righty nitwits to try to keep up with me.  Why are you white knighting for ed?  Don't you think he's capable of defending himself against little ol' me?  You don't have a high opinion of ed's intellectual capabilities, do you?  I don't blame you - after all he is a righty.

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 1:12:43 AM

Posted By: BigPapasan
You said your son's health insurance was cancelled for 2016.  You never once said your son was WITH perfectly good health insurance for year 2016.
Both can be simultaneously true. You never asked but simply assumed the situation was one that you could use to your advantage.

As your link points out, I was having a conversation with mari about the inadequacies of the ACA. My first hand experience made for a good example. What happened after the cancellation was irrelevant to our discussion. A discussion I will add that you were absolutely not involved. You don't get involved in much until you think you can turn it to your advantage which almost always means you will attempt to gloat about the assumed errors of others.  

Next time I suggest you don't succumb to all your natural inclinations that includes making desperate assumptions.

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 1:41:56 AM

...For example - you've stated that you're still working and will be counting on your Social Security.  When you buy cars, you finance them and keep them for ten years or more.  My "desperate" assumption from those facts you stated (and others I won't embarrass you with) lead me to believe you're a working stiff who will be working until the day you draw your Social Security and maybe after that as well.

You describe me as "bragging" when I said that I would get my children the best health insurance policy money could buy, regardless of their age, if they couldn't afford it.  But when GaG replied to your post about you keeping your car for ten years by saying: "...once they need new tires and or brakes, it's time for a new car", you apparently didn't think that was bragging.  Strange how your standards for what constitutes "bragging" differs with the person doing the "bragging."

You simply can’t resist bringing up facts people have shared that allows you to compare yourself with their circumstances, but only when it appears to yourself that you come out on top.

I don’t have all the facts but I’ll play along for a moment with your own little game and say that based on facts you have presented over the years…. I bet you have a very difficult time in real life making friends. But I’ll try to help and suggest you crack a book, maybe Dale Carnegie’s old time best seller.

So you really want to know why GaGa usually gets a pass when you don’t? It’s because he’s mostly a nice guy and while he may pretend to be an asshole from time to time, he’s not an honest to goodness real asshole. In other words, he’s NOT all the things that you are

...DEFINITELY NOT is a broke ass bitch who's "counting on" his Social Security.  He has stated this many times:


BTW, compared to YOU, I'll always come out on top.  That's because you're a "bottom."

You do have a good memory though.
I believe that's  the only good thing people have to say about you.

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 4:55:10 PM

The crazy batshit witch paid her daughter $900,000 right out of college. No experience.  
They've spent hundreds of millions of dollars from the "foundation "

It's deeply disturbing that ANY so called charity would operate the way that one has.

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