Politics and Religion

How many of you lefties truly believe this country is better….
LostSon 43 Reviews 142 reads

For having had Biden and Harris as President and Vice  President the last 3.7 years?

Seriously how many of you think that?

This country is SO much better off than it would have been under Trump. Looser has bought the righty myth that Biden has been a shitty President when, in fact, the opposite is true.
1) Biden's CHIPS act has resulted in a large number of microchip plants started which will create hundreds of thousands of high-paying jobs and keep an essential product made in the USA.
2) Employment is at an historic high.
3) So is the stock market.
4) Unlike Trump who declared one "Infrastructure Week" after another but got ZERO done, Biden actually got a major infrastructure bill passed. Now, finally, thousands of bridges are being repair, roads paved, tunnels built and harbors expanded.
5) After Trump's disastrous Covid performance, Biden competently got most Americans vaccinated. And the economy bounced back.
History professors already rank Biden the 14th best President. Trump? They rate him last. But Looooser's opinion is more important. In his own mind.
Semper Lie

to endorse Trump before the election, actively killed some of the projects Trump wanted to do, and in the midterms, Pelosi became speaker.  Trump was lucky to get done what he did the first two years and that is what drove the great economy up until Covid hit.

We passed China as the worlds leading economy.think about that.
Trump with his weak leadership left the Biden administration with a dead lifeless economy.  
We’re better off then most, learn to appreciate that

From Eric Weinstein:  

“I asked ChatGPT the following.  

Imagine a modern poltical party.  

Imagine that all you know about it is the following:    

It champions rights for state sponsored schools over the rights of the parents on behalf of their own children.  

It promotes equality of outcome over a level playing field.

It is concerned that unfeterred speech is a threat to the safety of the population.

It supports candidates chosen by party leaders rather than the people via primary elections.

It celebrates choices for irreversable self-sterilization via reproductive surgical mutilation within the K-12 curriculum.

It does not want people to have to show ID to vote.

Q: To which political parties is this unspecified party most similar worldwide and throughout history?”

What do you board lefties think the answer was?

But given that we have a epic shit ton of illegals in this country I’m going with that.

Just because there's a good chance there are SOME illegals in there he's going to assume they ALL are.
Thanks for admitting you're a toxic joke.

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