Politics and Religion

A challenger to Pimpathy for P&R SPOTY? Although Pimpy...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 2357 reads

...is the Native Diver* of this board, we have someone who might turn out to be Seabiscuit.  Jams_Cornhole actually thinks that Drunken ASIAN is Jewish:


Cornhole probably thinks DA is a black, Jewish, gay Asian.

Also in the future book is the longshot NeedleDick, who cited this authority to prove the existence of Obamaphones:


*Native Diver was a great California thoroughbred who usually won wire to wire.  He died at 8 (no biggie, gelding) and was buried at Hollywood Park.  When the track recently closed, he had to be dug up by some USC archaeologists.

But then I don't believe in the Jewish god either... Their deity is too damn cheap.  :D

...so the cheap fucker wouldn't have to go to the supermarket.

Posted By: Drunken Asian
But then I don't believe in the Jewish god either... Their deity is too damn cheap.  :D

GaGambler563 reads

So maybe "cornhole" is just color blind.

BTW I have always considered "yellow jew" a compliment, but I wear "asshole" like a badge of honor as well. lol

and I would agree with Cornhole earning SPOTY consideration, but with Pimpy and Fungy out posting him by several to one, he has a long uphill battle for any serious consideration, but I will admit, what he lacks in quantity, he makes up for with a distinct lack of quality.

Besides DA didn't kill Jesus, he most likely doesn't believe that there ever was such a person.

Pimpathy520 reads

Who is calling you a "Yellow Jew"... or an "asshole" ?

I've never payed you a compliment, that's for sure.

Posted By: GaGambler
So maybe "cornhole" is just color blind.

BTW I have always considered "yellow jew" a compliment, but I wear "asshole" like a badge of honor as well. lol

and I would agree with Cornhole earning SPOTY consideration, but with Pimpy and Fungy out posting him by several to one, he has a long uphill battle for any serious consideration, but I will admit, what he lacks in quantity, he makes up for with a distinct lack of quality.

Besides DA didn't kill Jesus, he most likely doesn't believe that there ever was such a person.

GaGambler580 reads

I know Jams_Cornhole (I like that one BTW) is a moron, but I thought just hated Asians and I was trying to figure out WTF he meant by that statement. It never occurred to me that he was so stupid that he thought DrunkASIAN was Jewish. I have to confess, that one post alone vaults him right into SPOTY contention. That, and his typing in a stupid fake brogue. I mean how fucking lame is that?

Have to say,  BigPapaSmurf seems to have a keen eye on things that most people overlook.  I guess cuz he lurks on the boards til he runs out of oxygen and turns blue?  :D

As for jams cornholio,  he definitely is the next sea biscuit if he really thinks I'm Jewish.  I bet he does.  LMAO

....but at least they're not back stabbers like someone I could mention.

...for outing aliases?  If it was no big deal, why were you booted off TER?  If you did nothing wrong, why was your ass booted?

You posted 10 times on the day you got kicked off and 11 times on the day when TER let you back on after all your begging finally made Admin. feel sorry for your lonely ass.  WTF did you do for 78 days without TER?

Thank you sharing, George.


...to do is go back and look at his posts.

Years ago, you told me another one of your aliases you used on the L.A. board but I never blabbed so cavalierly as willy did.

your little "gem"?

You're getting close to surpassing Platipus53 for the "Nobody Gives A Shit Award".

But thanks for keeping fresh the memory of the intellect that propelled the wreckball known as barack obama into the white house..


And who can forget Peggy Joseph:

And last but not least what do BigFlail and Big Al Sharpton have in common???

They're both snitches!!!!!!!!!!!


more than a multiple handle punk the same as you and the pot belly grand dad . Now I do be knowing the need to keep things lively for the sake of shake .  

Me knows who you all are thanks to your own stupidity . tough post on the boards and talkie too much in the arms of he whores. The very same who hand out all the free advice don't follow it themselves behind the doors. When ye going to learn mate , after the bottom card is pulled ? Too late then me man.

Jr was black gay glass eye'd Jew.  

Wanker Mohhamad believed in Jesus only being as a powerful prophet . When the bloke wrote himself into history he couldn't be having a Christ between heself and GOD so he demoted the son.  

Buddha is a fat fuck so it don't be of mind what he thinks . A bit like many here . Obese and not seen the pud without a mirror  in many a year.  

-- Modified on 4/10/2014 9:27:10 PM

GaGambler470 reads

It's true, there were only a few thousand Chinese immigrants in Ireland twenty years ago, now through hard work and strong family networks, the Chinese are a huge force in Dublin and by and large live much, much better than the average drunken mick.

Fess up, that's why you are always in such a foul mood. First the British made you their bitch, and now so are those little slant eyed fuckers. It must suck to be a mick knowing that you are loser and that you come from an entire country of losers, countless generations of fucking losers just like you.

and I am in Atlanta all the time if you'd like to drag your cowardly ass out from behind that keyboard of yours, crawl up out of your mothers basement and have this discussion face to face, but we both know that behind your big talk, you are nothing but a blowhard and a coward.

Country full of fucking losers.  LMFA

the Japanese master race.  The top dog of Asia race.  

never forget clown bloke it 'twas you who entered in where ya weren't invited . Flexing ya computer arms to chum up to a stanky chippie . Do it make ya feel like a super hero from the comic pages ye grew up with.  

-- Modified on 4/12/2014 1:32:40 AM

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