Politics and Religion

Hey lefties, libs, dumbocunts or whatever you are these days.
followme 228 reads

Remember a few weeks ago when the Dow hit 40K and you were all sucking bidens dick, tongue punching him in the fart box and bowing down to him praising him for it.

So now that the Dow has plummeted about 2K points in two weeks will you admit that he is responsible for that too?

OK since Trump is in your heads and under your skin let’s hear it  
When Trump said…….
Trump didn’t do  …….

2024 = Trump 270+

RespectfulRobert7 reads

Your hero is a convicted felon and of course FM wants to divert to a few bad days in the stock market, when the market has SKYROCKETED under Joe's tenure. lol. Try again FM.

followme4 reads

It is a new thread and you call it a diversion.  

In your  little brain washed  mind does every thread have to be about Trump?

Trump is living in your radical far left militant partisan hack mind and under your skin.


Let’s take a look

The Dow Jan. 20, 2021 30,930
The Dow today 38,168

The Dow Jan 20 2017 19,827
The Dow Jan 20 2021 30,930
Bobbie boy your rocket just BLEW UP on the launch pad

2024 = Trump 270+

There are at least three current threads discussing the verdict. Opening a thread not verdict related is in no way, shape or form a diversion. It’s kind of hyper partisan to suggest otherwise.

RespectfulRobert6 reads

But petty and silly as well. But rushing to point out a blip in the DOW a day after one of the most historic days in presidential history is just that...a diversion.

And who made you the gatekeeper of political discourse? I understand it’s a leftist tendency to shut down debate that’s not favorable to the liberal side, but you’ve always come across as a bit more open minded than the typical Democrat.

RespectfulRobert7 reads

All I did was express an opinion that differed from yours. You responded multiple times in THIS thread so please explain how I "shut down" anything? Why are you so triggered?

followme6 reads

actually you did not express an opinion you lied.

You are the one who got all upset and triggered about a completely new thread that was not about the Trump conviction.  

You bobbie boy are the one digging yourself a deeper hole but don’t stop it is fun watching you twist, wiggle and squirm.

   Unlike your commie pinko far left progressive comrades I do not want to take away your right to free speech by telling you to STFU I want you to keep talking and proving you are a partisan hack.

2024 = GOP All The Way

BTW you again twist, dishonestly distort and misrepresent  what others say.   cks said,  you have a “tendency to shut down debate” he did not say you shut it down. Why do you lie so much?

RespectfulRobert8 reads

How can someone have a “tendency to shut down debate” if I have never shut down a debate? Only admin can do that. You are a liar and you are forced to vote for a convict. Deal with THAT.

followme6 reads

I start a totally separate thread about the DOW and you falsely cry it is a diversion from Trump, despite the fact that there have been at least three other threads about the Trump verdict/conviction.

You then lie about a few bad days when in fact it is  two bad weeks for the DOW.

I prove to you, with facts, that the market did better under Trump than biden, you then squirm, wiggle and lie some more in a failed attempt to cover up your first lie.

It is you soy-boy bobbie that has hijacked this thread about the DOW and are diverting to the Trump conviction. Now I’m not complaining about you diverting and hijacking the thread it happens often on this board. However the fact that you cry, whine and piss your panties and shit your shorts about me starting a new thread about the Dow and calling it a diversion is 100% pure unadulterated hypocritical and the typical leftie progressive tactic you cowardly hide behind. Accuse someone else of doing exactly of what you are doing.  

So you see bobbie-boy you have the tendency to shut down the debate in the sense that you diverted the discussion from the Dow to the trump conviction. That’s how.

Another thing ……well never mind you are not savvy enough to understand.

2024 = Trump 270+

RespectfulRobert8 reads

Then in the VERY NEXT sentence, you say you didn't cry about it. lol.
Omg bro you are such a liar. You just repeat all the Hannity sycophantic talking points and NEVER take on your side. Man up and put country first. Try it once. Will Trump let you?

followme7 reads

You lied, projected, showed your hypocrisy and partisan hackery all  in one post. It is something very common for the lefties here.

Grasping at straws again. When you read my post and taking it in full context it is obvious to any reasonable person that I was pointing out what you did not crying about it. Clearly you are not one of those reasonable people you are one of the dishonest ones.

looking forward you your next hissy fit

Posted By: cks175
Re: True not JUST a diversion.
And who made you the gatekeeper of political discourse? I understand it’s a leftist tendency to shut down debate that’s not favorable to the liberal side, but you’ve always come across as a bit more open minded than the typical Democrat.
He feels the ground shifting under his feet and he’s getting skidish… that’s all!

Large amounts of the country are genuinely pissed about the lawfare (wether they like Trump or not) and it’s got him nervous 🤯

Each side competes under those rules. Those rules are maintained because everyone in the past knew abandoning those rules to gain a competitive advantage would result in peaceful competition breaking down into violence. Democrats have shown that they no longer have the wisdom to obey by these rules, and so we are now in a new environment where we need to look at what our options are in a rule-free competition. Unfortunately, this puts everything on the table. Should the Democrats chicken out of canceling the election and trying to kill Trump, Biden will not leave office, will declare some emergency or excuse to stay in power and probably say Russia or China or Andorra or Luxembourg or somebody stole the election. What happens then? Would the Secret Service remove him? Would the military? We need to start calculating these kind of scenarios because Democrats are determined to go down like a dumpster fire.

Complete projection and gaslighting by Willy as usual. It was trump who tried to steal the 2020 election and illegally hold on to power. It is trump who continues to deny losing the 2020 election by lying to his supporters and to the American people. It is trump and the MAGA movement who hate America and are trying to destabilize the country that will result in chaos and violence.

…as if he’s my equal. He’s not. The Marxists are no longer our equals. They will ultimately need to be deported.  

There’s 20 million illegals in the country. We need to deport them all before the mid term elections. That’s 730 days to deport 20 million. I’m guessing a full plane can hold 120 people. This means 228 flights to Mexico, or preferably Antartica every day for 2 years. It shouldn’t be hard to “mistakenly” put an extra 20-30 Marxists on those flights.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Wacky Willy is finally right. Jazz is NOT Willy's "equal."
Jazz is vastly superior to our leading nut case.
Geee ick are ya gonna give him a prostate massage along with that reach around?

Sounds like something a fascist would do when the internment camps are full. Fascist.

followme5 reads

I did not point out a blip a day after the Dow hit 40k.  
I pointed out it lost 2k in a two week period.  
A 2K loss in two weeks in more than a blip.

Calling the day the Dow briefly broke 40K as one of the most historic days in presidential history is total ignorance on your part and more proof you are a partisan hack.

Tell me this bobbie boy did you and your partisan hack pals call the day the Dow hit 20K, under Trump, one of the most historic days in presidential history?
Or how about the day the Dow hit 30K, also under Trump, did you call that one of the most historic days in presidential history?  

Of course not but why not? It is because you and your partisan hack pals have your heads so far up bidens decrepit old ass you are so deprived of oxygen you have gone brain dead.

2024 = Trump 270+

It seems that you are conceding the fact that the markets move largely in anticipation, and that is exactly what is happening here. When Trump surging in the polls, they shot up.  As the markets saw that the fix was in on the sham trial, they moved down. If the conviction has no impact on the polls and Trump rises in the polls, the market will rise again. I don’t know why this is so hard for Dems to understand.  The markets believe that Trump, even convicted, is a better choice for this country than 4 more years if economy-destroying Biden. It’s tell not that complicated.

RespectfulRobert7 reads

Trump and his sycophants told us in 2020 campaign, that if Biden is elected the markets will tank. The stock market has skyrocketed under Joe. Trump was wrong as usual. He lies. You know a lot about that. ;)

Home values will crash. Yeah all that fear mongering that trump does. "Elect me, I'm the only who can save you".
And his cult still gravitates to this loser....SMH

Inflation affects the value of securities because the are denominated in dollars. Discount the market gains by 28% due to Biden’s inflation and The markets have barely moved in 2021 dollars.  Lefties always want to believe the Lib talking points because most of them don’t really understand inflation and how the markets operate.  You know you are paying more for pussy than four years ago, but you don’t understand that the rise in stock prices can be partially attributed to the devaluation of our dollars from inflation, so the four-year gain that has you dripping in your pantries is mostly illusory for those who are smart enough not to buy the Biden spin.

RespectfulRobert8 reads

It was NOT just a U.S. problem. To ignore that and just blame Joe is partisan hackery. In fact, the U.S. did better than many other G20 countries as Imposters charts pointed out. I would hope you are not going to sound like Lester and tell me that Covid didn't affect inflation are you? Money poured out of the government under TRUMP that continued under the Biden admin. But I don't blame Trump for inflation. I blame Covid. Nice try.

Now we have Target, Walmart lowering prices on thousands of items. Profits have peak for all corporations. Look at their quarterly, yearly earnings. Oil pushed their limits on high gas prices, and there is an international act to slow down production. My bet is trump spoke to the Saudis about that.
Yes, America has done better then most countries.

Posted By: RespectfulRobert
Re: No dice CDL.
Trump and his sycophants told us in 2020 campaign, that if Biden is elected the markets will tank. The stock market has skyrocketed under Joe. Trump was wrong as usual. He lies. You know a lot about that. ;)
Who cares if Trump said the stock market would crash. Seriously 92% of the stock market is owned by less than 10% of the population of the US. So the wealthy elite have gotten richer under Biden NOT Most Americans. In fact they have done significantly worse under this administration.  

That’s the truth if this. Fuck your talking point you love to trot out Biden has fucked this economy badly.

He claimed that it hit 40k because of him leading in the polls...so does he take the blame now...

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: So does trump get the blame for the stock market being down 2k?
He claimed that it hit 40k because of him leading in the polls...so does he take the blame now...
You really are approaching gentle guys level of stupidity arent ya?  

Forget the fucking stock market and what anyone has said about it. It’s now manipulated in ways that are almost inexplicable at this point. It’s not any kind of indication anymore.  

It’s the rest of the economy and that has been rat fucked by Joe Joe’s puppet masters, but you couldn’t understand that could ya?  

You and GG need to go form your own TDS whispering duo under the stairs at night like icky and Jabba do.

He can't figure out how to answer a question directly so he says it's "inexplicable." In fact, it's inexplicable only to him and his ilk.
It really must suck being so abysmally stupid you can't even understand how stupid you are. No wonder Looooser is so angry all the time. Just like his feeble-minded pal, SwallowMeat.

The Dow closed out today up 574 points, or 1.5%  For the month, the Dow was up 2.3%.
So suck on that as you sob softly into your pillow.
Jeez, you're dumb.

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