Politics and Religion

mrnogood 2499 reads


It's actually harder for me to take YOUR DUMB ASS SERIOUSLY, you're a real fucking dick./.

Priapus5311111 reads

"You are truely a 3rd demensional being pri....That IS NOT my job to help robert remain
Posted by mrnogood  , 8/29/2011 3:12:33 PM  

In this Demension, but rather to show him how to let go..and show him how the whole point of humainty is evolution and survival of the fittest..

It's time to let go of this world, so we can evolve to something better...and all around the world people are preparing for this..I know you and GG are truely lost souls, so you couldn't begin to understand you are a part of something much bigger because yoru ego's have fooled MOST of you into thinking you run the show.. These are truely amazing times to be alive, but, because you're to wraped up in 3rd demsional living and havent let go, you live in fear of losing everything physical, while I don't..

But humanity is about to transistion to 4rth demsion, and you wont make it unless you change

The POINT of what's going on in the world these days, and the evolution humanity is about to take, IS TO SEPERATE OURSELF FROM THE PHYSICAL and to become more spiritual beings..
Spirituality is something mankind lost a long time ago

Robert PLEASE watch this short video..Its about Niribu, and comet elenin, and all the changes about to overcome ALL of humanity..It is a theme not only represented in ALL the worlds holy books, but ALL the worlds prophesy's, from Myan to hopi's - The human's who can't seperate theself from the physical will only suffer more..Until you let go..

The whole fucking point of EVERYTHING is to let go, not to cling on to the old broken ways of the world..They say the people who can't let go will pray for death, but death will escape them at EVERY turn..and they will live through their missery..

Shit pri, what don't you loan him money??? STFU hater

This doesn't have to be sad times, if you can let go...

You guys are trying to keep robert being a slave, and your so lost, you don't even know it

Look to the heavans in October, fore their will be NOTHING, but ANSWERS in them - Humanity is about to change, and the NWO knows this, so does NASA, this is why we see the police state forming in their last desperate attempt to look us in the demsion"

Kinda reminds me of the "Heaven's Gate" cult of years back-----we know how THAT ended-----:(

If that is the case, do you think that maybe we could introduce liorr and Trannyboy to ng as well?

Priapus532513 reads

This "space cadet" is STARK FUCKING NUTS !!

mrnogood2430 reads

has proven about this comet, which is also called ''the purifier'' -

EVERYTIME this accient, but newly re-found comet lines up with earth WE HAVE AN EARTHQUAKE..On october 28 this comet lines up with 2 planets, earth and the sun..
Why do you think we're having all these earthquakes??? The point here is not to kill us all , but make us change our ways..That's what prophecy is, a warning..

FACE IT YOU LOST- and the documentary I posted for Robert explains, not only the bible, koran, but the hopi and myan prophesies..

We all know jesus the son of god, is really a refrence to SUN, not son..However the sun was formed by this comet which comes by earth every 20,000 years..So here we have answers on why the SUN, is called the son..Because the Sun was formed by this distructive comet during the big bang -

Jesus's 12 desciples is a refrence to the 12 zodiac signs..The whole bible is celestial, only when king james re-wrote it he turned all these celestial stories into men, and brainwashed humanity

-- Modified on 8/29/2011 12:31:50 PM

I would have you know, TJ, that Willy, for reasons that are beyond me, keeps a meticulous diary of all my sexual exploits.

You'll notice from your link that there were earthquakes on:

February 27, 2010 in Pelluhue, Chile

September 4, 2010 in Christchurch, NZ


March 11, 2011 in Tohoku, Japan

Well, I consulted my diary, and as it turns out, on Feb. 27, 2010 I got a BBBJ from a Latina, on Sept. 4, 2010 I fucked a Kiwi, and on March 11, 2011 I did 69 with a hot Japanese babe.

Now, one time would be a mighty large  coincidence. Twice would be borderline far-fetched. Three times, well...let's just say there's proof my Willy's willy causes rumbles.


mrnogood2093 reads

and has been proven, to have an effect on earth, with earthquakes...

Sorry willy, I'm not Tj, and your penis is no where big enough to make the earthquake..

Hell, gravity and cold water make your penis shrink while comet elenin's gravitational field only grows the closer it gets to earth. LOL

mrnogood2349 reads

Epoch having to do with a new era, or age..and eclipse having to do with the sun..
Basically when this comet is done with us, humanity WILL enter a new age, and the ones who survive it will have to let go of the material/physical worlds, or suffer tremendous loss, and suffering over all they have lost..So the longer you hold on to this old world, and the old worlds ways, the MORE you suffer..

This new age will be called the age of aquarius, and the axis of the eart will point to the constelliation Aquarius, and we will be leaving the age of Pisces, the fish, and the fish, which not only represents this age, but christianity..

When comet elenin eclipses the sun this last time, YOU have all made it to the new age, and the point of the new age is 100% spiritual - every earthquake we've had recently has been so bad it has shifted the axis of the earth some, we're 2 feet off, and their having to redo airports and close some down because earth's magnetic north and south is sooooo off pilots equipment couldn't land planes anymore using their equipment..

This earthquake coming with the next passing has to be big enough to shift the axis of the earth to point to Aquarius, so It's gonna be a big one, and the begining of the purification of man..

-- Modified on 8/29/2011 2:30:35 PM

How did I know that you would make the gravity argument? It's sorta hard to track down the actual size of this comet, but the best estimates I have was that it was 2.5 to 7 miles wide.

Well, I gotta admit. My penis is just a wee bit smaller than that, but only a little. :)

So...we've established that a 7 mile wide object close to earth is big enough to cause major  earthquakes all around the planet.

Hmm...I wonder if there's any other objects close to the earth that's a little bigger. Hey! I think I just thought of something! Isn't the moon really big too?

Yes, it is, actually. How big? 6,786 miles wide.

Damn, that must explain why California falls into the ocean every time there's a full moon. Fuck you moon!  

mrnogood2066 reads

Ironic they would get all people out of ISS, and for the FIRST time since it was built, it's gonna be un-manned..

Now, I know you're NOT a thinker, but as a thinker, I would have to say the timing of this is ANYTHING but, a coincidence, and the timing for this is so convinent.

AMAZING the first time the ISS is going to be un-manned also is the SAME time elenin comes through

er...I mean eileen's comet? Holy shit balls! NASA's must have known about the apocolypse since 2004 when the Space shuttle program was set for it's final axeing. What bastards!

Oh shit. Maybe they know something we don't know. The ISS is 167.3 ft long, 357.5 ft wide, and 66 ft tall. You know what this means? The ISS has enough gravity to cause solar flares strong enough to turn earth into Swiss cheese!

Ahhh!!!! Run for your lives!!!!

mrnogood2608 reads

Just look at the economy, it's going down..Amazingly this collapsing economy also matches the prophesy of moving past the physical material world, and the ONLY way humanity will do this is through the pain of losing EVERYTHING..

Just look at all the earthquakes today as this celestial body nears http://aslwww.cr.usgs.gov/Seismic_Data/telemetry_data/NATX_24hr.html

THE ENTIRE COUNTRY has sizable activity, after 100+ years of silence, and non movement..Whats causing this?? Comet ELEnin, and all it's buds..

Amazingly all this is happening while the economy is tanking, just like all the prophecy's say..

Babylon is falling, and the signs are all around you, EVERYWHERE...You chose not to see them..

I bet neither one of you even bothered to watch the documentary, or look at ANY of my links proving all of this is related and interconnected..It's YOU, not me, who refuses to see the world around you as it is, and instead you try to make it and shape it for what you want it to be.. You BOTH are victims of mind control, especially you pri..

You are free to hold on to all your materialistic and physical belongings, hold on to them TIGHTLY, but the reality of yoru situtation, and REAL current events says if you don't let go of this shit you will suffer more until you lose it all...

Only thing your both proving to me, is that you blind, and you can't see ALL the signs, or the writting on the walls..

I kind'a feel sorry for you both.. Of course the world is bigger than your own hopes and personal wishes for it..The people who hold onto their material belongings will suffer EXACTLY the amount that they hold on to..So the more you hold on to this physical world, the more you suffer, the ones who let go of materialistic things, will find peace and happiness..

October 28 is the projected date, it may be sooner, as I was reading on NASA's web site the other day that the closer this thing gets to earth the more its speeding up..

Hamanity has fallen so far these days that our belongings MAKE or break us, we no longer look for inner peace, we just buy more, we're FAR gone, and the universe and God are going to purify us of this, and return us to our natural state..Of beauty on the inside, not the outside

-- Modified on 8/29/2011 4:49:21 PM

Priapus533071 reads

Wanna take me up on it ? If I win, I'll give the $ to 'tini.

Put up or shut up.

mrnogood2783 reads

I said it will mark the BEGINING of a process, where we will all have to let go of the material physical world..

This time, to chrictains is known as end times..It wil be a process, of loss and suffering until humanity evolves to where and what our divine purpose is..and this will envolve letting go of all the materialistic things that not only rotted our souls, but clouded our minds...

Look at how rotten you are, thinking it's ok to invade other lands and kill muslims, to STEAL their resources..

This hate humanity has been consumed with will end during the end times...But endtimes is not really about the end of the world, but the end of an era..It will have a new begining, one where the meek shall inherit the earth, and of happieness AFTER we make this shift..

If you had bothered to WATCH the documentary you would have seen this...

You're a God damn fool pri, with your own HUGE set of problems..You're a hateful person, and you will be broken of this during the end times..

You're fuckin rotten

Even the Bible mentions how the end times would begin with the earth trembling, and quaking..

This JUST marks the beginning of endtimes, and the beginning of mans evolution

-- Modified on 8/29/2011 5:11:38 PM

mrnogood4625 reads

as I refuse to keep this ''banter'' going..

Elenin, is speeding up as it approached earth, I SHOWED YOU PROOF from NASA this thing is causing earthquakes..

So the 28th is subject to change ..I can bet you soon as this comet lines up with earth and mars and the sun this time, and as close as we're going to be to it this go around that we will have an earthquake SOON, a quake so big NONE of us have ever seen anything like it..

and this will mark the beginning of endtimes, AND IT WILL BE SOON..

The closer this things get, we're allready starting to have the quakes, and even the USGS has said these are just foreshocks..

This comet and all the celestial bodies with it are allready getting close enough to cause earthquakes, this is why VA just had an eartquake, and the fact that VA had a 6.0 and this is only a foreshock is a sure bet sign that the real one, thats coming, will be the big one-

I'm showing you PROOF from NASA - WTF

You're the one that blew this shit up like this, and your mind is so made up, you don't listen, not only do you not listen, but you don't know how to, this is how lost you are..

EVERY prophesy of the world points to this, how would they know this was gonna happen?? Since it's really a celestial prophesy, just knowing astronomy would be why the could predict these coming events..and it's a KNOWN fact, that through-out history humans, even the ancients knew alot about astronomy, it's us that doesn't know shit


Storing massive amounts of Meals read to eat
Sucking up massive amounts of medication, and pharmaceuticals
Digging under ground bunkers around the world at a world record setting pace
Trillions of dollars dissappearing both from the pentagon, and the from the Federal Reserve.
Governments practicing detainment techniques.
CIA has relocated it's headquarters to Denver
Denver world airport has been turned into a giant subterranean facility.
Denver has the biggest underground water treatment and purification center.
EPA starts closing down it's library network.
GLobal Seed Bank built
Bush buys 98,000 acres in paraguay Father already owns 200,000
Hr5122 bypasses the forbidence of US troops operating on US soil
In 2001 264 dams needed repair, in 2009 over 1,200 damns across america are in need of repair, and the elites are no longer worried about infrastructure.
South Pole Telescope built with infrared capability
NSPD-51 Gives power to the president to take over complete and total rule
July 2007 Vatican closes library that has been opened for over 500 years.
Dutch are preparing for catastrophe, and apocalypse.
2008 3rd infantry's deployed 6,000 us troops on US soil
2011 Space rocks and asteroids are now classified top secret
Climategate was used as an explanation of what is happening to the earth, as the changes became more magnetic in nature, it was switched from global warming to climate change.
Yellowstone National Park has been having thousands of earthquakes.
Chemtrails have been blanketing the earth containing barium, Barium is used for radiation shielding.
Constant media blitz in order to keep the people occupied with one big story after another.
Increasing number of shows are now about survival.
Media black outs on comet information. Anyone remember the Media hype about Haley's comet
Google has blocked out a large area in space next to the constellation of Orion.
Fema Camps built
Mass coffin storage in Georgia.
The propping up of the stock market, at any cost, and any expense, even if it is open fraud!

And the latest abandonment of the International Space Station.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvwOYxKQLaA&feature=player_embedded  Tides rising around teh world

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZUPGw7p9I0&feature=player_embedded - NASA warns their employees...

CNN tells the sheep Niribu, and comet elenin is real http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZoMG0EOJRI&feature=player_embedded
We now have eleven active volcanoes in the world!
I know this list has 12, but I think that one of them is currently inactive.

Grímsvötn Iceland 2011
Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Chile 2011
Planchón-Peteroa Chile 2011
Turrialba Costa Rica 2011
Telica Nicaragua 2011
Kliuchevskoi Russia 2011
Bezymianny Russia 2011
Aso Japan 2011
Kirishima Japan 2011
Karangetang [Api Siau] Indonesia 2011
Lokon-Empung Indonesia 2011
Nabro Eritrea 2011

This is unheard of..The world is getting reaqdy for big change, and if you don't see it - it is because you CHOOSE not to, the signs are all around you

GOD this list could go on forver, you are out of fucking touch, wake up

Record Tornadoes
Record drought
Record volcanoes As many in one year now, as what use to be a decades total.
Record earthquakes
Record crop devastation
solar flares
pipelines all across the country ruptured
Meteor showers increasing.
Magnetic poles are shifting faster and faster
The Solar activity of the sun has changed dramatically
Cosmic ray intensity has increased dramatically
Bees are disappearing, and they navigate using a solar compass
Mass fish die offs
Mass bird deaths.
New fault lines awakened in Virginia, & Nevada to name a few.
Giant sink holes opening up all around the world.
The surface of the earth actually creating giant rips in the earths crust on the surface for all to see.
New geysers seen venting in California.
What sounds like horns blowing recorded in florida, Russia, etc.
The smells of sulfur or fuel being reported in many areas of the world, the latest reports in California.
Disturbances in our solar system with storms on Jupter increasing

and on and on, pri - all you have to do is LOOK around you

-- Modified on 8/29/2011 6:24:03 PM

Holy shit balls, TJ, you took us on a journey there. Jesus, where do I begin.

Okay, 1) Mein, I'm sorry I ever made fun of you, and said you wore a tinfoil hat. You couldn't be as crazy as TJ, if you smoked all of my stash and tried.

2) TJ, there's a documentary? What documentary!?!?! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GIVE ME A LINK. I'm gonna have to make my famous "pesto" popcorn to watch it!

3) "Whats causing this?? Comet ELEnin, and all it's buds.."

What do you mean "all it's buds"? Oh my God. You mean the aliens? WTF! WTF! WTF! WTF!

4) Forget Judgment day falling on the 28th of October. Here's Willy's offer for a wager. If Judgment Day happens anytime, on any day from this moment for the next 2 years, then TJ, I will come to you and let you pitch a loaf in Willy's mouth and post the video of it on this board. But, if Judgment Day does not come for the next 2 years, then you have to promise to 1) seek a psychiatric hospital for a mental evaluation and 2) promise to never post on this board ever again. Take it or leave it.

and lastly, 5) what the fuck are you typing this stuff on a freaking hooker message board for? Jesus, a loon as crazy as you should have your own radio show!!!

-- Modified on 8/29/2011 11:30:12 PM


and video he told me to watch. It's ok I guess. It's too much for me. I don't have the mental capacity of mrnogood or of many of you. But I try and get some of it.

He didn't say judgement day was on Oct. 28. Read what he wrote again. If I'm dumber that the rest of you, how come I do see that????
He is writing this on a hooker message board because this is the Politics and religion board and that's where it belongs.

I'm gonna need to score some acid just to get through it.

It seems like a lot of pseudo Buddhist new agey nonsense. Oh, and if any movie takes the Mayan calender seriously...well, let's just say the floor of a cave called, and they want their batshit back.

mrnogood3876 reads

from earth to the sun... So it's larger than 8x's the distance to the sun, and over 8 AU's in diameter- we are talking about a HUGE field here here

This magnetic field is what is gonna tear earth up, and it's this magnetic field that's fucking with our weather, the elites KNEW this would fuck with our weather, just like they knew when it was coming, because the have NASA, and the made up climate change

When you click on this link DO NOT click on the link at the top just scroll down and read from the summary to the 3rd page..

It's not even the comet that's the problem but the MASSIVE body behind it caled Niribu

Christains call these comets thr king of the south and north that in end times wrech havoc on earth..The hopi's called the comets the gaurdians of the north and south pole, and the MASSIVE body behind it the purifier-

We basically have a ROUGE planet and it's inner solar system enter our inner solar system, this planet and its solar system are so destructive many faith's view these celestial body's as God like..THIS system is the foundation of most beliefs found on earth, and not only NASA, but science can prove the exist.. This rouge planet and it's solar system is the opposite of earth, it's earth's nemisis,  this rouge system enters our inner solar system every 20,000 years and their is proof of this documented that this even caused the big bang

You are chosing, in your religion of having no religion, and all the lack of beliefs this MUST plague you with, to also rule out science-

AFTER you look at the link below and wrap yourmind around this system LOOK at this youtube video which is the recent warning NASA sent to their employee's which SPECIFICALLY mentions this rouge planet and all it's celestial buds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZUPGw7p9I0&feature=player_embedded

-- Modified on 8/30/2011 4:04:20 PM

TJ, on one hand, we can look to science, to figure out the facts of the matter. You seem to dismiss this as the "religion of having no religion". And for some reason, this rules out scientific analysis.

Or...we can believe the theory that earth will collide or have a near miss with an imaginary planet, a theory that is not born out by the facts, a theory that was predicted to have happened already back in 2003, and didn't, and a theory that comes from someone who claims to be an alien abductee, who was communicated with this great wisdom from an alien race via a chip that's implanted in her brain.

What's your rule of thumb, TJ? When in doubt, go with crazy?

I repeat my wager. If you're right about the coming apocalypse, I will go to you, let you shit in my mouth, video tape it, and post the video on this board.

But if you're wrong about the apocalypse, you've got to go to a psychiatric hospital, get an evaluation, and promise to never post here again.


mrnogood3419 reads

This isn't the problem-

Nibiru is SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the koran, as their marking of ''end times'' - which they call ascension, I admit ALL the organized religions have their faults, BUT THEY CAN'T ALL BE WRONG about whats going on...Christianity, may be worse than Islam for calling these times ''end times'' when really what's gonna happen is the soul is going to ascend, and humanity will live in PEACE

Below you will you will see the ''king of the south'' or Gaurdian of the south poll taking it's spot, but it's the King (or comet) coming form the north called levi that's gonna be so evil - Most people who read the bible think these are countries BUT THEY ARE NOT-

Face it you don't know how to listen either - why don't you JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP, and wait- AMAZING NASA is not only clearuing out the ISS, but testing  NASA’s Desert Research and Technology Studies (RATS) team has commenced testing communication scenarios for near-Earth asteroids. The RATS team also evaluates technology, human-robotic systems and extravehicular equipment in the high desert near Flagstaff, Arizona from August 27 through September 12 - Now why would they need to do this??

JUST WAIT - I AM NOT SAYING THIS WILL BE THE DAY THE WORLD ENDS, I'm saying these are the signs in the heavans ALL religions, and prophecy warns us to look for IDIOT -

I don't think ONE christain or muslim or hopi prophecy says this will be one big event, but rather a series of big events..

Willy it's magnetic field is 8 times the distance from earth to the sun, and this thing is COMING INBETWEEN US AND THE SUN, it is said it will dark out the sun for 3 days as it eclipses the sun, and obviously our government wants panic cause they are NOT warning you what this object will do..

Now once the king of the south, or the gaurdian of the south pole takes its spot, another comet from this solar system is gonna be drawn to our magnetic north, this comet comes AFTER the southern king has taken it's spot-

-- Modified on 8/31/2011 6:09:25 AM

mrnogood2173 reads

Instead it looks pretty stationary - thats because BOTH the comets that will take their spots in the north and the south - WILL BE STATIONARY, and magnetically ATTRACTED to earths magnetic poles

I thought, "wow, she can't get any nuttier than THAT". And yet you out do yourself each and every time.

TJ, I repeat. There is no such thing as Nibiru. It does not exist. It was made up by a Wisconsin woman who is crazy. She is stone-cold-fuck-nuts. She can't predict the end of the world via a chip that's not implanted in her brain, by a alien race that does not exist.

"I admit ALL the organized religions have their faults, BUT THEY CAN'T ALL BE WRONG about whats going on..."

Yes they can, and yes they are. They are wrong. There will be no End Times. There will be no Rapture. It's all bullshit, and it's rotting your brain.

"Below you will you will see the ''king of the south'' or Gaurdian of the south poll taking it's spot....Instead it looks pretty stationary - thats because BOTH the comets that will take their spots in the north and the south - WILL BE STATIONARY, and magnetically ATTRACTED to earths magnetic poles,"

No, that's just some space junk cutting it's way through our atmosphere. Space shuttles do the exact same thing upon re-entry. And no, it most certainly is NOT stationary, otherwise, FLAMES wouldn't be shooting out to one side as it. And no, comets cannot "take a spot" at the north or south pole, I don't care how magnetic they are. Go review Newton's 3 laws of motion.

mrnogood2783 reads

Invasion, you can't say this hasn't even been mentioned on many news netroks recently as a possible answer..

This alignment would be the PERFECT time for the government to pull of this ''project blue beam'' that the news has even begun suggesting would SAVE the economy..


Maybe you will believe the alien story, and live in fear, and support the Nwo, and old ways, in return for protection and fiscal ''security'' - You WILL be free to do that

Priapus531946 reads

Krugman's faked "alien invasion " scenario was merely a fanciful & humorous hypothesis. Are you THAT stupid not to realize that ?!

The TV show Krugman referred to about a "fake alien" being created to bring about world peace is pictured below; or is it you, TJ ?-----;)

mrnogood2577 reads

hell I'm saying - You seem to FAIL to understand that Elenin & Niburu have nothing to do with Kepler or Newton theories (gravity), but with Maxwell theories (electromagnetism).

Do you know what a pickup is? You can think of it as an electric guitar's "microphone". Pickups are made of magnetized metal called pole pieces, typically made of alnico (a blend of aluminum and nickle), but are sometimes made out of ceranmic magnets. They are wrapped around a coil called bobbins, to transfer vibrations into electrical impulses. I have BUILT pickups. In short, trust me, I know what electromagnetism is.

Now, let me ask you a few short and simple questions. Do you know what a vector is? Do you know why when you throw a baseball it doesn't fly into space? Do you know that the laws of physics exist regardless of whether you're at the north or south pole or not? Is the force of earth's gravity greater or less than earth's magnetic field?

mrnogood3280 reads

The LAST time the world saw this winged star or planet is when Jesus walked the earth-

THIS MEANS SOMETHING TO EVERY BELIEF IN THE WORLD, only MOST of the people on this board HAVE NO CLUE WTF is really going on

The sun is a Bianary star - it has a brown dwarf companion http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=the+sun+is+a+bianary+star   what we see happening is suns compainion star entering our INNER SOLAR SYSTEM - unfortunatley over the 2,000 years this star has been missing from our skys - It attracted other long time, also called long period visitors...THIS WILL BE A BIG EVENT-

Maybe America's government will dumb the amertican people down - but BILLIONS of people around the world have been waiting for this moment - to see the winged star, that the last time shined in our sky's, a messiah was born

-- Modified on 9/1/2011 5:09:37 AM

mrnogood1751 reads

to the world -

Also known BY ALL ANCIENT cultures as the air the Gods breathed - which will help purify man-

This is THE prophecy -

''Concerning the Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields: by Albert Einstein

"When the electric current comes into being, it immediately sets the surrounding aether in some kind of instantaneous motion, the nature of which has still not been exactly determined. In spite of the continuation of the cause of this motion, namely the electric current, the motion ceases, but the aether remains in a potential state and produces a magnetic field. That the magnetic field is a potential state [of the aether] is shown by the [existence of a] permanent magnet, since the principle of conservation of energy excludes the possibility of a state of motion in this case. The motion of the aether, which is caused by an electric current, will continue until the acting [electro-] motive forces are compensated by the equivalent passive forces which arise from the deformation caused by the motion of the aether itself."

Einstein observes that the potential state of the Aether is shown by the existence of a permanent magnet, just as in the cathode ray tube and ferrofluid experiments above.

"The most interesting, but also the most difficult, task would be the direct experimental study of the magnetic field which arises around an electric current, because the investigation of the elastic state of the aether in this case would allow us to obtain a glimpse of the mysterious nature of the electric current. This analogy also permits us to draw definite conclusions concerning the state of the aether in the magnetic field which surrounds the electric current, provided of course the experiments mentioned above yield any result."

The "elastic state" of the Aether refers to the Aether's fluid behavior and its ability to return to a previous state without deformation. The insights into the "mysterious" nature of the electric current refers to the two different types of charges identified in the Aether Physics Model. Not only does electricity have a bipolar electrostatic charge, but it also has a bipolar electromagnetic charge. These two types of charges interact with each other in seemingly peculiar ways. Einstein could not have known it during his time, however, the two types of charges are the actual carriers of the forces quantified in his later developed, General Relativity theory.

"I believe that the quantitative researches on the absolute magnitudes of the density and the elastic force of the aether can only begin if qualitative results exist that are connected with established ideas. Let me add one more thing. If the wavelength does not turn out to be proportional to [sic], then the reason (for that) has to be looked for in the change of density of the moving aether caused by the elastic deformations; here A is the elastic aether force, a priori a constant which we have to determine empirically, and k the (variable) strength of the magnetic field which, of course, is proportional to the elastic forces in question that are produced."

The elastic Aether force Einstein presumes has been quantified in the Aether Physics Model as the Gforce. And, in fact, we have developed simple force laws for the electromagnetic charge, which are similar in structure to the Coulomb electrostatic force law and the Newton gravitational law. We also show that each of these force laws, including our strong force laws, directly involve the Gforce (elastic Aether force as Einstein called it). The total of all these simple and related force laws comprise the Unified Force Theory of the Aether Physics Model


and because einstien did MUCH research on what AETHER is, you can be sure WE ARE NOT TALKING ANY GRAVITY LAWS IN PHYSICS-

-- Modified on 9/1/2011 7:30:21 AM

1) Jesus never walked the earth.
2) No significant astrological event took place around the time of Jesus' supposed birth.
3) No, this doesn't mean something to every belief (or religion) in the world.
4) NO, the sun is NOT a bianary star. If it was, then the solar system as it is, WOULD NOT EXIST, and neither would we.
5) Gods can't breathe, because they don't exist.
6) "Purifying" man is a retarded religious methaphor that means nothing.
7) Aether does not exist.

I repeat: Nibiru DOES NOT EXIST.

Or maybe it does!


Or maybe it's just sun glare.

TJ, you think this Nibiru conspiracy might have anything to do with the rainbow tapwater conspiracy? ;)


-- Modified on 9/1/2011 9:11:49 AM

mrnogood2621 reads

But I've ONLY SEEN YOU attempt to discredit this theory by calling me names and changing my words - God gave you free will, and your a non believer, and God will never force his way on you-

But while you use stupid links, and name calling - IM USING NASA, and other recognized global space programs to PROVE these bodys ARE IN SAPCE and in our inner solar system - These celestial bodies HAVE MANY NAMES -

I showed you they make the earth quake - Ive shown you NASA's own warning to their employees- AND A CNN CLIP THAT SAYS THEIR REAL

-- Modified on 9/1/2011 9:44:18 AM

mrnogood2539 reads

and in our INNER soar system

FACE IT: You are the one going on faith here- and this is how not having any religion, is just like ANOTHER religion - I'm USING SCIENCE, you're using your faith

and actually the word '' prurify'' is mentioned in the hopi prophesy NOT CHRISTAIN, OR MUSLIM

Now willy this BIG BROWN DWARF STAR that this man tells you is in our solar system IS THE SUNS COMPANION - Because the sun is a binary star - OK???

Why do you think all the ancients knew soo much about the equinoxes? tides? stars? constelations? They knew so much about it - they left us many texts telling us when this would happen - All you gotta do is LOOK around you - all the signs are here - and here comes the answer - suns brown dwarf companion -

You know teh miyans used to know when the eclipses would be, and do blood sacrifices on their people to please the Gods then and because the moon or sun disapeared the people believed the Gods we're angry-

Basically organized religion has done the SAME thing-  they knew this would happen, and what would happen and told us it was judgement - to keep us inline

-- Modified on 9/1/2011 12:24:45 PM

mrnogood1981 reads

FACE IT- you're the one using your divine faith - I AM USING FACTS

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quintessence  Aether, or quintessence is the HIGHEST element of all ancient cultures, I don't think they made this sensation up -

It is quite possible that this could change the electro magnetic field, and vibration of the earth, in such a way to elivate the soul and humanity - maybe it could activate all that dead DNA and brainspace - Who knows, but it's importance to the ancients, can not be discounted here

-- Modified on 9/1/2011 12:46:29 PM

Are you at all familiar with the principle of Occam's razor? I'm guessing not.


TJ, CNN doing a fluff piece on nutjob hoaxs is not evidence. If I told you that I was born with 5 penises, and all of them are 9 feet long, would you believe me? What if I said that on an internet podcast? Would that make me any more credible?

Beyond that, this fluff piece says that your imaginary star/planet is in the outer solar system, which they say explain an increase in comet activity near Earth.

I'm assuming they mean the Kuiper belt. If Nibiru existed, then wouldn't it have significant gravitational pull, that would actually PREVENT comets from leaving this region?

This forgets that you say Nibiru is in our INNER solar system. Well, if that was true, then it would be as visable in the sky as the sun. So, where the fuck is it?

As for NASA's little emergency preparedness video, that's all it is. Many gov't agencies, if not all of them, started doing this after 9/11.

So, TJ...one last time. If Nibiru exists, show me some evidence. And if you do come up with any evidence, you can win $5,000!


-- Modified on 9/1/2011 1:37:52 PM

mrnogood1989 reads

It is OUR government, along with most of the west using our banking controlled news to not tell us these prophesized events are happening, you know they LOVE  playing psy-ops -

The want you scared and on their tits - So they can keep control over you -

I wish I could find Ghadaffi's speech where he told his people it was time about for the heavanly alignment and to prepare for their coming freedom and victory..He gave his people a big speech about this..

Around the world people have waited for these signs - because we were told they would happen

Open you mind -

The ancients, had many names for this, they we'rent centarlized, but they also left us good discriptions, so their can be little confusion when you're reading ancient summerian text they describe nibiru as ''the red winged planet'' - The wise men, we're wise to astronomy too -

and you can't tell me this doesn't fit that discription to a tee- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsiaqF05-6Q&feature=player_embedded

Willy ancient culture was DEDICATED to the stars and planetsand heavans, and ALL the artifacts from the pyramids in Giza, to stone hinge PROVE this, they we're not the simpletons you'd like to think they we're EVERYTHING they put on earth PROVES this -

Their knowledge had a profound effect on modern organized religion -

It would be more foolish to think modernday organized religions came from anything else but the heavans -

Ancient summerian text tells a story of how ALL the stars came to be, of who bore who, and one day while reading it I was caught off gaurd by it's uncanny resemblence to the book of names, in the old testament, of who begot, who -

The Ancients knew when, and what to expect with these events, we used to ALL have this knowledge, but then religion was pererted, and we ended up where we are today TOTALLY whitewashed from the creator, and the heavans

This isn't secret information, it's just hidden from mainstream - You could open your mind, and look these things up -

Sure willy, the world is wrong and you are right -

Good thing you have free will to reject this - I've had NASA, CNN, and other reputable sources too

These facts also mesh together, from the HUGE magnetic field of the object being able to return the 5th element Aether, because eather is electro magnetic.. From suns brown drawf companion (even though he didnt mention it by name) that has been prophesized, by ancients who knew the heavans well, and told us it would come now - willy these FACTS mesh -

-- Modified on 9/2/2011 10:40:46 AM

...about much of anything, much less astrophysics, then why didn't they have

1) basic hygene
2) indoor plumbing
3) anything that was mechanical

Let's take your aether hypothesis. :::snicker:::

This was the "5th" element, along with earth, air, fire, and water.

Today we know that "air" isn't an element (really. check the periodic table), so much as it's made up of nitogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, argon, and various other gasses.

We also know that "earth" is made up of many other elements as well, and that "fire" isn't an element at all.

You know what else isn't an element at all? Aether. It doesn't exist. You know what also didn't exist for these "enlightened" peoples of the past? Toilet paper. ;)

So, to all on the board who have been following TJ's rants here, do I get a pat on the back for provoking her into giving us so much entertainment?

mrnogood2263 reads

AMAZINGLY Nibiru is from Orion, and they built the sphinx to represent Leo - Guess what??  IT SHOWED UP IN THE SKY'S IN LEO-

WOW- This couldn't possibly ALL be the same prophecy could it?? YES, and you have a feeble mind, and are losing this debate with EVERY fact.. The composistion of these planets HAVE NOTHING to do with the price of tea in china willy, your adding dumb shit..

and not only is every fact on my side, EVERY COINCIDENCE IS TOO

Face it willy you're the one that needs to do research here, EVERYTHING they built is lined up EXACTLY to the heavans, in ways that would still be tuff for us to build even with all our technology..

Willy, your intellect, NOT mine needs to be called into question if you haven't looked at all the WONDEROUS monuments they built that are still standing today, and ALL have heavanly cosmic alignments..

Look here you ass hat, I'm NOT tj..I rode in here on another ladies coat tales and didnt even know who the hell Tj was untill Marikod told me..

Willy, half the contry has woekn from their slumber, and amny people in today's America share these views

NOTICE, you haven't heard me saying anything like TOTAL pole shift, or anything like that - Some people DO believe this will happen - I admit that, however I believe the shift will be internal, humanity is growing, and we HAVE to let go of the material worlds to grow.. The material worlds that rotted our soul and mind..

However, this doesn't mean I can discount that this body is causing earthquakes, and weather..and these events are supposed to help push us beyond the materialistic world, but our constant bombardment of media is deffinitly making these changes harder, when they should come natural - This 24/7 media blitz  ruins your brain, judgement, and soul -

America is a warmonger, and so are alot of the people in it, because they've bought the media lies line hook and sinker.. This MUST change, the earth itself is ORGANIC, it will get rid of us, before we get rid, or kill her off -

I never said this would be an extinction level event, but rather a series of events, events that are allready well underway -

-- Modified on 9/3/2011 5:50:23 AM

"AMAZINGLY Nibiru is from Orion"

Really? I thought it was a "rogue" planet, or a part of a supposed binary star of our solar system. Strange, I didn't know our solar system extended to the Orion constellation. :::snicker:::

mrnogood2500 reads


It's actually harder for me to take YOUR DUMB ASS SERIOUSLY, you're a real fucking dick./.

etvqvafoyf3291 reads

[url=http://autoseobacklinks.com ]automated backlinks [/url]

this shit is fucking hilarious. I don't know if I really want it to stop. lmfao

mrnogood2538 reads

So it's hard to tell you ''a date'' - I can only follow nasa's site on it's trajectory..

ANYTHING can happen here..

Pri, Im not talking about ONE big event, but rather a series of big events that will test, and change humanity to let go of the physical materialism that has infected our souls and minds..

Rather you wanna call it the age of Aquarius, or end times, what ever you religion, or beliefs, they ALL believe this

This process is allready well under way..

But you don't look at current events, and you are lost

The closer these objects get to earth the more havoc they wreak in space, the more havoc they cause via huge gravatational fields interacting with earths fields, the worse our weather gets, the mor earthquakes, these events are meant to cause HUGE losses for humanity, untill we change our ways..

-- Modified on 8/30/2011 5:39:09 AM

Priapus532209 reads

Yet, you lack the courage of your convictions to make a $ 100 bet on it. Perhaps like tini, you're poverty stricken & can't afford the bet.

Be that what it may, like other proponents of
false doomsday events ( IE "Heaven's Gate" ), you're quite insane.

and yes I remember seeing some of that stuff on the news. Until now there has not been an explanation.


ok, here an explaination to that big hole in Guatemala and other places : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGkDouBVoLs

mrnogood I do understand that that comet and the alignment with other planets will start the beginning of a new age. That's cool, I'm ready... mentally and spiritually.  I don't get how they don't get what you're saying. They think you're saying that the earth will explode on that day. They put words in your mouth.
I'm not too spiritually or anything. But if (maybe it's not even the comet, the comet just happen to be there at that time) the date will change people's minds and the way they are, the way they behave... that's cool.
I don't know but back in 2008 I got laid off and my whole world has changed. I got to know you and follow your message. I've learned to live in this new world. I'm ok, I don't need you to lend me money. I'm surviving. It's possible and I know how to do it.
Let's see if this new age can change Priapus... nah!  He will not adapt. He will suffer, maybe even die. I see many people committing suicide when they won't be able to cope.  

But let me get this straight. We're gonna be living under the New World Order but we who know what's coming will be ok under it? Others will suffer because this did happen and it was a surprise for them?

Even if there is no start in of a change in the way people are on that day. It's fun to think and to guess what if... But Priapus and others here are just determined to attack you and put you down. But you're too strong mrnogood. You're one of those celestial spiritual beings that you might believe in and if you do that's ok. You have reached enlightenment or something like that.
Thank you Master.

mrnogood2221 reads

but we've had thousands of sink holes appear around the world in the last 4 years..They say this is also happening from this comet..

Amazing, this thing will be passing earth on  the 33 latitude lines, and this is also where ALL the big earth quakes have been..Japan, Va, even afghanistan, everyone of the recent earthquakes HAVE ALL been on this line..When this thing passed saturn, saturns axis shifted, 45 degrees, to line right up with the comet - what ever latitude and longitude lines this thing lines up with in it's allignments is where we have a BIG quake..Before it was in our solar system it lined up with Chile,and chile had an earthquake, since this thing has made it into our solar system it's stayed on the path to alliugn on the 33rd latitude line, and this line is where ALL the recent quakes have been

This will be the first time this comet passes between us an the sun, it should black out the sun for a few days, this will be the eclipse in epoch eclipse..and astronomical unit is the distance between earth and the sun, all the other times this comets has lined up with earth prior to this alligmnment has been on the other side of the sun and 10+ AU's - this time it will be .23 AU's which means It's VERY close to us, and coming inbetween us and the sun

-- Modified on 8/30/2011 6:10:29 AM

mrnogood2409 reads

We will ONLY have that if we choose to hold on to the old ways..

Prophesy can change when the people learn the lesson of the prophesy, and as people grow from these hard times eventually the earth vibration will have to match our collective conciousness..

It's said in the bible that the meek shall inherit the earth, it's said by the hopi's that these coming time will be the best humanity has ever had, literally HEAVAN on earth..

After of course, humanity has changed it's ways..

If we can't manage to get it together, we will all die in war - Einstein is FAMOUSLY quoted for saying ''If world war 3 is nuclear world war 4 will be sticks and stones''

We need to change BEFORE this happens

-- Modified on 8/30/2011 6:25:53 AM

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