Politics and Religion

have you priced
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 84 reads

new tire prices since Obama put tarriffs on the chinese tires?  Try to get a quote on American tires with Goodyear or Cooper, then call back for another quote 2 weeks later.  They are climbing every single week.  How much longer are they going to use fuel prices as the reason for climbing inflation?

Posted By: nuguy46
NH resident says Obama’s tax and regulatory policies have hurt and in some cases shut down local businesses.Auto repair shop owner says he is eager to vote for Romney.

“Romney is a successful businessman. Obama is not,”  “Obama has no clue on how to run a business".

"Obama couldn’t run a lemonade stand."

Just in case doctors and nurses in Rhode Island happen to have a shortage of Mercury, Aluminum, and/or foreign proteins within their bloodstreams, Health Director Michael D. Fine filed new regulations requiring seasonal flu shots for doctors, nurses and others -- employees, temporary workers and volunteers -- working for hospitals, nursing homes, home-care agencies and other health-care organizations.


As you may or may not already know, vaccines for flu have not been proven to be effective.


Flu shots often cause delayed neorological defects with devastating results.


It seems to be a phenomenon as regular and predictable as shit squirting out of a pig: at the beginning of Fall the plenipotentiaries of the Medical Mafia operating within America will start their annual festival of hysteria regarding seasonal influenza and the absolute necessity of injecting all and sundry with a big bolus of rabid bat pus.  In order to deplete their stock and supply of the noxious juice, the agents of Big Pharma will enlist (and pay for) the services of their handmaidens within the media, within state legislatures, within local health departments, and within the Medical profession to raise the overall level of aggravation about the issue in order to secure another windfall of profits.

This is just another example of public policy gone awry. What's more worrisome, is that vaccine makers are immune from any damages their products may cause to the captive victims whose lives they destroy.


Feeling like guinea pigs yet?

who could never get near admission to med school.  The flu vaccine is the single best way to protect against the flu.  It isn't perfect in protecting because it is always an educated guess as to which viruses to include protection against. This is due to "antigenic drift."  Notice this medical moron and buffoon is not able to link to any legitimate medical literature on the planet to support his stupidity.

Rhode Island is setting an appropriate medical example. The  only shit squirting out of a pig is what comes out of medical imbeciles like the one above's mouth.

Flu shots have been proven to be remarkably effective, and legitimate medical literature, not the crap linked by this medical and political buffoon have proven this.  No  legitimate medical litetature supports anything the buffoon said. But then no patient has ever come to this buffoon for treatment and it's not trained in medicine.

Age appropriae vaccination against pneumococcal pneumonia, shingles, tetanus, DPT, and Hep B is available at most large pharmaceutical chains in the US and Medicare covers them


"Over a period of 31 seasons between 1976 and 2007, estimates of flu-associated deaths in the United States range from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people. During a regular flu season, about 90 percent of deaths occur in people 65 years and older. The “seasonal flu season” in the United States can begin as early as October and last as late as May."

The Safety of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine in Adults and Children with Asthma

"Flu viruses are constantly changing (called “antigenic drift”) – they can change from one season to the next or they can even change within the course of one flu season. Experts must pick which viruses to include in the vaccine many months in advance in order for vaccine to be produced and delivered on time."


Thimerosal Safety and 2012-2013 Seasonal Flu Vaccines

Quack. A simple enough word, primarily connoting the sound made by a duck.  If you think that this is the basis for the word's use as a perjoritive regarding physicians, you would be wrong.  The word first appeared in Germany as "Quecksilber," which is German for Mercury.  It was first used as a perjoritive term for doctors also in Germany.  Back in the 16th century, the first "physician" to be labeled a "quack" was known as Paracelsus,  who had concocted a salve of herbs and mercury.  Paracelsus was fond of rubbing this upon the syphillitic chancroids of his patients.  When the chancroids dissappeared, Paracelsus took the credit for curing the disease which, if left untreated, tends to naturally follow a self-occulting, degenerative course.

After Parcelsus's introduction of mercury into the pharmacopoeia, quackery was born.  The allopathic doctors who heavily dosed their patients with the toxic substance (with tragic results) became known as "quacks."  Who would have known that Mercury is still in some of our medicine, today?  Who could have predicted that a significant majority of the physicians currently in practice would totally ignore the lessons gained by the observation of the toxicity associated with Mercury and continue it's use?

So, what is a quack, today?  According to the American Cancer Society, "Quackery refers to treatments that are without value, offered by people who make claims that are untrue." You would think that the drugs and treatments utilized in modern medical practice have all  been thouroughly researched and tested and found to be safe and effective, wouldn't you?  

Paradoxically, that which is generally accepted as true often isn't.  Conventional treatments often have NOT been thouroughly tested.  As far as their safety is concerned, you'll have to ask any of the hundreds of thousands of people who die because of them every year to learn the answer.

As long as there is a profit to be made from ill health, there will be profiteers and those who effort to perpetuate those profits by perpetuating old diseases or by creating new maladies.  Just because someone with authority calls someone else a quack does not make it so.  Quackery has become anything that takes money or prestige away from the one screaming "quack" or from those represented by the one screaming "quack."  This is the history of quackery: so-called authorities calling true healers "quacks."

If you consider the ACS’s definition of quackery: "treatments that are without value, offered by people who make claims that are untrue," then we have to admit that conventional medicine has engaged in much more quackery than anyone. The life span of any drug is just about ten years. Why and how do drugs "go out of fashion?" Are they suddenly life saving and then suddenly not life saving? There is much more consistency in herbalism than in modern pharmacology. Those herbs discovered 200 years ago are still being used today.

The First Law of Quackery: Quackery is inversely proportional to the amount of money backing the drug or procedure.

The Second Law of Quackery: The chances of a study being skewed are directly proportional to the amount of money to be lost or gained by the outcome.

The Third Law of Quackery: Beware of the person calling another a "Quack," for he is most likely to be what he would call the other.

Returning to Flu vaccination for a moment, it is apparent that it is a practice that strongly hews to all three of the laws of quackery.  The formulations of the vaccine contain Mercury in the form of Thimerosal.  This, we are assured by the "authorities" of the CDC, FDA, AMA, ad nauseum is in the vaccine at a level well below the safe level of Mercury consumption.  A prima facie absurdity: there is no established "safe" dose of Mercury.  Even if we were to accept the fiction of a "safe" dose of Mercury, it should be noted that each dose of flu vaccine contains around 25 micrograms of thimerosal, over 250 times the Environmental Protection Agency’s safety limit of exposure.  Some of the other aspect of the vaccine that Jeffy-Poo failed to disclose are:

1.  The 2009/10 H1N1 vaccines contributed to an estimated 1,588 miscarriages and stillbirths.


The CDC failed to inform their vaccine providers of the incoming data of the reports of suspected H1N1 vaccine related fetal demise. (1st Law)

2.  If an individual has had five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied) his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is ten times higher than if they had one, two or no shots. This is due to the mercury and aluminum that is in every flu shot (and most childhood shots).  The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes cognitive dysfunction.



3.  As the sqibs of propaganda from the flacks and Big Pharma shills laboring at the CDC so thoughtfully provided by Jeffy-Poo correctly assert, Thimerosal is a key ingredient of flu vaccines.  Thimerosal has been proven dangerous and it is still used in childhood vaccines, despite media claims to the contrary.  Another ingredient of flu vaccine is formaldehyde, which is a class 1 carcinogen proven to cause throat and nasal cancers.

4.  There is a causative link between the aluminum hydroxide used in vaccines, and symptoms associated with Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease), and Alzheimer’s Disease.

It would seem that vaccination continues as a widespread practice within the over-educated minions of Allopathy Inc. through a mix of scare techniques (the 30,000 deaths/year lie), insider ass-kissing, faulty skewed research paid for by the drug companies and coercion exerted by the color of law by tyrannical government.  Allopathic medicine has insinuated itself into nearly every aspect of  the fiber of American life.  It is the most common therapeutic approach.  As a result of the efforts of this group, all forms of degenerative disease (cardio-vascular disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, ect.) have enjoyed a near-to-exponential increase in the past 30 years.  Of course, the costs associated with the treatment of these diseases have kept pace with the increase of their incidence.  

Now, we are "blessed" with the coercive advent of Obamacare where people's participation with the hydra of the medical monopoly has been codified into law.  Are you able to name even one thing that became cheaper as a result of government paying for it?  If you would like to truly understand the width, breath, and depth to medical fraud in America, all done under the supposed name of "science," you might wish to read a publication by the Office of Technical Assessment. We learned from Dr Carter, in his book, "Racketeering in Medicine," that, "in 1978 [the OTA] published a report that only 10 to 20% of all medical procedures currently used in medical practice have been shown to be efficacious [effective] by controlled trial." Furthermore, "The OTA further notes that [these 10 to 20% medical procedures] which purport to having been proven effective are in some cases based on flawed research. Please don't start whining that 1978 was a long time ago, because all signs show that the situation has gotten even worse since then.

According to Dr Carolyn Dean MD, ND, author of "Death By Modern Medicine," 784,000 people are being killed yearly in America by medicine and/or medical procedures (roughly 13.5 times the number of Americans killed in the VietNam War).  No one in conventional medicine has a right to point any fingers.

took themselves and their progeny off of it by applying their medically dangerous stupidity and elminiating themselves and their progeny? Jist sayin':D

-- Modified on 10/6/2012 9:04:48 AM

nuguy46143 reads

NH resident says Obama’s tax and regulatory policies have hurt and in some cases shut down local businesses.Auto repair shop owner says he is eager to vote for Romney.

“Romney is a successful businessman. Obama is not,”  “Obama has no clue on how to run a business".

"Obama couldn’t run a lemonade stand."

hurt.  And if you kill yourself by applying your medical stupidity that's a positive thing as far as I'm concerned.  The only problem is though that when populations ignore safe and effective vaccines as was proven in Japan and the UK in the 1970's thousands of people die.

If the deaths from being medically stupid were just confined to idiots like you and Sappy the world would be a much better place, and we could bury the stupid who disavow state of the art medicine and quote clusterfucked whackjobs like you and Sappo. In other words, if you want to put a medical gun in your mouth and put your cerebellum on the ceiling, metaphorically, be myh guest and make the world a much better place through your absence.  But as physicians we're concerned about vaccination because when large populations avoid getting them, viruses like seasonal flu kill more innocent people. So far example if you and Sappy take the position that medicine is harmful, and you forego getting colonoscopy or age appropriate checkups and care, and you and Sappy die as a result, the world is a better place.

However, with respect to vaccinations for infectious disease prevention, what you and Sappy propose is dangerous for innocent people who would get these viruses because of less vaccines used appropriately and less protection for the entire population. And idiots who don't vaccinate their children put innocent children from innocent parents at risk as they do in states like Georgia when they forgo vaccination.

But I'm not hurt in the least nor are patients who listen to physicians who keep up with cutting edge medicine by having enormous libraries and reading the medical literature, and in my case contributing to some of the best journals over the years.  I'm not hurt by the stupid things you do to yourself one scintilla. I'm happy people as medically stupid as you are and Sappo isput yourself at medical risk. I'm sorry for the innocent victims in your family and the people who come in contact with the viruses in your body that you subject to your medical stupidity if they are dumb enough or too young to know better.

-- Modified on 10/6/2012 9:18:21 AM

new tire prices since Obama put tarriffs on the chinese tires?  Try to get a quote on American tires with Goodyear or Cooper, then call back for another quote 2 weeks later.  They are climbing every single week.  How much longer are they going to use fuel prices as the reason for climbing inflation?

Posted By: nuguy46
NH resident says Obama’s tax and regulatory policies have hurt and in some cases shut down local businesses.Auto repair shop owner says he is eager to vote for Romney.

“Romney is a successful businessman. Obama is not,”  “Obama has no clue on how to run a business".

"Obama couldn’t run a lemonade stand."

Tires are a petroleum based product, the price will always go up.

Stop watching campaign ads, CA are bad for your health.

WTF does that have to with the medical industry?

I've noticed that anyone who "cracks wise" about floridated water being a "Commie plot" in a dismissive tone of voice has usually arrived at their opinion as a result of extensive research and study of the 4-5 minute dialog between Brig. Gen. Jack T. Ripper and Group Captain Lionel Mandrake about floridated drinking water found in the film "Dr. Strangelove," directed by Stanley Kubrick.  

While I am loathe to come between you and your attachment to any film by Kubrick, you might be surprised to learn that there is a wealth of information that has long been available regarding the harmful effects of floridation, and that learning about this subject doesn't involve sitting in a darkened room with a crowd of strangers while munching popcorn.

You might want to look into some of them, lest you will have to answer to the Coca Cola Bottling Company.


every one he sells puts a nickel in his pocket.

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