Politics and Religion

Hate? Fear?
AMPALLANG 17 Reviews 3849 reads

I don`t hate Muslims, nor do I fear them. I, like many Americans who have lived through the last 32 years of Islamic extremism on display have grown to disrespect them. I disrespect the radical Muslims who intentionally kill innocents in the name of their religion but I also, and more to the point of today’s issues, disrespect the masses of Muslims who now and in the past have refused to stand up against their own for the evil they perpetrate. Sure, on occasion you can hear a voice or two if you watch enough news programming but as a rule the opposition voiced within the Muslim community towards the actions taken by extremists is mostly hushed.

I watch the progressive media and I see them tell me how wrong I am for my views. How allowing a mosque to be built on that spot is the American way, how I’m intolerant. Or, how a flag or a bible can be burned and the proper response is to turn the other cheek and “live our values” by understanding the concept of the Constitution, something by the way they seem to have selective acceptance of.

All of these wonderful positions they espouse are true and right. There is every Constitutional right in the world to build that mosque there and they`re right to remind us of that. There is also a Constitutional right to burn the Koran, something I do not advocate, but this particular action is met with quite the opposite talking points.

Case in point. This morning on MSNBC`s Morning Joe, Mika Brzeznski showed the kind of disrespect towards a nobody Pastor that I`d like to see expressed toward radical Islam that they seemingly refuse to acknowledge even exists.  They brought the Pastor on just long enough to lecture him for the stupid thing he threatens to do and then cut the feed before even letting him state his case. Pure theatrics on display courtesy of the ever righteous folks at MSNBC. I`m not saying they should or shouldn`t have devoted a segment to him but if you stand a person up in front of your camera under the false pretense of allowing him to state his views, he should be allowed to do just that. Or, don`t invite him on in the first place.

Progressives like those found on MSNBC have criticized Americans like me, calling me a hater or accusing me of being needlessly fearful of Muslims. They on the other hand will do their best to make an issue out of a very small handful of tea party participants who have shown themselves to be on the extreme fringe and have displayed racist or otherwise over the top signs or statements. I don`t believe they hate tea partiers. I don`t believe they fear them. I do believe though that the have a very large helping of disrespect for them and they have lumped them all together in an attempt to diminish them as a whole. What more proof do you need of this fact than the constant reference to them as tea baggers? These are for the most part average Americans with a common concern about the direction of our country and who need not be “monitored for racism” by the likes of the NAACP.

We tolerate plenty in this country. We live alongside of people who may very well be the next Jihadist to express himself at the cost of innocent lives being lost. We do this because we are Americans and that’s what we do. Don`t lecture me on my values until you learn to live by them too.

Burning the Koran and building a mosque at Ground Zero are constitutionally protected rights. That doesn`t mean that either one should be done. Sometimes you really need to defer to the feelings of those who are impacted most. That`s American exceptionalism.

"I do believe though that the have a very large helping of disrespect for them and they have lumped them all together in an attempt to diminish them as a whole. What more proof do you need of this fact than the constant reference to them as tea baggers? These are for the most part average Americans with a common concern about the direction of our country and who need not be “monitored for racism”

Not sure if you are a tea party member,however  you sound like you are taking derogatory Tea Party rhetoric personal.Quite often the most primitive minds have the loudest voices. A vast majority of the Left does not refer to Tea Party participants as Tea Baggers. Thinking logically, only the homophobic closet gays, could even come up with such a term.Our imagination and words we use are tied into our daily life and the shadowed thoughts and feelings in our subconscious.  By using that slang towards Tea party participants,they see a dual purpose in their words,silently mocking gays and at the same time screaming out loud, denying their homosexual desires.That is the way of someone with repressed homoerotic tendencies.
Its a win win for them, until someone figures  out their charade.Don't take it personal.They mean no harm by using the only defense they know.
If I had to come up with a rude name for Tea party patrons my subconscious would kick in, due to the World revolving around my job as a janitor,I would call them the Toilet Paper Party, or TP for short.
Hear what I'm saying?
Don't take it Personal.

-- Modified on 9/10/2010 5:43:58 PM

I don`t know if you missed my point, or helped me make it. I`m not a Tea Party member officially or unofficially. I`m a regular American entitled to my opinion and my opinion is that this country is heading in the wrong direction.

I don`t take what is said about myself and like minded people personally at all. I just wanted to point out that progressives will demonize an entire group who share a valid opinion when it serves them, but criticize other Americans for what they perceive as an attempt to do the same to Muslims. They complain that "racists" are spreading Islamophobia but engage in the same tactics by labeling all Tea Party members as having the same views as the radical few. Muslims good...Americans bad. I guess you can call it Tea-Party-phobia....but they won`t.

Posted By: quadseasonal
"I do believe though that the have a very large helping of disrespect for them and they have lumped them all together in an attempt to diminish them as a whole. What more proof do you need of this fact than the constant reference to them as tea baggers? These are for the most part average Americans with a common concern about the direction of our country and who need not be “monitored for racism”

Not sure if you are a tea party member,however  you sound like you are taking derogatory Tea Party rhetoric personal.Quite often the most primitive minds have the loudest voices. A vast majority of the Left does not refer to Tea Party participants as Tea Baggers. Thinking logically, only the homophobic closet gays, could even come up with such a term.Our imagination and words we use are tied into our daily life and the shadowed thoughts and feelings in our subconscious.  By using that slang towards Tea party participants,they see a dual purpose in their words,silently mocking gays and at the same time screaming out loud, denying their homosexual desires.That is the way of someone with repressed homoerotic tendencies.
Its a win win for them, until someone figures  out their charade.Don't take it personal.They mean no harm by using the only defense they know.
If I had to come up with a rude name for Tea party patrons my subconscious would kick in, due to the World revolving around my job as a janitor,I would call them the Toilet Paper Party, or TP for short.
Hear what I'm saying?
Don't take it Personal.

-- Modified on 9/10/2010 5:43:58 PM

LickTillSheQuivers844 reads

instead of justifying the dollars they want to grab out of private citizens pockets, they demonize everyone who disagrees with them as either lackeys for the rich or stupid enough to believe that they, themselves may have lots of money too. Completely blind to the idea that some may believe that "government" just takes too fucking much already.

I wont even get into the notion  that THEY are morally superior bcause they want to use the power of government to take from a small number of people (rich) and give it to the masses.

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