Politics and Religion

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DUANE 33 Reviews 1904 reads

So in an interview with CNN, the HHS secretary says POTUS did not know of known issues with the ACA websites until after the launch?  One would have thought he would have had an update ahead of the launch.  At least any competent manager would have required such updates.

OkHereGoes210 reads

Posted By: DUANE
So in an interview with CNN, the HHS secretary says POTUS did not know of known issues with the ACA websites until after the launch?  One would have thought he would have had an update ahead of the launch.  At least any competent manager would have required such updates.

OkHereGoes201 reads

Now tells us again what executive experience did BO have prior to becoming a IL and US senator?  Is that none I heard you say?

ACA is going to be one of the things that is going to be remembered like SS.

salonpas339 reads

.... Note the worst financial downturn since the Great Depression was under his watch.

GaGambler370 reads

I am convinced that Obama only did it to make himself "assassination proof", not to mention "impeachment proof"

and before some left wing nut job thinks I believe that Obama should be impeached, please read my last thousand posts or so, and then please go fuck yourself!!!

I do find it ironic that Palin is "too Christian" and Obama is not "Christian enough" despite him sitting in the Rev (God damn America) Wright's church for a couple of decades or so. I have zero doubts that both of them believe that there is some invisible man in the sky that watches our every move, kind of like Santa Claus. and these are the people that we elect to run our country, no wonder most of you think we are fucked.

St. Croix302 reads

but they don't. This is one time when taking a page out of the private sector handbook of firing is appropriate. Without question, Kathleen Sebelius needs to be terminated immediately, publicly, and today. And there are probably a few other govt bureaucrats that need to be axed as well.

Why she would volunteer that information about Obama not knowing in an interview is beyond me. It tells me she is not politically astute, and no doubt doesn't have the leadership skills and competencies to manage something like this.

The govt just made this whole thing more complex than needed. ACA is at its core, a TAX CREDIT program. But govt had to develop 15 separate and distinct Exchanges, 15 different websites, 15 different call centers, 15 different platforms. And they don't work.  

And yes mari, the govt could have avoided a potential lawsuit as you mentioned in your OP. What were the two key words in the CATO analysis, Establish and Operate. Since CATO didn't delve into the "definition" of those terms, I assume the govt could have simply outsourced from the beginning one common exchange to a 3rd party to manage and operate.

Actually I'm enjoying watching this cluster fuck.  

-- Modified on 10/22/2013 7:26:38 PM

If I believe her then either 1) she is incompetent for not keeping her boss informed and he is incompetent for not asking or 2) she was ordered to keep him uninformed so he could not be blamed for knowing and doing nothing about it.  of these I would think 2) is more likely, but unfortunately I find even more likely is that she is just not telling the truth and he knew what was going on but now chooses to be pictured as uninformed.  what a sad picture of our government

How many fuck ups the private sector do. Thousands if not millions. It just doesn’t come out because they don’t have to tell you.

your department manager. How many CEO’s know what is going on with their IT?

Apparently you don’t know shit about management.

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