Politics and Religion

Gotta ask the few ladies who venture here....You're Melania Trump
Hpygolky 207 Reviews 285 reads

Would you or wouldn't you have attended the trial? Just to those who didn't follow, she didn't attend one court hearing.
I think she should have. You know TOFTT.
Its early now but the consensus is that trump is starting to bleed voters. Maybe those that are now on the fence with trump wouldn't be....
So ladies, you standing up for your lying cheating POS husband?

Even Repuplicans are LESS likely to vote for him since they heard he is now a CONVICTED felon. And to address your point, it wasn't JUST Melania. It was Ivanka as well. Both of them are running from him. He is a total mess.

Which of your koolaide MILLERs are you two idiots quoting?

Wait don’t answer, I don’t care.  

Deep down the both of ya know the Dems  have poked the bear, he’s waking up pissed and you are genuinely nervous, or dare I say, actually scared!

-- Modified on 6/2/2024 5:24:35 AM

Trump, like the rest of MAGA nation, wakes up pissed every day. The only difference is now he's a pissed off convicted felon.

The bad news for Trump is, assuming the polls are accurate, a meaningful minority of Trump supporters think he should drop out. Of course, his supporters here will say "only 11% of Republicans say they're less likely to vote for him and only 26% of independents." Trouble is, those numbers are far beyond what would be needed to swing the election to Biden if they simply don't vote.

RespectfulRobert11 reads

That being a convicted felon is actually GOOD for Trump's chances. lol. That's Trump world for ya. If he wins, he wins. But if he loses, he still wins. I would expect to see Biden now lead in Mi, Wi and Pa very soon. Think about all those Nikki Haley voters who may have voted for him, while holding their nose. Now they have yet another reason to vote Joe or just not vote at all. And as you point out, the numbers are really bad with Indys/moderates. Barring something major, I think Trump is toast.

Jizzy the pinkos and his TDS 🙄  

I wasn’t referring to Trump at all, I was talking about the American people.

Ha ha ha 🤣🤣🤣 Robbie swallows down the blue koolaide by the gallon!  

Of course the lame stream media is going to say he’s taking a hit in the poles. They have to to try and quell the ground swell of support that’s building.  

They lie!  

They do that you know!

Keep drinking lefty losers, keep drinking

Here, I’m going to chip away at the lie, don’t say I haven’t ever done anything for you and it’s super simple. 👍

The left convicted Trump of something made up three times in a row and while the first two cost him all kinds of money, in the minds of most they thought “oh he’s a billionaire” so it didn’t really hit home. This last time? Everybody got that it was made up BS. It was touted as a sceme to influence an election and the witnesses looked B A D bad. Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels? The denial of a change of venu? A near instant guilty on all counts?

People get that it was a political railroading, the proverbial witch hunt come to pass.  

All of you on the left can’t see past your TDS to understand that reality.  

I think what’s going on here is all of you realize on some level a travesty has been foisted on the American public and it’s  frightening you that the desired effect isn’t happening as completely as you believe it should.  

Wake up lefty America! This conviction has had more of an effect than dear sweet Hillary calling Trump voters deplorables.  


You all can swill your blue koolaid you want but what’s growing in the back of your minds is doubt, DOUBT that what’s happened here was a mistake…

Poking the bear indeed.

When you wake up everyday like Howard Beale…😂😂😂
Get a grip… you’re just posting shit .

Actually you wrote that "he wakes up pissed" so stop lying. The American people aren't pissed - only trump and MAGA cultists like yourself. The jury consisted of American voters, some of whom got their news from Fox and social media including 'truth social'. This jury took their oath seriously, listened to the witnesses, considered the evidence, deliberated in good faith, and unanimously applied the law and convicted trump beyond a reasonable doubt. Your TDS is preventing you from accepting that reality. You can keep denying reality, but it won't change the facts.

Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: - S I G H -
Actually you wrote that "he wakes up pissed" so stop lying. The American people aren't pissed - only trump and MAGA cultists like yourself. The jury consisted of American voters, some of whom got their news from Fox and social media including 'truth social'. This jury took their oath seriously, listened to the witnesses, considered the evidence, deliberated in good faith, and unanimously applied the law and convicted trump beyond a reasonable doubt. Your TDS is preventing you from accepting that reality. You can keep denying reality, but it won't change the facts.
Oh no I meant the American public and Y O U R, TDS is what’s at issue here. As for denial 🤣🤣🤣 you can live in denial all ya want . In fact I hope you do. The fact that this lawfare is backfiring is actually hilarious.  

You morons should be happy as clams but your not. Watching the lamesteam media pour Olympic sized swimming pools worth of koolaid down your gullets that there isn’t a ground swell of support for trump is hugely funny!

Nobody in my circle is celebrating. It is a sad day when a former president is convicted of crimes related to his presidential campaign.  However, despite the sadness and the solemnity of moment, the fact that our system of justice prevailed against trump's threats and attacks on the judicial process is comforting.

Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: - S I G H -
Nobody in my circle is celebrating. It is a sad day when a former president is convicted of crimes related to his presidential campaign.  However, despite the sadness and the solemnity of moment, the fact that our system of justice prevailed against trump's threats and attacks on the judicial process is comforting.
“Nobody in my circle is celebrating.”

B U L L  S H I T ! ! !

If you could you would be doing cartwheels down the drive way!  

“It’s a sad day indeed!” 🙄🤢🤮

We’re you wearing the Fonzi Leather Jacket when you wrote that drivel?

The anger sharks are swimming in his head. What a hateful display.

Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: Lost, the fascist, needs anger management.  
The anger sharks are swimming in his head. What a hateful display.
And you have to go to the pejorative of fascist 🤣 🤣 🤣 face it your pissed that not everyone got on the hate trump bandwagon… like good little sheeple.  

Seriously when followme named you the pinko… he nailed it.  


A M  I   R I G H T ? ? ?

So it's ok to call me pinko, but when I call you a fascist you are offended? WTF? What a snowflake! An angry, hateful, fascist snowflake too. You are a mess.

Posted By: jazzman121847
Re: Lost, the fascist, needs anger management.  
So it's ok to call me pinko, but when I call you a fascist you are offended? WTF? What a snowflake! An angry, hateful, fascist snowflake too. You are a mess.
Did you mis the laughing emojis? I think it’s hilarious that your calling me a fascist. 🤣🤣🤣 why not a Rascist while your at It? Big P likes to use that one. 😆

I don't know if you are a racist. Maybe you are. I don't know. I do know that being MAGA and a trump cultist means that you are a fascist. Do I need to educate you again on the definition of fascism?

is using the judicial branch to eliminate political rivals.  Doesn't this sound more like Biden's White House?  Hitler and Mussolini both used the courts to arrest, summarily convict and then execute the opposition to their governance.  Read your history before speculating.

...is that the dumbass lefties are convinced that this political witch hunt has increased their chances in November. They don't realize it yet, but they just guaranteed Trump's victory.

Like his son, Hunter, and Sen. Bob Menendez who is the crucial 51st vote in the Senate.
Do a reality check before posting.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Yep, Biden's "using the judicial branch to eliminate political rivals" all right.
Like his son, Hunter, and Sen. Bob Menendez who is the crucial 51st vote in the Senate.  
 Do a reality check before posting.
You mean his crackhead (actual criminal) son who is going to go Scott free as he will be found not guilty in yet another rigged trial 🙄

And Bob Menendez? The guy who is now trying to run as an independent even though he’s facing charges that interestingly seem to be going nowhere fast…

Point being neither Biden nor Garland quashed the charges. Not to mention it was Trump who appointed Hunter's special  prosecutor and daddy STILL did nothing. The only thing that would satisfy toxic political hacks like you is a guilty verdict. Which is possible in both cases. What will Loooooser say then?
Poor Loooooser....

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Looooser misses the point AGAIN.
Point being neither Biden nor Garland quashed the charges. Not to mention it was Trump who appointed Hunter's special  prosecutor and daddy STILL did nothing. The only thing that would satisfy toxic political hacks like you is a guilty verdict. Which is possible in both cases. What will Loooooser say then?  
 Poor Loooooser....
Are you fucking kidding me?

From the article 🙄

“The release of whistleblower testimony and other findings implicates Attorney General Merrick Garland not only in perjury, but in full-on obstruction of justice.

For starters, Ways & Means chair Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.) told reporters that the prosecutor officially in charge of the case, Delaware US Attorney David Weiss, wanted to charge Hunter last year first in the District of Columbia and then in California, only to be denied both times.”

First of all, the Post publishes lies, except for its Sports section. Also, you haven't even tried to rebut what I said: Biden didn't quash the charges. He didn't interfere at all. And Weiss DID charge Hunter. Dimwit.

...."but the Justice Dept. isn't completely corrupt because Hunter's being prosecuted" argument just went up in smoke.  

The DOJ is completely corrupt. And we're better off without said institution if it's completely corrupt.  


Abolish the DOJ? My argument "just went up in smoke?"
LMAO. Willy is a complete wack-a-doodle.

Shoe Goblin: “where’s the proof?”
CKS: “here”
Shoe Goblin: “Lies. Where’s the proof?”

There no point in talking to Shoe Goblins.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: Typical Shoe Goblin.
Shoe Goblin: “where’s the proof?”  
 CKS: “here”  
 Shoe Goblin: “Lies. Where’s the proof?”  
 There no point in talking to Shoe Goblins.
Ain’t that the truth?

Just like you endlessly fail to put up actual proof, instead smearing this site with lies.
Nice work!

There's a place in heaven for you. But I'm no Andy Williams, I would have said, "Fuck this shit".

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