Politics and Religion

Google Gemini AI image generator refuses to display white people
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 168 reads

Google has issued an apology for not letting Gemini AI image generator depict white people.  All user attempts to generate people returned minorities.    
AI is truly big brother.  It will produce only what the party line allows.  

I was playing around with the AI on Elon Musk’s Twitter/X. The AI is named Grok. I asked, “Grok, show me a picture of a happy Jewish couple” and this is what I got. This problem is NOT limited to Google.

Ethiopian Jews in Israel
~1.7% of the population as of 2019.
History of the Jews in Ethiopia
"Early history (325– 1270)
The historical region of Beta Israel
According to the Beta Israel tradition, the legendary Kingdom of Beta Israel, later called the Kingdom of Simien, was initially established after Ezana declared Christianity as the official religion of the Kingdom of Aksum. The inhabitants who practiced Judaism refused to convert to Christianity and began revolting; this group was referred to as "Beta Israel". ..."

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: I would think you would be more worried about this Nicky.
I was playing around with the AI on Elon Musk’s Twitter/X. The AI is named Grok. I asked, “Grok, show me a picture of a happy Jewish couple” and this is what I got. This problem is NOT limited to Google.
Sam wasn't an ancestral Jew but a recent convert:

Deep down the blue koolaid has stained your brain woke. All your attempts to marginalize the BLM riots as “mostly peaceful” are proof positive of that.

Lester is pointing out that a product made by the way left company known as google is producing a very woke result  which is inaccurate.  

Now back to Matlock with you.

PS Tell your Nurse your sorry for being a large type asshole all the time.

can't say I'm at all surprised.

I haven't used them as a search engine for years. I use duckduckgo which doesn't squash down conservative content and it doesn't track you.

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