Politics and Religion

Good post, Willy, and I am very pleased you are taking a
marikod 1 Reviews 3837 reads
1 / 44

CEO Howard Schultz announced yesterday. Well, he didn’t say it quite like that but he did say that while Starbucks would not ban in- store guns, Starbucks would appreciate it very much if customers would not bring firearms into the cafes.

       Private businesses, of course, can legally bar even persons with open carry permits from bringing guns onto the premises. Whole Foods has long had such a policy.  

        As a daily  consumer of hazelnut lattes, I was a little disappointed that Starbucks did not institute an outright ban. And if you ever find yourself sitting between Plexico Burress and Federal Gun Safety Instructor Lee Page, you too might be wise to chug that latte down and get the hell out of there.

          But as more and more businesses take this sensible step, a new problem is raised- where do the gun owners put their gun when they enter the store?

“Here Plexico- would you hold this for a minute?”  

Don’t like that one.

“I’ll just leave my Glock 31 with armor piercing bullets in my car.

Um, did I remember to lock my car?””

Even worse.

“I’ll just lock it on the bicycle rack.”

Are you kidding me?

       There are no good answers here. (Hey Willy what do you do with  your gun when you go into a store?) But the risk of harm open carry poses to others cannot be denied and can only be increased if gun carriers have to disarm every time they walk into a store. There will probably have to be few tragic incidents before we get some laws to deal with this problem. Maybe California’s plan to lock up Glock owners is not such a bad idea after all.  

       But, for today, let’s raise a $4.25 hazelnut latte in honor of Howard Schultz, for at least taking a stand at the risk of losing a lot of customer

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 1385 reads
2 / 44

I've never understood the compulsive need to carry a weapon in your routine daily life. And if it's because you think you need it for self-defense, I'd be thinking what the hell I've been doing that would compel me to carry a weapon .

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1181 reads
3 / 44

as I prefer Dunkin' Donuts' coffee and their assortment of doughnuts, but now I will take my dog just to poop in front of Star "Fuckin" Bucks...

-- Modified on 9/19/2013 8:04:49 PM

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 1206 reads
4 / 44
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1487 reads
5 / 44

own two handguns, which I can carry in VA if I want as long as they are concealed. I don't feel the need to carry them as I live in very safe neighborhood.  

I don't want some mother fuckin', cock suckin' cunt hole of a CEO to tell me that I can't carry my gun...

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 1349 reads
6 / 44

I wouldn't want you around either. You'd just turn all the lattes.

613spades 5 Reviews 1528 reads
7 / 44

I have a carry permit as well, mainly to purchase if I want. Permits to purchase a handgun in mn only are good for a yr. Carry permits are good for 5 yrs.  
     There are a few areas and jobs in which I might very well exercise my right to carry. Bartending in some poor neighborhoods if I'm closing is one (after closing while cleaning and locking up). Some areas of the cities late at night I might consider it. Starbucks used to host cc or open carry days didn't they? Might be wrong.

Timbow 1084 reads
8 / 44
CallNumber9 2 Reviews 1262 reads
9 / 44

I'd re-evaluate my life if my only option was a gun to get by.

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 1127 reads
10 / 44
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1528 reads
11 / 44

When I was a little kid, my dad played in a bluegrass band. 3 or 4 times a week, our entire family would spend our evenings in a bar. I'm not sure what my mom thought about changing my diapers surrounded by chain-smoking drunks. Reportedly, at one gig the crowd was so rowdy that the band had to play behind a chain-linked fence that covered the front of the stage. My first ever memory was at about 2 years of age, getting up on stage with my little plastic Mickey Mouse banjo and playing next to my dad. One lady asked my mom, "how do you get him to do that?" My mom replied, "I don't! He just does that!"

You know what else I recall about these seedy country bars? Most of them had signs in the front of the building, "no guns permitted inside".

Private businesses have had a long history of banning guns from their premises. It is their right to do so. And in any crowded building where drinking is going on, I'd encourage it.

Many gun owners recently have been carrying openly in Starbucks. In fact, I've noticed a lot more people carrying openly everywhere. I saw a few people carrying openly at the local 7-11 the other day, and I told them they were idiots. Carrying a gun is about protecting yourself and those around you. You can't keep others safe if people around you, who don't understand why you carry, are freaking the fuck out because you have a gun on your hip. Unless you live in a small town or you're camping, keep it concealed, you dumb shit.

But even if you have a concealed carry license, a private business can bar you from carrying it concealed on you, as they should. Most states don't require permits to carry openly.

Even with a concealed carry permit, there are places you can't go with a gun. Schools. Any federal property, like even your local post office. As regular practice, I just put the gun in the glove box before entering the post office. Many conceal carry holders have a "car gun", that just stays in the glove box.

By the way, Mari, every bullet can pierce armor, depending on the size of the bullet and the strength of the armor. Standard police vests are designed to with stand handgun ammo only. A level III vest will fail against any standard hunting rifle round like a .308 or a 3006. Even a 50BMG round can be stopped with a thick enough wall of concrete. The 50 BMG was used by snipers in Iraq because it can stay in the air for up to a mile, and was often used to kill insurgents hiding inside small buildings.

DynamiteDominicDeNucci 1337 reads
12 / 44
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1455 reads
13 / 44

the right to own arms vs the need to carry a gun.

Yes, if you need to carry the gun to Starbucks, you are better off leaving that neighborhood and moving to a somewhat safer neighborhood....

marikod 1 Reviews 1378 reads
14 / 44

Let me help you with that.

        Imagine that you and I are standing on the sidewalk. A huge storm cloud approaches. I am standing under an umbrella drinking a hazel nut latte. You are  not. The rain starts pouring down and I say “Mein, get out of the rain or you will get wet.”

        As the rain soaks you to the bone, you reply –“show me a peer reviewed study that proves that.”  

         Suddenly, a flash flood sweeps you away and your last words are “I want to see a peer reviewed study before I get out of the rain.”

         So when I say that  “the risk of harm open carry poses to others cannot be denied”  we don’t need a peer review study that says that – the risk is obvious and we already have many examples from Federal Safety Inspector Lee Page to Plexico Burress. The link has another example of a yahoo whose gun discharged when he was riding a bus.

       When you make one of your bombastic statements – “more guns reduce violent crimes” or “schools would be safer if we armed teachers ”- there are so many other factors that bear on the question that we DO need a peer review study to prove causation.

       And now-pop quiz! I want you go to Starbucks, order a hazel nut latte and drink it down.  Now can you tell me if that latte is “um, um, good,” or do we need a peer review study on lattes first

GaGambler 1382 reads
15 / 44

Mari, you have officially lost your man card, and all rights to claim anything from the male perspective. Next thing I suppose, you will be claiming that not only is football barbaric, but that we should all become vegans too.

Why anyone would go to Starbucks for coffee in the first place is beyond me, People who go to Starbucks are the same yuppie crowd that drink $200 bottles of Chardonnay simply because someone else told them it tastes good, when the truth of the matter is they couldn't tell the difference if the wine actually came out of  box. Starbucks??? What genius picked them as a venue for a gun rights debate in the first place? Now a Dunkin Doughnuts? Yeah, I can see some synergies there, but Starbucks??? I just don't fucking get it.

marikod 1 Reviews 1781 reads
16 / 44

sensible approach to open carry in a public cafe.

       As for putting your gun in the glove box, will it actually fit in there with holster? I would think not, so you have to take it out of the holster and now the holster is visible to some slash and dash thief. And when you take it in and out of the holster, there is a risk of accidental discharge, right?

So again no good answers to this problem.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1703 reads
17 / 44

Crack me up because of the idiocy of the government putting up signs saying "Gun Free Zones", and weep after someone like  Adam Lanza mercilessly slaughters a couple of dozen innocent children...

Its basically telling the bad guys... Come shoot us.. We are too damn stupid...

no_email 3 Reviews 1518 reads
18 / 44

Why do I find this hard to believe.

I can't find who their suppliers are, I certainly can't take them just on their word.

pleasureglans 17 Reviews 1397 reads
19 / 44

Nice to hear a sensible answer from a fellow gun owner.

Posted By: willywonka4u
When I was a little kid, my dad played in a bluegrass band. 3 or 4 times a week, our entire family would spend our evenings in a bar. I'm not sure what my mom thought about changing my diapers surrounded by chain-smoking drunks. Reportedly, at one gig the crowd was so rowdy that the band had to play behind a chain-linked fence that covered the front of the stage. My first ever memory was at about 2 years of age, getting up on stage with my little plastic Mickey Mouse banjo and playing next to my dad. One lady asked my mom, "how do you get him to do that?" My mom replied, "I don't! He just does that!"  

You know what else I recall about these seedy country bars? Most of them had signs in the front of the building, "no guns permitted inside".  

Private businesses have had a long history of banning guns from their premises. It is their right to do so. And in any crowded building where drinking is going on, I'd encourage it.  

Many gun owners recently have been carrying openly in Starbucks. In fact, I've noticed a lot more people carrying openly everywhere. I saw a few people carrying openly at the local 7-11 the other day, and I told them they were idiots. Carrying a gun is about protecting yourself and those around you. You can't keep others safe if people around you, who don't understand why you carry, are freaking the fuck out because you have a gun on your hip. Unless you live in a small town or you're camping, keep it concealed, you dumb shit.

But even if you have a concealed carry license, a private business can bar you from carrying it concealed on you, as they should. Most states don't require permits to carry openly.  

Even with a concealed carry permit, there are places you can't go with a gun. Schools. Any federal property, like even your local post office. As regular practice, I just put the gun in the glove box before entering the post office. Many conceal carry holders have a "car gun", that just stays in the glove box.

By the way, Mari, every bullet can pierce armor, depending on the size of the bullet and the strength of the armor. Standard police vests are designed to with stand handgun ammo only. A level III vest will fail against any standard hunting rifle round like a .308 or a 3006. Even a 50BMG round can be stopped with a thick enough wall of concrete. The 50 BMG was used by snipers in Iraq because it can stay in the air for up to a mile, and was often used to kill insurgents hiding inside small buildings.

GaGambler 1573 reads
20 / 44

Literally millions of people world wide carry a gun every day, Police officers, soldiers, etc. I have taken firearms out of holsters thousands, if not ten of thousands of times without incident. Unless you are a total moron the risk to holstering and unholstering a firearm is infinitesimal.

Now I can't speak for anyone else, but I carry a pistol in my center console and have for decades, as Willy puts it, it is my "car gun". It fits in there quite nicely, holster and all. To me it's no different than carrying a first aid kit in the glove box, you don't really pay much attention that it's there, except to check it every once in a while to make sure it's in proper working order in case you were to need it, but it's just nice knowing it there in case of an emergency.

and do you really think that if the gun won't fit into the glove box with the holster that even Willy, stoned to the gourd, wouldn't put it UNDER the seat where no one else could see it? Come on Mari, I think maybe you have had too many lattes, you are really reaching now.

no_email 3 Reviews 2066 reads
21 / 44

you are occupying this land.

Firearms along with the MIC are the only way we get by

marikod 1 Reviews 1383 reads
22 / 44

you can go stand in the rain with Mein.

Damn, am I the only one who understands the "peer reviewed studies" concept?

hound88 49 Reviews 1592 reads
23 / 44
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1654 reads
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I'm hesitate to say how I carry in a public forum, but let's just say I carry "deep", as the saying goes. I have a deep hatred of hard plastic holsters like Fobus holsters, the ones I prefer are cloth. When I unholster at the post office, the holster stays on me, concealed.

There is little chance of accidental discharge when you holster or unholster a gun, unless, of course, if you take a metal saw and cut off the trigger guard, lol. You always keep your damn trigger finger off the trigger at all times, until you're ready to fire, but even if it was accidentally pulled, it wouldn't matter, since I have a manual safety.

There is one particular gun that can accidentally discharge from putting it into a leather holster that has been well-worn in. That gun is none other than a Glock. Just another reason why I hate striker fired pistols.

GaGambler 1332 reads
25 / 44
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1279 reads
26 / 44

...drinking salty milk, which I hear is quite popular with the back stabber.

Which reminds me, I really need to make an appointment. Here, chica, chica, chica....

GaGambler 1838 reads
27 / 44

It does remind me of carrying an old single action revolver, where for safety's sake you would only chamber five rounds as to not blow your leg off if you fell off your horse or stumbled while walking over uneven ground.

St. Croix 1662 reads
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First mari, it's Plaxico not Plexico. College basketball is NOT the only sport. Plus 99.9999% of accidental shootings occur in strip clubs, which makes sense.

Starbucks is based in Seattle. Howard Schultz is liberal. Starbucks donates money to progressive causes. Starbucks customers are hazelnut latte liberal drinking pussies. Now that some Starbucks stores serves wine, customers will also be white wine spritzer liberal drinking pussies. It only makes sense to cater to your core demographic customers.

To me, strident 2nd Amendment adherents can boycott Starbucks, just as my liberal friends boycott Best Buy and Target for their donations to anti-gay candidates, or union members who boycott Walmart or Costco.

I own Starbucks stock, and will continue to do so even though they donate money to Planned Parenthood. But then I also own Target, Altria, Las Vegas Sands, and Halliburton.

GaGambler 1392 reads
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and come up with 13, you really aren't the brightest bulb are you?

So am I to infer from your comment that you actually like that overpriced pussy swill that Starbucks serves over REAL coffee that men drink?

GaGambler 1303 reads
30 / 44

You can actually be funny when you aren't talking about matters of business. lol

and yes, I see the Backstabber as a Starbucks kind of guy too.

hound88 49 Reviews 1619 reads
31 / 44

Learn how to read what is written for comprehension if you can. It's obvious based on this response you can not and seem to have had a few to many since you do not have a job with plenty of time to waste all day every day on a fuck board!  

-- Modified on 9/20/2013 12:41:04 PM

-- Modified on 9/20/2013 12:48:22 PM

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 1324 reads
32 / 44

and you just don't tell anybody.  I don't understand what the big deal is with Starbucks.  I am concerned that my government and media is putting a lot of propaganda out on shootings, I suppose to disarm us at some point.

GaGambler 1591 reads
33 / 44

Just what the fuck is your title "your need too" supposed to mean?

and by "few to many" is that supposed to mean a "few too many"??? it's only a three letter word, even for you a word like that shouldn't be too hard to spell. I really hate to nit pick, but while we are at it what the fuck is up with this sentence? "Learn how to read what is written for comprehension" While I can gather what you are trying to convey, is English a second language for you? Because you are certainly doing a great job of butchering the English language for someone who is trying to lecture me about reading comprehension.

BTW have you ever heard of a comma? It isn't that hard to use one every once in a while, especially if you are going to criticize other people in matters of literacy. sheesh, this is just too fucking easy. Come back when you have a clue, or a brain.

hound88 49 Reviews 1292 reads
34 / 44

Several times because the  admin would not let me really post what I wanted to say about you old man unless I edited my original post. The very same admin you run to for removal of post that expose you and how fake you are using your own words. For example,  no job, but you own a company. I know you'll call me a liar as usual and blame big p.  You have nothing to say so you point out a missed comma or miss use of a word so you can declare victory.  It's a great method for you GOP members. I notice you did not deal with the issue in the post, as always.

Posted By: GaGambler
Just what the fuck is your title "your need too" supposed to mean?

and by "few to many" is that supposed to mean a "few too many"??? it's only a three letter word, even for you a word like that shouldn't be too hard to spell. I really hate to nit pick, but while we are at it what the fuck is up with this sentence? "Learn how to read what is written for comprehension" While I can gather what you are trying to convey, is English a second language for you? Because you are certainly doing a great job of butchering the English language for someone who is trying to lecture me about reading comprehension.

BTW have you ever heard of a comma? It isn't that hard to use one every once in a while, especially if you are going to criticize other people in matters of literacy. sheesh, this is just too fucking easy. Come back when you have a clue, or a brain.

GaGambler 1644 reads
35 / 44

Your post makes no sense, even after two modifications. Now I suppose you are going to blame admin for your inability to compose a simple sentence or two.

As I've said before, you really need to get some game, and maybe a remedial course in English before attempting to "debate" me. So far there has been nothing to debate as you seem incapable of even stringing a few syllables together in a coherent manner.

Ok, i am really in the mood for a good laugh, You claim to have a PHD, please enlighten us as to what field it's in? I have this mental image of you turning in a dissertation that looks like it was written in crayon. I am sorry, but I am literally roflmfao as I write this.

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 1544 reads
36 / 44

I grew up on a farm and did my share hunting with shotguns and rifles in my youth. When I moved to the big city I didn't need it and didn't miss it.

I've never had the need or desire to carry or own any sort of weapon.

An intellectual is someone that's found something more interesting than guns.

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 1069 reads
38 / 44
CallNumber9 2 Reviews 1262 reads
39 / 44

For $5, usually less for me, I get a neutral meeting ground for potential clients, and the money I've made thru these meetings far outweighs the measly $5 cost of some coffee.

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 1151 reads
40 / 44

if all you can see is black and white.

DynamiteDominicDeNucci 1832 reads
41 / 44

Trucks are the lifeblood of this country and there is a revolt growing amongst them this very day.  

What are you going to do then brain surgeon , drive the rig yourself ? No ,you won't because you can't .  

Oh and my 78 year old Teamster Uncle who can still run one coast to coast would mop the floor with a wanna be like you .

GaGambler 1422 reads
42 / 44

No one is forcing me to, so I pass on the five dollar cups of coffee. Starbucks is "yuppieism"  run amok. Yuppies love to over pay for everything, all you have to do is "tell them" it's better, no proof required and yuppies break out their wallets.

I don't really care about the five bucks, just like I can certainly afford a thousand dollar hooker if I so chose, I just don't like getting ripped off. I earned the money I have, I don't mind "giving" my money away, but companies that overcharge, just because their customers are stupid don't ever get any of my business.

CallNumber9 2 Reviews 1337 reads
43 / 44

so can you spill your contemptuous bile somewhere else. That bottle of syrup labeled "GaGshit" has remained full for lo these many years at my local Starbucks.

GaGambler 1865 reads
44 / 44

but as I said before, you can count me out.

Starbucks is proof positive that yuppies are idiots, and if the coffee cup fits.............

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