Politics and Religion

Good Byeangry_smile
Robertini 4 Reviews 2617 reads

Ok I've had had it with TER censorship.
Evrytime I post a story. They tell me it can't be poste cause it has personal info on a individual. So I have to give you a hint to look it up. All stories have victims, perpetrators or whoever. But whatever.

The last post I posted was for drunken Asian and I doubt  the he would be offended to see a naked drunk Asian lady and a music video about alcoholism.
Firt they tell me that a post with that title already exists. So I change the title. I add that I don't think TER likes me.  
Then they say that the reason my post is not posted is that it is trouble making, offensive, or whatever.  
What ? Isn't this an adult site about prostitution???
They're trying to protect us from ourselves just like the swtupid government we critize all the time.
I've been here since 2001. But they're right. This belongs to them and I don't even pay membership. I'm on the basic membership. I don't write reviews cause with the little money I make I get cheap girls not on TER.
So that's it. I'm gone.

Ok, ok, sure I'll make sure the door doesn't hit me on the ass on my way out.
But maybe I want the door to hit me in the ass.

Hope they let me say good bye or are they gonna censor this too.

You know what else. Today I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior and I find this whole site degrading to women and to men too. Just like the site and story in this News story

Now I'll fight to destroy this filth

I'm done here  

ridiculed, impugned, censured and censored.  

Posted By: Robertini
Ok I've had had it with TER censorship.  
 Evrytime I post a story. They tell me it can't be poste cause it has personal info on a individual. So I have to give you a hint to look it up. All stories have victims, perpetrators or whoever. But whatever.  
 The last post I posted was for drunken Asian and I doubt  the he would be offended to see a naked drunk Asian lady and a music video about alcoholism.  
 Firt they tell me that a post with that title already exists. So I change the title. I add that I don't think TER likes me.  
 Then they say that the reason my post is not posted is that it is trouble making, offensive, or whatever.  
 What ? Isn't this an adult site about prostitution???  
 They're trying to protect us from ourselves just like the swtupid government we critize all the time.  
 I've been here since 2001. But they're right. This belongs to them and I don't even pay membership. I'm on the basic membership. I don't write reviews cause with the little money I make I get cheap girls not on TER.  
 So that's it. I'm gone.  
 Ok, ok, sure I'll make sure the door doesn't hit me on the ass on my way out.  
 But maybe I want the door to hit me in the ass.  
 Hope they let me say good bye or are they gonna censor this too.  
 You know what else. Today I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior and I find this whole site degrading to women and to men too. Just like the site and story in this News story  
 Now I'll fight to destroy this filth  
 I'm done here  

And now I forgot what I wrote...  

Oh yeah, I think I said that I haven't had much problems posting on this board even though I'm oddly moderated on this board. (Unmoderated everywhere else though).  I'm thinking it's because I've stayed on topic since all my posts were related to religion or politics or somehow related to religion.   Also yeah I probably wouldn't get offended over some friendly joke you're posting.

I know you'll be back though. You seem to have staying power like AnonymousFungus  
cuz I recognize your handle from years ago. ;)

Lots of luck Tini.

GaGambler510 reads

I'll give you credit for the way you are going out.

It's probably BigBackStabber hitting RAP to get a couple of days of VIP. I am sure he is responsible for more posts being pulled than the next ten members combined.

Sorry to see you go.

...reported one of his posts.  But it's just more of you talking out of your ass.  What else can you expect from an alcoholic, compulsive gambling sex addict.

-- Modified on 3/15/2014 12:36:14 PM

GaGambler542 reads

If so, then you are a liar and everyone here knows it.

I suppose you are claiming it's a coincidence that every thread where you get your ass handed to you disappears, or at least the parts where you look bad.  You really are a pussy, a big FAT pussy, and everyone here knows it. No go run off to mommy and have this post pulled as well.

...you were kicked out on your ass.  Probably because you were the only moderator who constantly bragged about being able to "see behind the curtain."  Yeah, another great accomplishment in your life of which to be proud.

You were nothing more than a kapo, riding herd over your fellow hobbyists for a few extra crumbs.  I guess you couldn't afford VIP on a roustabout's salary.

GaGambler491 reads

come on, it's all in the past now, you can get it off your chest  and finally tell the truth for the first time in your miserable life. Is that why you seem to relish being such a snitch now, because back when there were US based moderators, none of them would give you the time of day?

...degrees in L.A. today.  Do you think I'd rather read posts by angelexotic, belebeu or B_I_B than spend time in the warm California sun?  I don't do a damn thing all day but that still beats being a mod.  Of course, a busy oil executive like you can also moderate 10 fuckboards at the same time as making multiple bets, fucking 3 chicas a day and knocking back a couple of fifths of booze.  They'll probably erect a statue to you in CR any day now.

Walter Mitty much?

This is what happens when the minority is allowed to over rule the majority. Like fags. Like people who approve of killing babies. Like people who thinks guns kill. Like people who are afraid of accountability(atheists). Like people who think the "lazy" should be rewarded.

Too many "likes". Say goodnight Gracie

Not unlike the hypocrite religious nut jobs just like your wrinkled old saggy ass who pick and choose which version, which sentence, which fable they wish to live by.  

if the fags, the atheists and baby killers abhor you, I am sure there is an island in a nuclear testing zone, you and your fellow cult idiots can go and live of course protected by the radiation by almighty god and leave the rest of the world alone.

followme465 reads

There is no doubt your posts being pulled are the work of the backstabber.

Sorry to see ya go

I wanted to leave you a song, that I hope will make you smile.  It reminds me of your character.


Take care and Love,

have abided by, since I can remember. It is a code, that won wars, and built this country.  " Feelings " was a four letter word to my dad, and the ones I followed in the army and the construction industry.  

But the world is changing, however, and learning to be politically correct is the reality of the workplace and to a certain extent our personal lives. In particular san Francisco is a difficult place for me to work. I admit this constraint on my speech feels like a straight jacket with the result the workplace has become sterile because you might offend someone. Tell a joke and receive disciplinary action. Face it robertini, we are anachronism. It is the main reason I will probably retire in two years.  

Please reconsider you decision, take time to cool down and see how this can be opportunity. I took  time off and I might again and join GaGambler in costA rica.

GaGambler455 reads

SF is one of the most PC cities in the country.

With my mouth I could never be an employee, or even an employer in such a place. Some little cunt like our own BigPussy would be threatening me with a lawsuit the first time I made a fat fuck joke, or some moron like AF would be suing me for making a "retard" joke. I still talk like someone in the army or construction and that is simply not going to change, I am happy I've chosen a path where don't have the PC police in charge of my life.

BTW You can still do pretty much what you want here in CR.

amongst men was we do not get offended. It was how I was brought up, and frankly the unwritten rule served me well. and if you were offended, deal with it like a man.

If we are fucking up, it was expected a tongue lashing was in order and vice a versa. One of the best quotes ever given me was by my football coach, "if your dogging it, you'll regret it for the rest of your life." He was right. Of course he said the words much more colorfully, but you get the point.  Be direct, get to the point, move on.  

The gays do not play by the same rules. When they get offended they hire lawyers. I do want to get into the details, but it's like walking on egg shells around them. And they like to gossip. I hate gossip, it is a waste of time, and it does not belong in the workplace.

-- Modified on 3/17/2014 1:33:16 PM

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