Politics and Religion

Can anyone tell me why this guy is still allowed on the air!?!
mattradd 40 Reviews 2381 reads

Does he own the production or what?

-- Modified on 8/27/2013 5:10:44 PM

He's a fascist. No other explanation is required.

Who the fuck are we talking about? :-D

...and to answer Matt's question(with out knowing the topic) the 1st amendment.

but I think he's talking about Pat Robertson.

I don't mind hearing Pat's views on the news, since his views usually don't coincide with mine.

With that being said who listens to Pat?

can't get on the air. My question is still who is it he can remain on the air? Does he own the production, the network, what?

the article I was referencing, but was blocked from making an edited; got side tracked on my work, and just got back to attaching the link!

1 Peter 4:11 (NIV)

If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Roberson's Church started the "Christian Broadcasting Network".  A cable TV network that would change its name to "The Family Channel".  They would sell the channel to Fox (who would latter sell it to Disney), with the stipulation that "The 700 Club" show would continue to be carried by this channel.  
Disney/ABC can't drop his show no matter what he says or does.

Or were you wondering why a broadcasting company would allow Robertson, to say unpopular and down right outlandish things?

I'm curious as to why the the liberal media says "how high" every time a right wing talking head say "jump" ?

I'm all for the 1st Amendment. I was just wondering how Pat gets financed to say stupid stuff on TV.

I doubt if the liberal media is either. What would they have to react to?

I think your inquiry into why Pat can say crazy things was a good one. Especially in this day and age of corporate influence as to what opinions can be voiced on the air.

If Pat had corporate sponsors to answer to, he would most likely have to "go away". ;)

statement of "Carbon Dioxide is not harmful to Human beings”. There is scientific evidence according Ms. Bachman.

I would like to put her in room for 10 minutes filled with Carbon Dioxide to prove it is not harmful and global warming is liberal conspiracy.

When you keep on idiotic things over and over, you become an idiot.  

Sure, some will argue the facts as long as it serves their parochial purposes.

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