Politics and Religion

Gay Woman Reaches Peak TDS: Threatening Suicide
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She was despondent after the Trump-Biden debate and had a vision that Trump was going to win.

If Trump wins, I will have no choice but to take my own life
Apparently, as a queer, disabled voter, she sees death as a better alternative to life under Trump.
As I watched the presidential debate last week, a wave of dread swept over me and reduced me to a puddle of tears. The reality of our political climate has finally hit home. A convicted felon and rapist, a man who said that nazis are very fine people, a man who has promised to destroy America as we know it with his Hitler-esque Project 2025 — is going to become president of the United States.

When that happens, I will take my own life. I don’t know how exactly, but the alternative is too horrifying to even contemplate.
If she doesn’t choose death by her own hands, than her fate will be sealed by Project 2025 Zombies.
Trump’s Project 2025, a school shooter-style Christofascist manifesto aimed at reshaping American society, is not just a policy proposal; it is a death sentence for many in the LGBTQ+ community — whether by their own hands or those of Trump’s hillbilly death squads.

Another article from this whack job publication.

So let me tell you something that we all feel but few have dared speaking up about. When we see a white woman with a white baby, we see the perpetuation of white supremacy. It scares us on an existential level. White babies makes us feel unwelcome and like our beautiful children of color will never have opportunities or a dignified future.

The west is full of highly educated highly mentally ill women.

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