Politics and Religion

GaGambler: You weren't an oppressed minority at my hand
JeffEng16 22 Reviews 2051 reads

"Fuck you X2" and "you people" you wrote. Get a grip. You talk about  anger.  Surely you kinow the psychiatric concept of displacement don't you?

I grew up Jewish, and we have a history of being a more oppressed minority than yours and a longer one.  I could detail you some of what finally dragged Roosevelt kicking and screaming into WWII after his Jewish cabinet members kept telling him about  The Holocaust, but it's widely known and you have an iPad, and an internet connection virtually everywhere you are, except when you can't get Wifi, so you can read about it if you haven't already.  

I did plenty of menial jobs as a kid, but I thought maybe my skills might be better applied at putting in chest tubes, chasing down hollow point bullet wounds, taking care of the worst imaginable trauma in an ER, and teaching CPR to EMTs in my large city so we could get modern cardiac drugs on the trucks we all wanted to use that weren't on them when they called us from 20 miles or further away from Pill Hill.  I've written multiple articles in major medical journals, but I doubt my supervisors when I was a kid were envisioning that.  

How dare you as an Asian American begin to compare any discrimination you faced to the discrimination Jews face?

A lot of us did menial jobs as kids because jobs were hard to come by in the summers.  I drove a grass cutting tractor, dug ditches, hauled 60 pound samples door to door on my back among other jobs.

During  WW II, the USA rounded up innocent Japanese families by the thousands and shipped them to internment camps. Obama has several minority members in his cabinet, and you can  look them up. His Chief of Staff Jack Lew's father came here from Poland.

Romney's Mormon Church garnered a full page article in the NY Times on  their cruel bigotry towards African  Americans. This has not stopped Mitt and Ann Romney from contributing thousands of dollars to the Mormon Church, and Romney has not uttered a word urging the Mormon Church to stop this pattern of cruel explicit discrimination towards African Americans and other minorities.

The budgets proposed by Ryan and Romney have become the laughing stock of economists and I doubt you've read them, because your business sense would keep you from  wanting to be associated with them.  Jeff Sachs, an economist and Nobel Prize Winner is regularly on "Morning Joe" an NBC show controlled by former conservative Congressman Joe Scarborough. Paul Krugman and Ezra Klein have taken RR apart regularly.  The tax cuts for the uber rich raise the deficit by 4 trillion bucks.  I want to hear you explain that away, but don't embarass yourself.

I'm taking your "fuck yous" and your charges that "you same assholes denied me employment" when you were a kid, with a grain of salt and think you're misplacing your anger on me,  because I was not among those "assholes." I would have given you a job had it been my decision, and I don't believe you remember me in your way.  The "you people" is prejudicial, and it doesn't apply to me in any way, shape or form.  I've never discriminated against any ethnic group, and certainly not against any Asian group who were represented as my friends in the neighborhood where I grew up.  A lot of us fought battles, and you can't possibly know what battles other people fought by meeting them for a few brief hours.  Hopefully we'll meet again.  I consider myself a friend to you, and if you needed something done in a city you visit from  time to time, I would be a reliable help in getting it done.

You claim to be a world traveler to an extent, but it has escaped you that we are the only industrialized nation that doesn't provide health care to everyone.  We should have single payer, and I don't have time and space here to distinguish socialism from the ACA for you.  I haven't lied, and I resent that implication as much as you resent it.

You should be ashamed as a student of economy to associate yourself with the totally whackjob economic plans of Ryan and Romney that clusterfuck everything else so they can double down on defense budget.  And you aren't going to end up paying for anyone's healthcare but your own and whoever else you choose to help that I'm certain of.

I've read Ryan and Romney's budgets extensively, and they are ludicrous and moronic, and I know from the statements that they've made over the weekend they think people  like me must not know much about medicine or medical economics, or read. Ryan and Romney represent the most egregious cascade of total lies I've ever seen, and collosal medical stupidity. I'd venture to say I read exponentially more than both of them whether it's print media, fiction or non-fiction.
Romney is promising $6-$7 trillion in cuts over 10 years without touching Medicare or SS and while increasing defense spending.

Here's some reading for you:

Romney’s budget plan is a fantasy

"Consider what Romney has promised. By 2016, he says federal spending will be below 20 percent of GDP, and at least 4 percent of that will be defense spending. At that point, he will cap federal spending at 20 percent of GDP, meaning it can never rise above that level.

All that’s hard enough. Romney will have to cut federal spending by between $6 and $7 trillion over the next decade to hit those targets. As my colleague Suzy Khimm has detailed, those budget promises already require cuts far in excess of what even Paul Ryan’s budget proposes.

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities indulged this idea back in May. If Social Security and Medicare are spared from cuts, then to get federal spending under 20 percent of GDP while holding defense spending at 4 percent of GDP, “all other programs — including Medicaid, veterans’ benefits, education, environmental protection, transportation, and SSI — would have to be cut by an average of 40 percent in 2016 and 57 percent in 2022.”

Consider what the Romney campaign, then, is saying: If Romney is elected, then by his third year in office, every single federal program that is not Medicare, Social Security, or defense, will be cut, on average, by 40 percent. That means Medicaid, infrastructure, education, food safety, road safety, the postal service, basic research, foreign aid, housing subsidies, food stamps, the Census, Pell grants, the Patent and Trademark Office, the FDA — all of it has to be cut by, on average, 40 percent. If Romney tried to protect any particular priority, it would mean all the others have to be cut by more than 40 percent.

That’s not even remotely plausible. The consequences would be catastrophic. The outcry would be deafening. And Romney has shown no stomach for selling such severe cuts."
Compared to Ryan, Romney wants to spend much more on defense, and much less on everything else

"According to those principles, Romney would increase defense spending to $7.9 trillion between 2013 and 2022, says the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. By comparison, Ryan would spend $5.7 trillion on core defense over the same period—only 72 percent of what Romney wants to spend."
Mitt Romney: Slash Amtrack, PBS, Planned Parenthood but keep Middle Class Tax Cuts and Defense off the Table


-- Modified on 8/20/2012 8:35:52 AM

Priapus53186 reads

particularly over a stupid "bet misunderstanding" which prompted a worthless toady like FM to exacerbate
the conflict far worse, when it was in danger of ending; also we've had profound differences over the Tea party; he finds it to be a legit "grass roots" movement about deficit cutting; I think it's a far right group with a strong bigot quotient. We also seem to have difference over the voter suppression issue.

However, this whiny crap about which majority ( Asians or Jews ) has been discriminated against more & implying that GaG made an anti-semitic remark is just bullshit. I'm Jewish & from what I could discern, when he said "you people" he was referring to people in the abstract or liberals, NOT Jews. Also, Jeff, if he says "Obamacare" will cost him big $ & not allow him to hire, I'll take him at his word. I think healthcare needed to be reformed, but Obamacare coming in the middle of worst economic crisis since the depression, was disastrously timed.

Minorities playing the "victim card" gets on many people's nerves ( including my own ) which is what it appears you've been doing, Jeff. I've been called a bigot myself here; Is GaG that, or I ? Not in my opinion-------opinionated assholes , or even mssg. board bullies ( a pc wuss term ), yes, but racists ? No fucking way.

I will suggest this Jeff; there is SOME history of discrimination against Jews & Asians in the U.S. Suggested reparations should be that all the Yids & Chinks should be rounded up, put in "relocation camps", have all their living expenses paid for life & have an unending supply of high-end TER hookers  ;)----LMFAO !

-- Modified on 8/20/2012 7:18:57 AM

followme126 reads

Talk about playing the victim card, you pripussy the attempted welsh have an entire deck of them.

There is no doubt that you attempted to welsh on the bet! There are a few threads that prove it!

You clearly tried to make it appear that it was someone else’s fault, you cried whined, and played the VICTIM card., and proved loud and clear you have no honor, no integrity, no creditability etc.

As for racist, you pripussy are the biggest racist here. Your never ending WCC posts ( many with racist  cartoons) prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

An attempted welsh and a racist, it does not get any worse?

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

How is that for taking a hiatus?  

-- Modified on 8/20/2012 10:39:16 AM

Pripussy you didn't read my post to GG with any fucking comprehension whatsofucking ever.

I never called GG antisemetic.  I pointed out his "fuck yous" and "you people" aimed at me weren't on point at all.  I never discriminated against GG, Asians, or any other ethnic racial group and I simply pointed out that I read GG's post as angry and spilling over and misdirected in two ways. I said nothing about his being antisemetic and I really don't give a flying rat's ass about your interpretation as someone who claims to be some degree of a Jew of the Holocaust.

GG continues not to understand a number of basic economic paradigms.

1) He doesn't begin to understand ACA.
2) He doesn't begin to u nderstand the idiocy of Ryan and Romney's plan.

You cannot paste a quote where I implied GG is antisemetic, and if I thought he was would I have planned to say I look forward to meeting with him again, and we will unless GG doesn't want to, and since he is not infrequently in and out of my city, if I could ever get something doen for him while he was elsewhere I would do it reliably.

I respectfully disagree with you on the timing of healthcare reform.  I've spent my adult life seeing patients, and a number of older patients have had to choose between food and meds on a very tight budget.  I've spent a lot of time getting them extra samples, and on plans where pharm companies help them get their meds. We have very few meds now like Pen and Prednisone
that are less than a buck a pill.  We have a lot of meds like the new wave of anti-Diabetic meds that are literally $6-10 a pill or capsule retail.  I feel a voucher system would be catastropic.

Ga. Gambler has a complete misunderstanding of two paradigms. One is the ACA and small business savings and the other is the voodoo economics that every economist is tearing apart that Ryan and Romney are pushing.

In no way am I playing a victim card.  I got to do what I wanted to do since I was a kid.
But GG for some strange reason seemed to vent his definite and palpable resentment at any past discrimination towards him as an Asian at me, and I suspect when pressed he would tell you that he has no reason to suspect that I would have supported any part of that discrimination.  He used the exact word "oppression."

I simply said as someone who grew up Jewish I understand what discrimination is.  I still overhear it in places at times where no one thinks I look Jewish.

There hasn't been and won't be whiny crap in my posts.  Could you be the incarnation of Gilda Radner as Emily Litella? Because you sure as hell sound like it.  I suggest you read my post again.

I don't know what you do for a living, but every day of my life for years I've had to worry about people who can't afford their meds, who need them for critical reasons.

Health care access in Nevada ranks as among the worst.  

Medicaid expansion should be a no-brainer for Nevada


Priapus53133 reads

"someone who claims to be some degree of a Jew of the Holocaust"

"But GG for some strange reason seemed to vent his definite and palpable resentment at any past discrimination towards him as an Asian at me"----

WHERE did GaG & I say any of the bullshit you misattributed to us ?!

Dude, you're a paranoid, shrill & rabid partisan hack, as bad as Daffy. Apparently, your "hiatus" for "cleaning up your act was only temporary & you've reverted back to your true hysterical form.

Jeffy-poo indeed.

least of all here. No one, particularly myself, is looking to you for approval or reenforcement or advice on what to write.  I never heard of you before a couple weeks ago when GaG said you welshed on some bet, and you spent a small lifetime claiming you didn't whatever the bet was about--and you from Vegas which does have a small gambling industry presided over the likes of pending indictment Adelson or as they call him Big Tit.

I don't know why you keep mentioning the Holocaust over and over. I made the point to Gambler that his lashing out at me for discrimination or "oppression" 30-40 years ago was totally out of my context of my relationship with him specifically or Asians in general.

You have repeatedly lectured me on what to post, as if you represent TER, or this board, and that's comical.  Your posts are written in an extremely sententious self-aggrandizing tone, and pretty superficial as to actual political savvy and knowledge. I'd work on my learning curve if I were Priapussy, but you're probably too entrenched and too lazy to do much reading, so you  will not change the rest of your  life. So be it.

You can continue to waste your time passing insouciant, imperious judgement on me, but that's irrelevant to me.

Priapus53148 reads

& YOU initally mentioned the holocaust, not me.

Jeff, I simply criticize partisan dipshits on the left & right when they write asinine posts; & it's clear to me, Jeffy-poo, you're a left-wing dipshit of the highest order, complete with extreme paranoia ( look that up on the DSM, if you kow what I'm talking about )jumping to conclusions & indignant rage when "challenged", which sounds highly symptomatic of BiPolar disorder. A good anti-psychotic would do you wonders.

Lastly, Jeffy-Poo, when it comes to politics, I've forgotten more than you know ( you're also delusional about your "knowledge", another sure sign of BP )

and the definition of an arbiter is a Judge PrissyPussy.  You are now focused and obsessed with calling me out for not meeting your self-important self aggrandizing standards and are a classic Borderline Personality from the School of  Heinz Kohut and should check in or be 1013'd in to McLean Hospital under long-term care of Jon Gunderson and his staff although your Borderline and Narcisstic personality disorder is probably refractory to any treatment and you'll just slink on  to the grave with it.  

Look those suckers up with your lil  Google or Bing.

Advice on psychotropics from you is like advice on  sailing from the Captain of the Titanic or that Italian Cruise ship, Francesco Schettino, that killed so many people a few months ago, after he abandoned ship.

You can dish all this shit but it's going nowhere.  No one respects you or gives a shit. You're the old Vegas putz like Pesci played in "Casino" and people line up  to  spit in your face at a light in Vegas.

You also share this political eclecticism bullshit because you're metaphorically sucking GAG's dick here trying  so hard to curry his favor.

There  isn't a medical school in the  world that would admit you, and pre-med science courses would leave you with a GPA of about .5!

Do you have an impossible to fulfill MD wish? Were you rejected from a few med schools PrissyPussy?

-- Modified on 8/20/2012 5:23:45 PM

-- Modified on 8/20/2012 7:32:26 PM

Priapus53134 reads

Btw, speaking of psychotropics, your "attendant" drop Thorazine in your cereal today ?

"Dr" my ass---yah right----& "prolific poster" on an anon. fuck board------LOL !

Btw, your casting of "Freudian gay projection" onto others bespeaks a PRFOUND insecurity  about your masculinity----ANOTHER reason why you should get help ASAP.

I've read a ton more than your ass.  I have an infinitely bigger vocabulary.  I know a shitload of clinical medicine off the top of my head as well as federal appellate law.  So I'll put my education up against the hamsters trying to fuck each other in your  cerebral coretex any day of the week.

And boy am I stung with your  assessment of my education. Where did you do your residency prissypussy? How many years in clinical medicine? How many years catching patients in the  ER in  Vegas or wherever the fuck PrissyPussy? That's what I thought.

You really hopped on that typo. But I'm not pasting my posts in Word 2013 to put a smile on your rancid face:

Priapus53148 reads

As for "clinical meds" I'm sure your "attendants" force feed you a mixture of Klonopin, Xanax, Haloperidol, Stelazine, etc., in a cocktail to combat your "delusions"-----ahhhh, the word's greatest "fuck board Dr/lawyer"-----LMFAO !

Next you'll be claiming to be Royalty :" Baron of Gray matter"-------;)

followme135 reads

Your mail order degree is nothing to brag about.

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

Hiatus.....ha ha ha ha

followme143 reads

You do play pretend.

Telling posters to take a hiatus, making threats. Telling me to take your advice ------otherwise----

You are a complete and total failure yet you still pretend that you are something you are not

You pripussy may be of the male gender but you are not a man, you are all talk.

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

Still laughing at you little boy

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