Politics and Religion

GaG, while i was drinking 100 proof vodka
Priapus53 3798 reads
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look at upper left hand corner of website

GaGambler 1087 reads
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even if I stipulate to your numbers, which I don't, since when is 49% a majority?

Go back to the bar and drink some more Vodka, don't come back until you remaster the English language. lmao

Priapus53 1456 reads
3 / 29

GaG, YOU never post hungover ?-----------LOL

Timbow 1424 reads
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Kehtie O said once in a special comment that the Federal govt should not mandate that he had to buy health insurance or face a fine and that he would not pay it . Maybe someone should email him and ask him what he thinks about that now :)

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2304 reads
5 / 29

Other than the Talking Heads from Both sides, it boils down to the only people that truly care about the new Health care Bill.
1.People with pre existing conditions..TYVM
2.People who have maxed out their coverage...
2.The youth of America, when they realize they are forced to buy insurance, to subsidize their parents .... Ouch!!  

-- Modified on 3/23/2010 3:38:16 PM

GaGambler 870 reads
6 / 29

I post drunk all the time however. lmao

At least you weren't drinking white wine spritzers, and playing the nickel slots. lol

Priapus53 1024 reads
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guess you were busy promoting lesbian rights-----LOL !

GaGambler 5063 reads
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between the ice cubes and the fruit juice, you are left with a watered down, foo foo drink, suitable only for teenaged girls. lmao

and yes those teenaged girls (and you apparently) should be allowed to attend the prom with the date of their choosing. I will assume that you will be bringing Xfean. lol

Priapus53 1322 reads
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GaG, give it up-----when it comes to battle of wits against me, you're unarmed------LOL !

GaGambler 1473 reads
10 / 29

TrannyBoy and Xfean are the same person, cmon Pri, at least try to keep up.

I got a better battle out of Asian Elvis yesterday, I expected better out of you. I'll just chalk it up to the fact that you are too drunk to defend yourself, but your game is really weak today. I don't know if you should "post under the influence" from now on, at least not without lessons from one of the professionala like MP67, OSP or myself.

Priapus53 1343 reads
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because, unlike SOME, haven't lived on this board for years-----------;) YOU, OSP & MP are "board professionals?"---talk about delusions of adequacy"------LOL ! 3 Stooges of the boards----LOL !

Lastly, I bring my own bottle of Stoli 100% which I drink in my hotel room---not "watered down stuff" they serve at the bar.

Lastly (trying to end this on high note ), all this "ragging" reminds me of scene from movie "Gran Torino"---remember scene where Eastwood takes Vietnamese kid into barbershop & teaches kid fine art of insulting by verbally tearing into his barber ? Great scene.

GaG---let's agree on this----anyone who didn't like that movie was a mangina-----:)

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1061 reads
12 / 29

gambler"but your game is really weak today".

No Lie .I thought Priapus was out of town this week..I had to look twice to make sure he was not a impostor. If he doesn't wake up by tomorrow, I figure Lior has tapped his passsword.

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 2999 reads
13 / 29

Seems to me that a majority elected Hitler. Twice. Majorities have given their endorsement to many bad things.

This is part of a plan to Europeanize America.

Part 1 is Obamacare.
Part 2 is amnesty and a right to vote for illegals.

Between the two there will be a one-two knock-out punch that will FOREVER leave us with only two choices: socialism, and socialism light.

Well, there is a third; and I'm working on it.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1035 reads
14 / 29

Nickel slots???I thought Vegas took nickel slots out years ago?? I remember those in Maryland on 301  when I was a teen with a fake ID.. I would go in there and buy a hundred dollars of real silver dollars and put two in the dollar slots slots and then play the nickel machines for a few bucks and leave with my 98 Genuine silver dollars..
I wish I had went up there every day ,instead of a couple times a month..

Priapus53 791 reads
15 / 29

if they give you few days off from cleaning latrines, you should break your piggy bank & take greyhound bus out to Sin City & blow yer wad of pennies------;)

charlie445 3 Reviews 1096 reads
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Socialism and Socialism light? LMAO Most people in the US don't know the difference between capitalism and socialism.

Sinful1 See my TER Reviews 1121 reads
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Priapus53 1009 reads
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In '32, German Communists & Social Democrats outnumbered the Nazis, but both parties refused to cooperate with each other. Because of this fracture, powerful interests decided to appoint Hitler as chancellor of Germany in 1/33 as a powerful "figurehead' which they foolishly thought they could control. As time quickly rolled on Hitler gained dictatorial powers & when new elections were held in March, the Nazis got only 44% of the vote. "The Enabling act" was pushed through.giving Hitler unlimited dictatorial powers.

John, suggest you google "the paranoid style of politics".

Lastly, don't forget that asteroid that's gonna hit the earth in 2012---------;)

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 619 reads
19 / 29

Check out that neither one ... won an actual majority of the popular vote.

In fact, Clinton was elected with LESS of the vote than the Nazis got second time around!

So, yes, I understand you are technically correct. Let me rephrase: the use of elections and popularities polls to determine right and wrong is a dead end!

Remember: democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what is for dinner.


johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1638 reads
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You are right that most people can't even define the terms they use, though.

That's why they should just elect me dictator and get it all over with. :-)

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1904 reads
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"if they give you few days off from cleaning latrines, you should break your piggy bank & take greyhound bus out to Sin City & blow yer wad of pennies"

  Actually I won a 3 day all expenses including buffet on two days,trip to Vegas, when I won a latrine cleaning contest sponsored by the Janitors  Federation of America..
I will be staying at the Eureka..I heard its a nice place so it probably has penny slots.
I spent all my piggy bank pennies on the toll roads with pot holes, so I will have to get a loan from one of those car Title loan places..
I'll be taking a lot more than piggy bank money..I figure they will loan me at least two hundred on my car title.

ManSnow 10 Reviews 1166 reads
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I am totally against this bill from the start.  

The thing that is racking my brain on the youtube video is how can we afford to give illegals free health care, and they are not taxed for it as well?  There seems to be more perks to be an illegal alien in this country than a U.S. citizen.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 959 reads
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just in case no one could find it on the website...

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1430 reads
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willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1341 reads
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I thought they took out the mandatory fine if you refuse to buy health insurance.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2192 reads
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especially since HC costs will start to go down now.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1690 reads
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quadseasonal 27 Reviews 863 reads
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"especially since HC costs will start to go down now."

Now if you want to be accurate  and claim Health care costs won't go up as quickly,that is a possibility.. Health care costs going down. It won't happen..

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