Politics and Religion

GaG, I was kidding about Mein-----but in re to Governor Walker
Priapus53 1334 reads

the $ 50 bet stands.

I may be an obnoxious asshole, but am a man of my word-----:)


Yes, mrnogood, they really think we are not that smart.

by the way mrnogood are you really a female by the name of TJ? If so why not go by yourself, is it too be taken more seriously. In the past women did pretend to be men so their writings and their research was taken seriously. Are you TJ? If you're a girl I can more easily say that I love you. But I could still say it like  guys say they love Jesus, a father, a brother, an uncle. You're my Jesus mrnogood.



This song here describes many of mrnogood's qualities, of how he is, of who he frequents with
Hope it's not too blasphemous :


I love my Jesus or Jesusette.   Mr.nogood, do you want to be worship or am I overdoing it?
ok, sorry was all in fun. Buy yeah, I do respect you a lot.

that's why ng will never admit to being her.

It's not the first time a poster has reinvented him/herself, and not the first time one has undergone a gender change either.

Priapus531312 reads

Both come from Ga, both rely on crackpot  conspiracy theories, the writings of both contain same childish tone of admonition, both have innumerable spelling errors & both go to

I'd be willing to place bet that it's TJ, but, already have bet placed with Mein about viability of Ron Paul's candidacy & wanna save my
$ for upcoming casino visit-----LOL !

Hey Mein, do you want to lay some real action on that bet? I'll book all of that action that anyone want to lay, Ron fucking Paul has less of a chance of winning than Willy does of being elected President of his local Chamber of Commerce.

Speaking of bets, want to press on our bet on Goevernor Walker?

Priapus531335 reads

the $ 50 bet stands.

I may be an obnoxious asshole, but am a man of my word-----:)

I was quite confident when I made the bet, I am even more confident today. lol

As for Mein, I'd lay some serious odds on that one.

Priapus531442 reads

so, bet stands--- I'm a pragmatic realist------you fucking asshole------;)--------LMFAO !

-- Modified on 8/11/2011 9:09:20 AM

mrnogood1331 reads

I don't know if you think it's crazy ''they found'' the guy that shot the helo down, or the entire story that they shot Osama..

IMHO, they're has NEVER been any facts, from the body, to the ''footage'' they showed of ''Osama'' - or someone they said was Osama, I'm not convinced that was him..

Osama had a gray beard back on 07, and the guy in the footage had a black beard, muslims tend to think those red or white beards are signs of wisdom and integrity, so I don't see Osama coloring his beard.

They conveniently dumped the body at sea according to Muslim tradition, and I looked and looked and that is NOT a tradition of Islam..

So I actually think the ENTIRE story is riddled with holes, and just to hard to believe..Not to mention how they've gone out of their way to cover up for any possible way for the truth to ever be known by flying the entire elite team on a old helocopter, low, and above known areas  taliban strong holds.

You're right Robert, they do think we're stupid..They really do, they think we're animals and cattle.

To often people assume they're leaders hold the same values  they do, our government has been on a killing spree for over a decade OBVIOUSLY occupying foreign, sovereign lands for corporate intrests, and people are finally waking up because it's becoming more and more obvious, just in your face obvious..

Robert, no I am not Tj. I don't even know who he is. Got to watch what pri ''thinks'' robert, you should know by now he is always far off and wrong. Just last week I was mein's gay lover because we share many views that I know we spent years researching and because we came to the same conclusions on a lot on our research, pri swore up and down we were lovers..

It's pretty obvious this guy is trying to bait not only me, but others. Watch that..

I'm flattered you think so highly of me.  You're pretty cool too, stay tuff and focused. Don't let pri get your goat or the best of you.

The force is with you. LOL

Could you two possibly be any more gay for each other?

Priapus531599 reads

So OBL wasn't killed by Navy Seals ? Welcome to the "bureau of disinformation". Coming from the same guy that said FNC only had a primetime audience of 1,000------LMFAO !

What's the BFD if OBL dyed his beard ? There's not an Arabic version of "Just for men" or Touch of Gray " ?

I wouldn't compare you to animals or cattle------------that's an insult to animals & cattle.

You whine about being "baited"-----well, perhaps if you werent' such a bigoted, hateful ,ignorant & crazy loon, that wouldn't happen.

Btw, it's spelled "their leader" & too often".

but if Tini and TJ/ng did ever hook up, I would bet it would be the female as the "top" with tini as the "bottom" Any wagers? lol

Priapus531886 reads

According to many experts, best position to delay ejaculation.

As for TJ & Tini fucking, the thought makes me vomit-------:(--------LMFAO !

-- Modified on 8/11/2011 3:30:22 PM

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