Politics and Religion

Why should your issue be my issue?
no_email 3 Reviews 2046 reads

Too expand on this topic. Once your issue becomes my issue, why do you see your solution to the issue, as the only viable option?

I'm not sure what you're getting at.

I had to cut a friend out of my life recently, when it occurred to me that she had an endless list of problems. Minor shit that I couldn't give a rat's ass about was the kind of things that would make her pull her hair out.

After a while, it dawned on me that instead of dealing with her shit, she was trying to find a way to make her problems my problems.

I had to make it clear to her, that her problems were her problems. Not my problem.

their's is the only begone in history.  

Clinton makes a very real comparison of Putin and Hitler , mid 1930s Germany and Russia today . She gets her arse creamed in the press . how dare she trivialize what Hitler did they say .  

I say fuck them

RokkKrinn250 reads

..if I understand you correctly, Vern.  The most obvious example of this kind of thing in recent national debate has been the much-discussed ACA (Obamacare).

Those who are/were in favor of it could get a huge leg up on those opposed by simply saying:  "Well, what's your solution to the problem?"

And you'd get the typical mealy-mouthed insincere BS from most of those deemed to be "on the right" about "market-based incentives", "tort reform", "health savings accounts", etc--stuff which even they don't really believe in.

Just once, I would have loved to have seen someone on the political scene who would have been brave enough to raise his/her hand and say, "Excuse me, but I must ask this:  When did we agree that this was a 'problem'?  And when did we agree that this 'problem' was so vast and so important that the only appropriate set of policies to deal with the 'problem' had to be put forth at the national level?"

See, if you don't do that, then you always end up fighting these issues out on the other guy's turf:  We've already agreed that there *must* be a solution, now we're merely arguing over what form that solution must take.  You've basically already half-way lost the debate before you've even started.

But hey, what do I know, I'm just a crotchety old curmudgeon…hey you kids, get offa my lawn!  :)

You've gotten several people to take it already!

GaGambler277 reads

I expected more people to simply say "WTF" and move on without playing. Personally I am with you, and I choose not to play. To quote your old friend "The day I am outsmarted by Vern, is the day I eat a bullet"

Deal_Me_In217 reads

LMAO  I'm just messing with you MY BROTHER. We who have read you for years know how you roll homey. Almost never OP, instead you sit back , read others ridicule them .  If that's what it takes for you to boost your ego I'm down with it. I've never been a pot belly , twig arm , keyboard warrior but do feel for others.  

This will help take you back to the day.  

R n R Ted N !

This is my observation of every political process, involving partisan issues.

So my issue is not your issue. Unless you pay for it and in that case my issue becomes your issue.  

But if I buy it back, then your issue becomes my issue.  

Comprende?  :D

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