Politics and Religion

Frothy Santorum.
FistFullOfFifties 2445 reads

Is spreading frothy Santorum a mixture of fecal and lube between two men only, or can it be a mixture of fecal and lube between a man and a women? And what if you are buttfucking some dude and you later pollinate with a genetic female anally? WOuld that be secondhand Santorum or Santorum fusion?

I'll take my answer off the air, Rush.

..Santorum is a former US Senator. But the word has another meaning. The word "santorum" means a mixture of lube and fecal matter that's resulted from anal sex, but technically, can also mean any small amount of liquid that's discharged from the anus. A few analogous terms might be "butt batter", "drippy butt", or "cocoa stains".

Gosh, talk about bad luck...being born with a last name that means that! Maybe his mom should have considered abortion.

ChowderICantHearYou976 reads

They named it Santorum as a form of protest. Go figure, naming their energy drink after a Senator!!!

To get greater quanitities for the crowds of thirsty protestors they piss and shit in it and empty their condoms into a pot, along with the buttfuck juice and they all drink it before they go out and vandalize neighborhoods and rape women.

No wonder they're so crazed.

BTW, do you mix yours with V8?

ChowderICantHearYou1640 reads

They named it Santorum as a form of protest. Go figure, naming their energy drink after a Senator!!!

To get greater quanitities for the crowds of thirsty protestors they piss and shit in it and empty their condoms into a pot, along with the buttfuck juice and they all drink it before they go out and vandalize neighborhoods and rape women.

No wonder they're so crazed.

BTW, do you mix yours with V8?

FistFullOfFifties1546 reads

Could be his Mommy named him Santorum because he was an anal birth. That would make sense.

ChowderICantHearYou1156 reads

born from the ass of a water buffalo...kenyan doctors did'nt know what to call it.

Oh! Bama! Means ass baby in Kenyan.

Meanwhile, enjoy a Santorum on the rocks before you go out and start fires...

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