Politics and Religion

Frank Luntz compares Trump to Palin!
RespectfulRobert 117 reads

He said there would be no reason for her to debate him again as she kicked his ass THAT badly. Just one of an ever increasing amount of Rs facing reality. But then came this, which is the kiss of death in politics and all too funny:

Reality is setting in. It's not over yet but its another nail in Trumps coffin and Lester knows it but cant admit it so he makes ridiculously hypocritical statements. It's how he copes with Trump getting destroyed last night.

The hits just keep on coming!

But voters who tuned in gave Trump a 20-point advantage over Harris after the debate on handling the economy, 55% to 35% – a margin that’s slightly wider than his pre-debate edge.

Debate watchers also gave Trump a 23-point advantage over Harris when it came to whom they trusted to handle immigration and a 6-point edge on handling the role of commander in chief.

I think that Kamala and her ABC enablers delivered a better performance than Trump, but she was unable to deliver a knockout blow. The fact that Trump holds sizable leads over Harris on key campaign issues should be seen as a silver lining for the Trump campaign.

Imagine how bad he did to get crushed on the top line number while having the advantages you state. With any normal candidate, if you only saw the economic numbers, you would say that person would win the debate by a wide margin and yet Trump got crushed. Look at it this way…the numbers were almost exactly the same in reverse for Biden/Trump debate post poll. That is horrific for Trump.

If you look at the flash numbers through a nonpartisan eye, you’ll see that Trump had strong numbers on economy, immigration, and Commander in Chief heading into the debate, and carried those strengths out of the debate.  Likewise, Kamala had strong numbers on abortion and democracy heading into the debate, and carried those strengths out of the debate. That tells us that there was no “knockout” blow delivered and key perceptions only changed slightly.  

Kamala does leave the debate with the advantage of having won, but it’s not appearing to be a victory that is significantly move the polls in her favor.

You are going to tell us what the polls will look like a week from now? Who are you NostraCKS? No one here has said it’s a “knock out blow” so no clue where that came from. If you were being honest you would have to say this is her race to lose now. She had a slight lead coming in and the debate will help her. Trumps friends busting on Trump will help her. Taylor Swift endorsement will help her. I feel very confident in her chances.

No one here has said it’s a “knock out blow” so no clue where that came from
You’re showing us an incredible lack of self-awareness here. No clue? Oh,I don’t know either. Maybe it’s that poster who has opened up ten separate threads on the debate? Or could it be the one who said, “SHE KICKED HIS ASS!”? Oops, those were the same person.

Also funny to see a guy who touts aggregate betting markets now complain about future poll forecasting.  A little hypocritical on your part, if I do say so myself.

Bottom line, Harris over performed and Trump underperformed. But not in significant enough fashion to have any major impact on the polling going forward.

Yet he refuses to admit it. Not to mention, starting a bunch of threads on the debate hardly equates to claiming a knock-out blow. Only partisan hacks put words in people's mouths.

You are just making up shit left and right today. Me stating that she kicked his ass last night was self evident as even Trumps friends have stated she bested him. No where did I imply or state it was a “knockout blow”. You simply made that up. Your frustration with Trump is clearly showing today and making you look even more like a hack than normal.

I thought the Trump/Muir debate was like 50/50.

that are subject to CHANGES in emotions.  Continuing deaths at the hands of illegals and prices failing to go down between now and the election will cause intelligent people to vote with their brain and not their emotions.  Two weeks from now, no one is going to remember any of Kamala's rehearsed rhetoric, but Trumps closing reinforced the question that Kamala dodged at the very beginning, and voters will remember that, too.  

We will see a post-debate bump for Harris in the next few days, but 48% of independents say they don't know enough about Kamala  to pick her, and they still don't.  She was effective in baiting Trump and getting him to waste his speaking time on non-consequential stuff, but she failed to give any details about her own plans and programs except that she wants to give stuff away, which will cause more inflation.  

Opps,,, it’s Frank  Luntz.. my bad… but it’s the same shit 💩 🤷🏻‍♂️😂😂
Now I’m not going to call it now  but Frankie baby is saying it.

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