Politics and Religion

For now
The Boogie Boy 17660 reads

They're in a legal dispute with the guy who runs those stations. He says they've bounced checks and they say they stopped payment because he owes them money. We'll have to wait and see who's right. BTW, they're supposed to be back on the air in Chicago on Friday (so they say).

Apparently, they're paying radio stations to carry them, and bounced a check or two.

Once again, the far Left cannot survive in the marketplace of ideas.  Limbaugh, Hannity, Boortz, Liddy, Graham, Reagan, et al. do not pay their affiliates to carry them.  They actually PRODUCE revenues.

Well, insults & hatred sure works for right-wing radio & TV personalities IE: Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter...(Ok, Ann is in print, she writes still I think for Human Events)And I'm not even counting the Jerry Falwell's & Pat Robertson's of the world.....

Come on, right-wing radio is as hateful, & as mean-spirited as you can get....And that's a fact....

-- Modified on 4/16/2004 1:17:08 PM

The Boogie Boy17661 reads

They're in a legal dispute with the guy who runs those stations. He says they've bounced checks and they say they stopped payment because he owes them money. We'll have to wait and see who's right. BTW, they're supposed to be back on the air in Chicago on Friday (so they say).

This is a particular example of a contract dispute, and at present, the courts have sided with Air America.  Only a fascist would suggest that this nation only has a marketplace for ideas on one side of the political spectrum.  I sure wouldn't want to live in a country like that, even if it were the wacky Right-wing ideas, from loons like Liddy, Coulter, Hannity, and Savage that got shut down.

Perhaps you'd like an education in the radio biz - every one of those hosts gave away the show for some time until advertising revenue made it viable.
There is also a difference in orders of magnitude betwen launching a show and launching a network.
If you have a problem with the content (which you obviously do) then you might want to point out specifics - Rush and his ilk's lies and half-truths have been documented ad infinitum on many sites. Do the work and you'll be credible. Go ahead - find me a lie.
Your problem is that the right fears truth like a cockroach fears light.

"Rush and his ilk's lies and half-truths have been documented ad infinitum on many sites."

Why don't you give us a list?  You're simply saying it has about as much weight as a fart in the wind!

That's too easy. Here's a couple, and books have been written about it. I commend to you "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" in which his myriad lies and distortions are enumerated. Don't believe it? Franken called him a liar repeatedly, and it's never been disputed by Rush. Ditto in "Lies and the Lying Liars that Tell Them". O'Reilly said he was going to sue - where is the legal action?

Fish in a barrell.


Now it's your turn.

If the exact thing had happened to the right, they would be crying about the vast conspiracy againt their ideas...typical of the whiners that they are proven to be time and again.

-- Modified on 4/16/2004 9:20:35 PM

-- Modified on 4/16/2004 9:22:00 PM

They mint their revenues telling rubes like you what you want to hear, appealing to your persecution complex (liberal media) then puff of your intellectual pretentions with praise. After this striptease, you and your conservative friends are so grateful to have hard-ons again, you throw money to them via the products you buy.  Yes, there's a "marketplace" to that all right, but just because somebody's buying doesn't mean that there's a single idea or a clue involved.

PT Barnum knew there was a sucker born every minute.  This sad fact has not changed, but in our politcally correct age, we just have to call them "conservatives" so as not to hurt their feelings.

And, as Rush Limbaugh says, (in an alternate universe where Rush Limbaugh says anything intelligent), "My friends, being a conservative is the easiest thing in the world.  All you have to do is look at what people have always done and say. 'I'm all for it.'"  You don't need to have an idea to do that.

Conservatives: the original knee-jerks.


I think you meant to say:

Conservatives:  the original knee-jerk(off)s!!!

StartThinking!15284 reads

That said, you could have been less insulting.  It drags the level of the board down to have people just trading insults.

I can make good arguments, too, and I have done it here, but if I need to get down to scrapping to get my point across to the other side, I will.  Just as long as the scrapping wasn't always the point of it, in which case, a hockey game is better entertainment.

Have you noticed that nobody has chosen to flame that post yet?  Have you wondered why?

Today, liberals and conservatives are playing two different games.  If the only way to win our game is to play theirs first, then I have to play theirs first.  If both games count, then conservatives are right to shame liberals for leaving the field too easily.  Too many on the left do not want to win enough because do not have the notion that the game will still count whether they throw it or not.  Unfortunately, in politics and in the physical world, you won't win the high-brow game if you lose the low-brow one.

More to this answer.  I'll PM the rest.


This is a board where everyone has an alias and all of us are adults.  I subscribe to the idea that the first one to lose his temper loses the debate.


However, I did not lose my temper. I lampooned him.  I pointed out that there was another, less edifying, interpretation of Right Radio and its success.  Look at what James86 posted.  What was the claim there?  That liberals had to subsidize their radio, that they had bounced checks doing it, that conservatives jocks made their money the "honest" way, through advertising and buying of products, and that therefore liberals were economically incompetent.  

Note, there's not one argument there against any liberal position on any issue.  What he attempts to do is to shame liberals for losing, and boast about conservatives for winning.  The possible results: maybe one liberal is discouraged from voting, and maybe one more conservative is encouraged to vote, or maybe one independent decides to become conservative.

Furthermore, he was doing this without addressing any issues of  relevance to the country.  Everything he said was politically   in foul territory, but still effective.  If I didn't knock his dick in the dirt about it, he might have manufactured one more vote for his side, at least.


Well, (Conservatives, please read as if Ronnie R. wrote it)

Given that definition, I am definitely not a conservative, because I don't resist change.  If I find any lying on the ground, I pick it up & put it in my pocket.

The only thing you got wrong is that talk radio is about ideas.   Limbaugh admits he's an entertainer; so are all the rest of them.  Talk radio is about venting, not ideas.

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