Politics and Religion

For Cherie, Mrnogood, or anyone that does energy work
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 1558 reads

This is the best video, I recommend using with headphones.  It is deeply relaxing and I would not try to drive a car or work, and is best used in the evening for insomnia or anxiety.  I usually fall asleep half way through.  Healing my thoughts is my religion, and change is good.  Have a most wonderful day.  Madison

-- Modified on 10/3/2012 5:18:15 AM

A little background on me. I've been a musician since I was in 8 years old. Musicians have well trained ears. For instance, a musician can easily tune their instrument, while your average joe can't. The reason why they can't is because their ears aren't that well trained to hear different pitches.

Well, just as musicians have far better trained ears than your average joe, audio engineers have ears that are far better trained than your average musician. It's one step beyond that.

Well, I'm an audio engineer too. I could listen to two microphones recording the same instrument, and both could capture the sound well, but one may sound, well, "grainy", while the other may sound smoother.

Grainy sounds comes from low ability of a microphone to accurately pick up transient responses. It's sort of like looking at a picture with low resolution.

Some time ago, I began researching something called binarual beats. It's a developmental audio therapy.

What it does is that it takes this kind of grainy sound, and emphasizes it. The idea is to allow these grains to repeat at a certain frequency. This frequency mimics the frequency of brain waves.

The idea is that if you listen to a frequency that mimics the brain waves that happen while at rest, your brain will adjust itself to it, and you will fall asleep.

Here's an example of this. Be careful, I don't recommend listening to this with headphones for a very long time, no more than a minute or two.


What people fail to realize is that we're looking at an audio technology that could literally be used as a form of mind control.

And that is basically what you have here. Piano music that is reasonating at, what to me, is a suspicious frequency.

Binural beats has a lot of potential to treat people for all kinds of problems. But in the wrong hands, it can be dangerous.

My advice? Listen to a Pink Floyd album to help you sleep.

followme168 reads

You have quit the imagination, there little buckaroo.

You say you are musician an audio engineer and you tell us you are a government employee. Oh and with that cap gun you must be the sheriff too, do you have a nice shinny little tin badge?

Have you met jeffie-poo, he pretends to be a doctor. I think you two little boys would have fun getting together and telling tall tales of your adventures in the land of make believe. Then have milk and cookies together.

You’re Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

It's not a secret here that I'm a musician. Some musicians become gear heads. Many musicians go into audio engineering. No, audio engineering isn't my job. I've made money off of it, but it's more of a hobby/side gig. I WISH it was my job. But mostly I learned audio engineering in order to record my own music.

If you have any doubts about this, I could bore you to death with details. The usefulness of a 2D diffusor vs a 3D in a small room. Whether to use 703 or 704 for bass traps. My opinion on using Neve vs API pres on drums. My fondness for using ribbons on guitar cabinets (and violins!). My opinion of a LA-2A vs. a Distressor on room mics. How FETs compare to tube condenser mics.

And no, it's no secret that I'm a gov't employee. I'm guessing at any moment now, you'll be demanding to see my badge number.

So that's the Willy package. I really like music, I like guns, I like growing vegtables, I smoke pot, I work for the gov't, and I really like pussy. What's so mysterious about this? Did I mention I'm crazy about planted aquariums? I love cats. I make my own booze. I like woodworking. I watch the Science Channel religiously. I love to cook things from scratch. I spend way too much of my free time fucking with a soldiering iron.

How do you spend your time? Oh, you just listen to Glenn Beck? Yikes.

followme115 reads

Okaaaaaaaay little buckaroo.

The only reason everyone here knows or you think they know you are all that because you tell us that, but do you really think they all believe you? No…they just humor you.

Not the sheriff….well then you must be the marshal and your fiancé pri-boy is the sheriff, butt I figure you switch every now and then.

Your world of make-believe and pretend is really big and it is a real shame but that is what drugs do to a person’s mind.

You’re Welcome
2012 = DRUG Free GOP

My grandmother eventually died with Alzheimer's disease, wherein her mind had deteriorated to the point of her not being able to recognize any of her children or grandchildren.  It took 3-4 years to get to that point after she had started exhibiting behavior that everyone perceived as "different."

One of the stages she experienced before complete mindlessness was global obstreporousness; she would become loud, aggressive and quite disagreeable at the most innocent "provocation."  Around this time, several "subliminal message" tapes became available using aural layering technologies that recorded spoken affirmative messages that were digitally "layered" at low volumn, hidden within a background of fairly innocous, "vanilla" music.  The theory being that the affirmations (which I never heard while I listened to the tape) would be perceived by the other-than-conscious mind and acted upon while the music was consciously heard.

Anyway, I got the bright idea that this was exactly what granny needed to calm the fuck down.  I showed-up at her place and told her to relax while I played her some pleasant-sounding tunes to see what effect it would have. I started the tape, dimmed the lights in granny's room and took myself to a nearby remove, fully expecting that Granny would soon be overtaken by sweet, delirium sleepums as a result of the relaxing, subliminal messages she would soon be receiving.

After about 5 minutes passage of time she appeared in my nearby remove, all piss and vinegar!  She said, "can you please turn off that damn tape?  Some idiot keeps telling me to relax and get calm.  Fuck him, I don't want to relax and if I get calm it sure as hell won't be because of some snot-nosed asshole like him is telling me, 'get calm'"!

She had not heard the music and was only aware of the spoken "subliminal" messages pounding against her brain!  Apparently, the widespread slerosis that had occured at various places in her brain had the effect of either reversing or disabling the normal cerebral filters normally at work within the brain.  She also had become fond of swearing like a drunken sailor on shore leave-a huge departure for her usually sweet and reserved personality that never uttered any oath stronger than "shucks" during her previous life.

The mind boggles.

........Just put it on a continuous loop for 8 hrs of good positive sleep.


I saw Willy's post,  and wow,   Willy you just don't get it,  do you?  It is not about "the music" per se, which to my ears is simply beautiful,  it is about the words,  and how powerful words are,  but I have come to the conclusion,  until you and many others on here can get in touch with their "feminine side" you will never understand how words affect you,  your self image, or how others will look at you.  

This was my email to Madison,  which I decided to post instead:
Thank You Madison,  and will certainly listen on regular basis.  I am emailing you because,  I simply cannot handle all the negativity on that board,  it is not good nor fulfilling for my mind/body/ spirit.  I guess,  I believe,  until some estrogen gets into the Executive office,  we are headed for ruination.   I have always thought it was religion that caused the wars in the world,  but by taking a closer look,  I believe it is testoserone that causes a great majority of the wars.  Oh I'm sure they/men/testoserone cannot help it,  it is "the nature of the beast".    Remember "in the caveman days"  they had to go out and defend their territory,  for survival purposes,  consequently they had their own little wars,  today that testoserone  runs freely and they have no place to purge it,  but thru their diabolical speakings.  

Life is Wonderful and Finding Joy Is an Attitude


Whether it's about the music or the words doesn't really matter to me. If you just listened to the words alone, I'd say go for it. All I'm saying is that I'm hearing something suspicious on that piano, and unless they are upfront in what they're saying they're doing, I wouldn't trust it.

You do amuse me Willy and I do say that with deepest respect.

Have a most wonderful day

-- Modified on 10/3/2012 4:30:26 AM

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