Politics and Religion

Fester has his own chain.
inicky46 61 Reviews 14 reads

Here he is flogging is unpainted furniture...

Not exactly a state secret, but Trump has formally introduced Tulsi Gabbert into the campaign.  A former Democrat turned independent.  Like RFKjr, pushed out of the Democrat party by the deep state.  

And he can have her. She was always behaving more like a Republican anyway. She's frequently appeared on Fox News and criticized dem leadership. No surprise here.

By the way that is Lieutenant Colonel Tulsi Gabbert.   A 17 year veteran who signed up to the military AFTER 2001 attack and was deployed in Iraq for 12 months in 2004.  
The Lieutenant Colonel Tulsi Gabbert who the Harris/Biden administration recently put on the Silent Skies terror watch list.

a real Lieutenant Colonel outranks a fake Sargeant Major.  I love it when Dem elites try to intimidate people that they THINK are weak like them, and it blows up in their faces.  

This is not from TER, but each year, veterans groups try to remind the public that not every service member is an F-16 or F-35 fighter pilot. They honor the troops below decks providing maintenance and support, the troops in the galleys cooking and serving the food, truck drivers bringing supplies to the front, ... A while back, there was a documentary that interviewed black guys who served during WWII but were relegated to the laundry services and reminded people that clean clothes don't magically appear at the front but that there were guys behind the lines washing and repairing the clothes and getting them back to the front ASAP. The sentiment was that everyone who served had to leave their families behind, exposed themselves to varying levels of risk, sacrifice in other ways, and deserve respect and thanks for their service whether it was at Mach 2 at 35,000 feet or in an industrial sized laundry facility.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: I'm pretty sure that . . . .
a real Lieutenant Colonel outranks a fake Sargeant Major.  I love it when Dem elites try to intimidate people that they THINK are weak like them, and it blows up in their faces.  

Seriously, you seem so excited about her endorsement, but show no respect for her. Idk why you Repubs hate women so much.

I'll have to remember that spelling.  We have a Gabberts Furniture chain here that ran a ton of commercials with the toonfull jingle, "Gabberts, you'll find you home at Gabberts."

Is that what you hicks in Minnesota consider to be a “chain?”

Posted By: Zeel
Re: Is it because she's a woman that you refuse to spell her name right?
Seriously, you seem so excited about her endorsement, but show no respect for her. Idk why you Repubs hate women so much.
Are you fucking kidding??? Becuse of a spelling mistake you are saying he hates women?  

What a little Shit weasel you are. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

You would be dumb enough to think it’s just because of the spelling of her name. Maybe pay a little attention to all the anti women shit some of your buddies keep spewing, that’s if you care.

Posted By: Zeel
Re: Is it because she's a woman that you refuse to spell her name right?
You would be dumb enough to think it’s just because of the spelling of her name. Maybe pay a little attention to all the anti women shit some of your buddies keep spewing, that’s if you care.

Ohhhh mother fucker please 🙄  that was your line of reasoning there Zero?

I have fucked more women than you have. I absolutely LOVE women.  However, I have sucked zero dicks, so you got me there.  Lol

Would think fucking kgirls for cash equates to showing love for women. Get a clue you imbecile.

will stay with me as long as I let them.  Women you have loved will stay with you as long as you keep begging.  That's the difference between us, and why you need to supplement your pussy supply with an occasional dick.  Not judging, love is where you find it.  Sometimes you just bend over and there it is.  

This from the guy who has 400 reviews, mostly kgirls, and claims to have other accounts with even more reviews. The same guy who repeats with kgirls so he can get to know them better and share his superior kgirl knowledge. I doubt you even know what love is. What you sure as shit don't know is me and what my experience with women is. I don't pay for sex because I cannot get it elsewhere. I do it because I want it young and easy. I have zero begging I need to do for a real relationship. Unlike you, I'm not a self centered POS.

any more than you know me.  All I can do is read your reviews and draw some general conclusions from the way you describe your interaction with providers in your own words.  One thing I'm pretty sure of is that, as a result of some of the providers you see, your farts don't make any noise.  Lol

FYI, I have only had one account at TER, but I have changed my username and used several different aliases since I started in 2008.  

Posted By: Zeel
Re: It's Tulsi Gabbard
And he can have her. She was always behaving more like a Republican anyway. She's frequently appeared on Fox News and criticized dem leadership. No surprise here.
Yeah Becuse Dem leadership has 5000% jumped the shark on what were dem values as little as 4 years ago.  

When Hillary Clinton came out and called her an agent of Russia I knew they were beyond full of shit.  

I know a soilder who served under her in Iraq and said she was the best leader he saw in his entire enlistment.  

She has poise and intelegence. If the Dems had put her up instead of Biden in 2020 she’d have handly beat trump and would beat him again but Noooooooo they had to put the puppet Joe Joe in…

-- Modified on 8/26/2024 10:36:29 PM

Washington DC residents looking for their next job. Jokes on them, Democrats won't hire them either. Haha

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