Politics and Religion

Father of Ty Woods, Slain SEAL: White House Told 'Pack of Lies'
ChowderICantHearYou 2527 reads


Father of Ty Woods, Slain SEAL: White House Told 'Pack of Lies'; 'They are the Murderers of My Son'

"I appreciate your introduction, and I do want to reiterate this, and really emphasize again, this is not about politics. This is about--if it were about politics, it would dishonor my son's death. This has to do with honesty and integrity and justice...

This news that he disobeyed his orders does not surprise me. My son was an American hero. And he was going--he had the moral strength to do what was right. Even if that would professionally cost him his job. Even if it would potentially cost him his life. He was a hero who was willing to do whatever was necessary to respond to their cries for help.

If, in fact, those people in the White House were as courageous, and had the moral strength that my son Ty had, immediately, within minutes of when they found there was the first attack, they would have stepped--they would have given permission, not denied permission, for those C-130s to have gone up there. And this is exact--I don't know much about weapons, but it's coming out right now that they actually had laser targets focused on the mortars being sent to kill my son and they refused to pull the trigger. They refused to send those C-130s.

To me--I'm an attorney, this may not legal test of murder. But to me, that is not only cowardice. For those people who made the decision and who knew about the decision and lied about it are murderers of my son.

That's a very strong statement for me to make. But for their benefit, they need to bare their conscience, they need to stand up, and they need to change the direction of their lives.

And I want to say right now: you know who you are. I totally forgive you. But I hope years from now, you change the direction of your life. For your benefit...

This is all a pack of lies. And that's one thing as a father whose son who has been killed--I do not appreciate lies. I do not appreciate cowardice. And I do not appreciate lies.

And I'm a loving person. I love my son, and I want to honor him. And I hope I'm not speaking too strongly, but I am very glad the facts are coming out right now. I do not--the reason I'm even speaking up--we, our family had made the decision not to say anything. But after the facts came out that in real time, the White House, within minutes after the first bullet was fired, they watched my son--they denied his pleas for help.

My son violated his orders in order to protect the lives of at least 30 people. He risked his life to be a hero. I wish that the leadership in the White House had the same moral courage that my son displayed with his life...

I sent you those pictures of him in high school, and I wanted you to show those to the people out there for one reason, and that is so that people can be inspired and know that Ty was just a normal kid, okay? We were an imperfect family, but we were a normal family. And I would hope that his legacy would live on. And that we would raise up a generation of American heroes, and that they would be inspired by his pictures and his life, and that we would raise up a generation of American heroes that are strong morally and strong in every other aspect of their life.

We do not need another generation of liars who lack the moral strength that my son, who was an American hero, had...

I really wish the best to those people that allowed my son to be murdered. And I mean that very sincerely. I want the best for them. But they need to stand up, and they need to change the direction of their lives."

I have to ask who had laser sights on the attackers?

I also have to ask who and what was on the cargo planes, where are the C-130's going to land, and how were they going to get to the embassy, and save lives? with all do respect to military personnel, no one is superman.

I don't believe America has the authority to conduct military missions in Lybia.

Since Laffy must be passed out with a dildo up his butt, I will say it you're full of shit, with this fake outrage. Honesty is not on the ballot.

Fundementally or Financially? Who is going to come out and say that? No one.

Timbow288 reads

Quote :
The father of one of the Navy SEALs who was killed in the Libya consulate attack has criticized the White House reaction to his son's death - especially a bizarre and obscene comment Joe Biden made to him.

And he revealed that at the ceremony for the return of Tyrone's body, the Vice President approached his family and asked, 'Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?

-- Modified on 10/26/2012 8:18:47 PM

Do you follow orders?

Do you do what you believe to be the right thing?

People will be pissed either way.

This is one of those times you have to ask yourself, honestly what do you want?

Don't expect to get it.

Timbow328 reads

Posted By: bigvern
Do you follow orders?

Do you do what you believe to be the right thing?

People will be pissed either way.

This is one of those times you have to ask yourself, honestly what do you want?

Don't expect to get it.
-- Modified on 10/26/2012 8:41:15 PM

The fact that this all happened isn't what concerns me. It's that they seem happy that this happened because they can turn it into political fodder.

It reminds me of the GOP openly saying that after Obama was sworn in, that they hoped he would fail. And then the GOP cynically acting over the next 4 years to intentionally act to cause economic harm to the nation by acting as an obstructionist party, leading up to their destroying the credit rating of the United States.

Since 9/11, the GOP has used those killed that day as political fodder. I wonder if those who died in the Pentagon and those who leap to their deaths out of the World Trade Center knew that their deaths would be used to justify going after the wrong country, and the resultant war becoming a nightmarish quagmire.

The rubble in New York was still smoking when Dubya said we were gonna git those who did this. Only to finish his Presidency with an Iraqi throwing a fucking shoe at his head.

In those eight years, the GOP used the memory of that horrific day for political advantage. Whenever scandal reared it's head on that criminal administration, mysteriously the color coded terror threat level would rise.

This became so blantant that Tom Ridge would later publicly state that he was pressured by the administration to raise terror threat levels in the lead up to the '04 election.


Given the GOP's history on this, it appears just as blantant that Fox News would push a story just days before the '12 election, that this attack in Libya was anything that could have been prevented.

Indeed, news from that day show that there were no credible or specific terror threats known to federal agencies.


So, it should come as no surprise that a full 6 weeks after this event, Fox News would again brazenly use the corpses of our fellow Americans as a political football for their own purposes.

This is vile, folks. When the GOP's lust for power supercedes even that of American blood, you are seeing an entire political party who have become traitors to their nation.

Their candid celebration of American corpses, and using a father's mourning as a political football only demonstrates that they have no shame.

deal with that. Obama had nothing to do with his death, and has killed more terrorists in one year than the goofy shitass Bush killed in his entire 8. Deal with that.

You're going to lose the WH and the Senate, and we will gain House seats. Deal with that.  Just be good little old men and mix up the embalming fluid so we can IV push it into the femoral artery after I pronounce Sarah Mitsy and I spend Daddy's Money Ryan.

followme255 reads

I do not see you and your sissy ass lefties raising your hands saying I'll go - I'll go !

Oh wait, that's right you have a career here as the cartoon queen, and board laughting stock.

You're Welcome
2012 = GOP = Truth

BTW jeffie-poo you are NOT a doctor

The man is obviously mourning right now. What sickens me is that Republicans would be so clinical to politicize it.

We didn't use to do this. We used to come together as Americans when we're attacked. I guess that's just not possible when one party is acting as traitors to their country.

the birther meme, the bullshit meme, the audacity of these two rich white pricks lying to people everytime they open their mouths, and the fuckboard right's obviously poor eduations compounded by their total laziness and swallowing the fox lies and rush bullshit like it's pamblum.

These really are the epitome of the stupid in the US right here on this forum.  Their consummately dumb, they have the actual vocabulary of a fifth grader who has a shit vocabulary for a fifth grader and you damn well know it.  There is a direct correlation of shit education and red districts througout the US.  A plethora of stuides have confirmed this.  Stupid people think RR are telling the truth.  Not reasonable people who can disagree but stupid.

You learned to add to 7.8 trillion when you were 7 and took a few too many ASA.  Chances are if they had never put an NG tube down you you'd be fine. 20 Tylenol can kill you.

followme259 reads

There is no politicizing going on at all. There is a huge difference between that and pointing out the total and complete incompetence of the administration and the total apathy the administration has in regard to the death of four courageous Americans.

The only thing obama wants and cares  is getting re-elected; he does not care about those people who were murdered. Every time obama is asked about it he ducks the issue
Mr.Woods said that obama never looked him in the eye when talking to him and that there was NO sincerity in obama’s voice and also that of clinton’s voice too.

This is just another cover up of a major fuck-up of the administration, just like fast and furious etc.

As for traitors here you go boy-willy


You’re Welcome
2012 = GOP = Truth

I don't think we will ever find out who the real attackers are.

I'm sure they were out sourced, by who I don't know?

The Truth has money to burn.

followme231 reads

The fact that there is a huge cover up, and obama lied about and continues to lie being transparent.

He and his administration has covered up more in 3 1/2 years and is more dishonest than all the presidenst combind.

2012 = GOP = TRUTH

Your truth, or their lies.

Who do you think attacked the embassy, plain ole terrorists?

-- Modified on 10/27/2012 9:25:06 AM

Snowman39201 reads

We both have MORONS on our side, who every time they speak or post hurt our cause.

I would be thrilled if I never heard the word abortion out of another candidates mouth, you you should pray this idiot (Jeffy-Poo) stops posting.

Personally, I hope he keep it up, but you know my motivations.. ;-)

Snowman39296 reads

Oh, poor Jeffy-Poo...

You claim others do not post valid arguments, and yet you can not discredit them....

Oh, Poor Jeffy-Poo....

So mad at the world, unable to achieve so he must lash out at others...

Oh, Poor Jeffy-Poo.....

Still thinking he is making a difference, when he can't even better his own life...

Oh, Poor Jeffy-Poo....

Boy of little credibility, Boy of low self-esteem, Boy of shattered dreams and wanna be  

Oh, Poor Jeffy-Poo...

Snowman39181 reads

What I have seen are people asking serious questions and getting a different story from the White House every week. Be honest, if this was a Bush administration the left would be all over this.

Unfortunately your post seems like an play right out of the liberal play book. Attack the person who dares question you.

Shame there is not a Blue Dress so we could quickly work this one out...

...but the way those questions are being asked right now is obviously political. If we want to fix the problem, this isn't the way to do it.

I'm not sure anything could have been done to prevent this. I'm sure our intelligence capabilities has been badly hurt in post-Ghaddafi Libya. When a nation goes through a revolution, the deck gets shuffled big time.

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