Politics and Religion

Father of Navy SEAL killed during Yemen raid.angry_smile
TwoMints255 reads

Exactly how many parents did Obama meet with?  

I get it the guy's devastated his son died while performing his duty.  We all should honor his memory as the President tried to do. Far more then Obama did.  

Dude will regret his decision.  The military and likely his son/his son's fellow soldiers support the mission and the president.  

Posted By: bigguy30

Exactly.....If you watched the President's speech you would see he called out his widow and she was most gracious and seemed moved by Trump and he words and very supportive of the war on terror, something Obama and Hillary could care less about.  

Remember what Crooked Hillary and Racist Barrack were doing while Americans were losing their lives in Benghazi?

Here, let me remind you.


Posted By: TwoMints
Exactly how many parents did Obama meet with?    
 I get it the guy's devastated his son died while performing his duty.  We all should honor his memory as the President tried to do. Far more then Obama did.    
 Dude will regret his decision.  The military and likely his son/his son's fellow soldiers support the mission and the president.  
Posted By: bigguy30

The generals probably even doubted it...It was pushed back for a reason. Obama knew that this mission was iffy at best so he left it up to trump to make the call and trump being trump wanted his "moment". So I get why the father is pissed ... You don't get any do overs on this one. It was a fuck up but it didn't have to happen.
And I'm sure Obama met with fallen soldiers families and probably make more then enough visits to hospitals to see the wounded..

Hope this give some sort of peace of mind to the young man's father. Not all missions have a 100% success rate.

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