Politics and Religion

Don't believe it can't happen here! Alternate reality!
mattradd 40 Reviews 1262 reads

Just like Mark Cuban probably has Trump's 'number' in regards to his connections to Russia, this article gives great insight into the dynamics involved behind why many people voted for Trump, and why many, if not most will remain loyal to him.

Hillary Clinton is the reason people voted for Trump.

I said many years ago, America was tuning into a third world South American country.

Don't bother to reply if you haven't read the article. Watch out you might learn something if you do! ;)

TwoMints246 reads

Yes Trump supporters are very likely to stick with him if he does what he said he'd do.

Lower taxes, fix that fucked obamacare shit show and protect our borders.  He does those 3 things, or at least pushes and pushes and pushes to do those things, He'll coast to reelection.

Might anyway. Looks like regressives think running that two time loser again is the only way forward.  We'll until she's facing senate hearing again, or jail.

Posted By: mattradd
Don't bother to reply if you haven't read the article. Watch out you might learn something if you do! ;)

TwoMints287 reads

I clicked the link and it say Page not found.

I google the site, cause I don't regularly read shit by choice, and page not found.

Copy paste the text.  So we can enjoy the drivel. Hopefully it doesn't cause permanent diplopia.

Posted By: BigPapasan

TwoMints256 reads


Same result.  While I may be a bit of luddite, It's not beyond my talent to click a link.

Maybe they don't want someone with a bit of critic thinking to read their bullshit.

Posted By: BigPapasan

Mr.M.Johnson325 reads

with a 3 fucking word non-response - brilliant Euro, absolutely fucking brilliant!

I think all administrations govern on populist issues take guns and abortion for example, at any given time how often do most people have to make the decision to buy a gun or get an abortion? Probably not to often.

And as far as populism goes, Hillary one the popular vote, which kind of kills that whole argument right there.

Mr.M.Johnson268 reads

In short, Illegitamate President Trump - remember please that he won MI, WI and PA by a total of 77K votes due to Putin and Comey - was able to gain a large majority of rural uneducated rust belt voters because they are DESPARATE.  He won these votes 75-25 which is a landslide squared.  These people bought the carnival-barker conman's PROMISE of bringimg their plant/coal jobs back - it's really a last ditch/chance for them.  Unfortunately it ain't gonna work for them.

But, they're hangin on for dear life because Hillary, and/or no one else is making the same/better promises.  


St. Croix280 reads

Both Donald & Bernie are a lot like Hugo. Hugo had his own TV show during his presidency? He was a pretty slick con man, wouldn't you say? It was a way for him to keep a hold on his followers, who by the way suffered the most with his policies. Donald and Hugo have a lot in common, both like a good show!

Now Bernie is like Chavez on the economics side. Bernie loathes capitalism. He preaches revolution and condemns capitalism. I remember vividly his interview on CNBC, when he said, "Americans have too many choices in life".  

See Matt, 2 months into a Bernie Presidency, this same article could have been printed about the "ALT LEFT".  

So what do I do? Do I take the money and run in Trump's Alternate Reality, or would I gladly be taxed into oblivion under the slogan of, "The Equal Sharing of Misery". At least with the first choice, money provides opportunity, security and freedom. The difference between an individualist vs communal approach.  

You need to listen to the independents and moderates Matt, before they disappear.

And regarding Mark Cuban, Mark is about Mark, and positioning for a run in 2020. If the Dems had andy fucking sense, they would retire the Bern, the Elizabeth, the Biden, and whatever crap you have left, and recruit Howard Schultz, Bob Iger, or even a Sheryl Sandberg (do you even know who she is?).

Posted By: mattradd
Just like Mark Cuban probably has Trump's 'number' in regards to his connections to Russia, this article gives great insight into the dynamics involved behind why many people voted for Trump, and why many, if not most will remain loyal to him.

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