Politics and Religion

I don't know, I don't care but this doesn't sound good...
Robertini 4 Reviews 1411 reads

I was virtually unemployed and broke for the last two years. I've read the news and seen people around suffer. But still I don't know the facts and stuff. But hearing that the U.S. will enter another recession... Does this mean the last recession ended?
But it doesn't matter by now everybody should have readjusted their life and know how to live.
Thank you mrnogood

Priapus53140 reads

shows that your self-esteem is non existent.

-- Modified on 8/22/2012 3:42:36 PM

mrnogood132 reads

to hold on to the old ways, it will just make us miserable.. When the truth is we don't have to be miserable, if we just let go..

Your welcome robert, I'm flattered.. LOL

Now let me stop, before the other boys accuse us of being kissing cousins...LMAO

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