Politics and Religion

Every time I think you have engaged civility, you fool me
pwilley 59 Reviews 132 reads

Sorry dude, only solution I see for you is that maybe you should mix up one of those three drug cocktails like the kind served on death row and give it a try yourself.  You spew nothing but hatred and vial with no sense of truth.  

Romney never dodged the draft unlike your heroes such as Clinton and Biden who both used Canada as an escape as written in Clinton's own published book.  Oh, in case you have been in a vegetative state for half a century, there hasn't been a draft since about 1970.

You would be far more productive with your time if you avoided posting on TER and instead try spending some time killing the cockroaches that run wild around your dwelling...

Navy destroyers to the Libyan coast. Officials said the ships, the USS McFaul and USS Laboon, which carry Tomahawk cruise missiles, did not have a specific mission, but they give commanders flexibility to respond to any mission ordered by the president.

Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team, or FAST, the team's role is to respond on short notice to terrorism threats and to bolster security at U.S. embassies. They operate worldwide, and the team that went is one of two that are based in Spain.

NG telling people to read is like the Titanic opening an international sailing school.

nuguy46110 reads

very sensitive on your part.
but then again, nothing new for stuff coming out of your finger-tapping posts.

In this ever changing world, sometimes events reveal more about truth than we thought in the past.  Thus, we must flip flop on our previous postions.  As a result, my new foreign policy calls for the immediate withdrawal of all US forces from Afghanistan and Iraq and Pakistan borders.  Let me be clear, this move does not and should not be construed as a retreat from protecting US interests.  No nation should doubt the resolve of the US.  And from this moment going forward, any nation that harbors terrorists, any nation that is the origin of those who commit violence against US interests, shall fall under the simple tenat of the US 24 hour rule.  Make no mistake, any nation which fails to take swift and decisive action to prevent it's citizens from perpetuating violence against the US or it's interests will after 24 hours of non action, will see it's capital city destroyed by whatever means are necessary to make it uninhabital.  No longer will the US sit idly by, while rogue regimes plot, attack, and disrupt the peaceful world order.

rip those Republican partiers out of dorms to implement the draft to give us enough troops to attack in an exponential number of new wars.  Because I haven't talked to one GOPster yet who wants their little darlings in the Armed forces out of the dorms and frat houses.

Romney dodged the draft and his 5 sons have no intention of being part of his new 100,000 troop increase in which he's pulling the troops out  of his ass along with his near doubling of defense expenditures to the tune of $2.3 trillion.

Where you getting the money and  troops for this policy generalwannabe pwilley? You don't fucking have a clue.

Sorry dude, only solution I see for you is that maybe you should mix up one of those three drug cocktails like the kind served on death row and give it a try yourself.  You spew nothing but hatred and vial with no sense of truth.  

Romney never dodged the draft unlike your heroes such as Clinton and Biden who both used Canada as an escape as written in Clinton's own published book.  Oh, in case you have been in a vegetative state for half a century, there hasn't been a draft since about 1970.

You would be far more productive with your time if you avoided posting on TER and instead try spending some time killing the cockroaches that run wild around your dwelling...

to join the wars that Bush stupidly started.  We need a draft tomorrow and that will stop; the stupidity in Iran and Afghanistan on a fucking dime.

You can't  kill the spirochetes that proliferate in your brain and have destroyed all viable tissue.

Don't  know about your expertise as an exterminator but I will  show you where to put the embalming fluid in Ryan and  Romney in 54 days.

Look dude, we get it.  Enough already.  Virtually everyone who ever looked on this stinking board knows that "ANY" comment made by a conservative, made in favor of a conservative, or critical of a dem, is going to result in some hatred embraced comment by you.  We all get it.

Now, just STFU, get a life, and go kill some of the cockroaches that run around your house.  Believe your reviews suck and you really need to get it together.  It's really sad when a ho won't even come visit you a second time for fear a cockroach will scurry up her leg while around you.  Trust me, dealing with that would be far more useful for you than all this crap you post.

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