Politics and Religion

Even MSNBC is saying it was a disaster for Biden. eom
inicky46 61 Reviews 8 reads


But the drug cocktail they shot Biden up with aren't having the same effect as at the state of the union….

That was rough.......
The DNC may be having an emergency meeting tonight.

I'm not on the MSNBC panel, but I think Biden did not do well. However, Trump continued to spew his lies about almost everything and it is very hard to counter that in 1 minute rebuttal increments. Trump took credit for Biden's insulin price cuts. (Trump approved a VOLUNTARY Medicare program to that insurers could use to cap SOME insulin products at $35. Very few insurers participated.) Biden at first said that his insulin cap was $15 but corrected himself later in the debate and admitted that he should have said $35. (Some will call Biden's "$15" a lie. Others will call it a flub or a slip. He CORRECTED it later.)  
Trump took credit for Obama's Veterans' Choice legislation. Trump did pass an expansion of Obama's VC to cover more vets but the heavy lifting to get VC passed was very difficult and due to Obama. Biden passed several Vet legislations, from medical (PACT Act) to jobs for vets, etc.. And Trump said that Biden cut benefits?
Trump claimed that Dem's favor abortions into the 9th month and POST birth!??! HOW MANY TIMES HAS THAT BEEN DEBUNKED? (EVERY time, except not by Biden.) Trump claimed that "his" economy was the best ever??? with no mention of metrics that say otherwise.  
Trump's former Chief of Staff General John Kelly stands by his claim that Trump called soldiers suckers. Trump said it was a made up story and bragged that 19 UNNAMED sources who WEREN'T PRESENT during the conversation said that Trump never said it. Why only 19? Make it 50 or 500 others who say that Trump never said it? Kelly called Trump "the most flawed person" he has ever met.  
"A former White House chief of staff, retired Marine general John Kelly, told friends that Donald Trump’s “dishonesty” is “astounding” and “pathetic”, a report has said. "The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me,” the retired Marine general told friends, according to a report by CNN. “The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it's more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life."
Trump CLAIMED that Pelosi took responsibility’ for not calling National Guard on Jan. 6. For several weeks since it's release, the GOP has taken sound bites and clips from the full interview to spin that lie. EVERY fact-checking site has FULLY DEBUNKED that lie and slur, e.g.,  
Biden dropped the ball on so many Trump lies. But it is very hard to rebut a firehose of lies when you're limited to 60 second rebuttals. You need to be a full-time Trump lie analyst to recognize, expose, AND REFUTE his lies.
I'd like to go back to my previous real-time fact checking, but change it, maybe like this:
Moderator: Question.
Candidate-1: 2 minute answer.
Candidate-2: 1 minute rebuttal.
Candidate-2 Fact Checking Team: 2-5 minutes to show (maybe pre-approved) video, recordings, etc. rebutting Candidate-1 or supporting Candidate-2.  
Candidate-1 Fact Checking Team: 1-3 minutes to rebut Team-2 (with pre-approved video / audio).  
The idea is that if Candidat-1 is going to claim, "I passed legislation X" that Team-1 will have provided the moderators with video, audio, slides, to support that claim. If Candidate-1 anticipates certain claims against them will be made by Candidate-2, Team-1 will have provided video, audio, etc.. When allowed, Team-1 will instruct the moderator control room to please play Item-1234 (30 second video), Item-5678 (20 second audio), Item-9876 (display slide for 10 seconds) = 1 minute "fact checking" stuff.  
In the absence of real-time fact-checking, we have to read the articles being published by reputable organizations over the next several days, and the press releases from both camps about errors and omissions.  
Either that or 20 (or 50!) single topic 1-hour "debates" between the Candidates and their teams sitting at tables, like a Sunday morning politics show.
What a mess.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Even MSNBC is saying it was a disaster for Biden. eom

The partisan hack excuse machine and it  is running at full speed.

2024 = Trump 270+

One more thing

We needed someone other than you to call out and dissect Trumps lies but sadly, that someone, Joe, was asleep at the wheel.

“Trump claimed that Dem's favor abortions into the 9th month and POST birth!??! HOW MANY TIMES HAS THAT BEEN DEBUNKED? (EVERY time, except not by Biden.)”

My own former Governor Ralph Northam said it on a live call in radio show. What the fuck you mean debunked?  

I’m getting a little fucking tired of Dems calling Trump a liar when he’s telling the goddamned truth.

Two old men yelling at the clouds. I so much enjoyed the side argument about who was better at golf. Icing on the American cake.

Sometimes, depending on the men, it can be entertaining.

Posted By: WIMissScarlet
Re: It was bad....
Two old men yelling at the clouds. I so much enjoyed the side argument about who was better at golf. Icing on the American cake.

I don’t know how it looked, but it sounded bad for Joe. The analysts they brought on post debate were all Dem friendly, but also all agreed it wasn’t a good night for President Biden.

Biden looked frail, spoke frail.  Trump looked considerably younger, behavior wise, than Biden.

biden looked like the decrepit old fucked he is and trump looked cool calm and collected.

2024 = Trump 270+

-- Modified on 6/28/2024 6:42:26 AM

Biden has typically been like that with extemporaneous comments -- so no one, especially party leaders, should have been surprised.  And if they weren't surprised, it is plausible that they set Biden up to fail so they could convince him to drop out.  It would be very difficult, DNC rules wise, to force him to drop out.  It has been speculated that the DNC suggested the early debate as test for Biden, early enough so they could depose him if needed.  The signal is that he failed the test.  Can they talk him into dropping out?  There's no benefit for him to drop out.  Especially since Trump is likely going to be sentenced to a multi year prison sentence in July and have to campaign from behind bars.  Biden will think he can still win.  

Trump will not spend a day in jail. Guaranteed.

Credit where it is due ... CNN for the most part, conducted a fair debate.  They did rescue Biden when he glitched out.  But probably out of a sense of pity more than a sense of partisanship.

from Trump, they will have to identify him through dental records.  Lol

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